Your teamassembles acombo thatuses cardsfrom bothdecksYour teamachieves"Coven"Your team has5 differentcounters onplayers orpermanentsYour teamends the turnwith 10 ormore untappedlandsBothteammatestake their"FreeMulligans"Bothteammatessearch theirlibrary on thesame turnUse a Non-Magic cardfor a tokenor gamepieceWin or losethrough"CommanderDamage"A team in theroom losestheirB.I.N.G.OcardYour teamplays a"boardwipe"Your team has3 or morecards in theCommandZoneAteammateis"Hellbent"Your teamplays a cardthat says "eachopponent orplayer"Your teamplays 4 ormore landson the sameturnYour teamgains theMonarchyYour team has5 or moreLegendarypermanents inplayBothteammateshave theirCommandersin playYour teamhas 80 ormore lifeHave a(legitimate)Judge Callor inquirySomeone atyour table iswearingCanada Dayclothing oraccessoriesYour teamhas all 5colors in thecommandzoneBothteammatesplay a "ManaRock" on thesame turnThe enemyteam'sCommandersshare 2 of thesame colorsBothteammateshaves morethan 7 cardsin handYour teamdraws 7 ormore cardson the sameturnYour team has5 differentcard frames inplay at thesame timeYour team"AlphaStrikes" theenemy teamHave 3 ormore spellson the stackat the sametimeYour team has10 or morecollective"CommanderTax"Your teamassembles acombo thatuses cardsfrom bothdecksYour teamachieves"Coven"Your team has5 differentcounters onplayers orpermanentsYour teamends the turnwith 10 ormore untappedlandsBothteammatestake their"FreeMulligans"Bothteammatessearch theirlibrary on thesame turnUse a Non-Magic cardfor a tokenor gamepieceWin or losethrough"CommanderDamage"A team in theroom losestheirB.I.N.G.OcardYour teamplays a"boardwipe"Your team has3 or morecards in theCommandZoneAteammateis"Hellbent"Your teamplays a cardthat says "eachopponent orplayer"Your teamplays 4 ormore landson the sameturnYour teamgains theMonarchyYour team has5 or moreLegendarypermanents inplayBothteammateshave theirCommandersin playYour teamhas 80 ormore lifeHave a(legitimate)Judge Callor inquirySomeone atyour table iswearingCanada Dayclothing oraccessoriesYour teamhas all 5colors in thecommandzoneBothteammatesplay a "ManaRock" on thesame turnThe enemyteam'sCommandersshare 2 of thesame colorsBothteammateshaves morethan 7 cardsin handYour teamdraws 7 ormore cardson the sameturnYour team has5 differentcard frames inplay at thesame timeYour team"AlphaStrikes" theenemy teamHave 3 ormore spellson the stackat the sametimeYour team has10 or morecollective"CommanderTax"

Exor Games Two-Headed Giant - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Your team assembles a combo that uses cards from both decks
  2. Your team achieves "Coven"
  3. Your team has 5 different counters on players or permanents
  4. Your team ends the turn with 10 or more untapped lands
  5. Both teammates take their "Free Mulligans"
  6. Both teammates search their library on the same turn
  7. Use a Non-Magic card for a token or game piece
  8. Win or lose through "Commander Damage"
  9. A team in the room loses their B.I.N.G.O card
  10. Your team plays a "board wipe"
  11. Your team has 3 or more cards in the Command Zone
  12. A teammate is "Hellbent"
  13. Your team plays a card that says "each opponent or player"
  14. Your team plays 4 or more lands on the same turn
  15. Your team gains the Monarchy
  16. Your team has 5 or more Legendary permanents in play
  17. Both teammates have their Commanders in play
  18. Your team has 80 or more life
  19. Have a (legitimate) Judge Call or inquiry
  20. Someone at your table is wearing Canada Day clothing or accessories
  21. Your team has all 5 colors in the command zone
  22. Both teammates play a "Mana Rock" on the same turn
  23. The enemy team's Commanders share 2 of the same colors
  24. Both teammates haves more than 7 cards in hand
  25. Your team draws 7 or more cards on the same turn
  26. Your team has 5 different card frames in play at the same time
  27. Your team "Alpha Strikes" the enemy team
  28. Have 3 or more spells on the stack at the same time
  29. Your team has 10 or more collective "Commander Tax"