* A Clerinetsqueaks andthe banddirector givesthem “TheLook”*Percussionistplay way tolate* Directoris wearinga musicrelated tie*Percussionistsplay wayyy toquiet* Frenchhorn soundslike a dyingmoose* Band directortalks abouthow muchbetter theother band is* Directorstands indisappointedsilence (FreeSpace)* Someoneempty’s therespit and itgets onanother player* You believe tohave the worstmusic stand inthe classroomand can prove itin a court of law* Someonegets caughtfake writingbecause theydon’t have apencil* Someoneplays a wrongnote then actslike something iswrong with thereinstrument* Band endslate andstudents haveto run fast totheir next class* A saxplayscarelesswhisper* Some kid comesinto the band roomduring rehearsal toget thereinstrumentbecause they areleaving* Directortells a storythat takes upmost/all ofclass* Director yellsout to check thekey signaturefor the 3rd timein a row* Trumpetsplay as highas they canbefore bandstarts* Someonecontinues toplay 4measures afterthe banddirector cut off* Directoryells out“Pitch!” Butnobody canhear them* Somebodypretends towrite on theremusic when thedirector toldthem to* Somebodybelieves tohave lost theremusic, thensays someonestole it* Someonemiscounts theirrests, misses theirentrance, thenblames it onsomething otherthan themselves* The phonecontinues tointerrupt theclass* Director says“One moretime” or“Repeat thatsection” severaltimes in a row* Tubas playmore than 3measures ina row withoutbreathing* A Clerinetsqueaks andthe banddirector givesthem “TheLook”*Percussionistplay way tolate* Directoris wearinga musicrelated tie*Percussionistsplay wayyy toquiet* Frenchhorn soundslike a dyingmoose* Band directortalks abouthow muchbetter theother band is* Directorstands indisappointedsilence (FreeSpace)* Someoneempty’s therespit and itgets onanother player* You believe tohave the worstmusic stand inthe classroomand can prove itin a court of law* Someonegets caughtfake writingbecause theydon’t have apencil* Someoneplays a wrongnote then actslike something iswrong with thereinstrument* Band endslate andstudents haveto run fast totheir next class* A saxplayscarelesswhisper* Some kid comesinto the band roomduring rehearsal toget thereinstrumentbecause they areleaving* Directortells a storythat takes upmost/all ofclass* Director yellsout to check thekey signaturefor the 3rd timein a row* Trumpetsplay as highas they canbefore bandstarts* Someonecontinues toplay 4measures afterthe banddirector cut off* Directoryells out“Pitch!” Butnobody canhear them* Somebodypretends towrite on theremusic when thedirector toldthem to* Somebodybelieves tohave lost theremusic, thensays someonestole it* Someonemiscounts theirrests, misses theirentrance, thenblames it onsomething otherthan themselves* The phonecontinues tointerrupt theclass* Director says“One moretime” or“Repeat thatsection” severaltimes in a row* Tubas playmore than 3measures ina row withoutbreathing

Band - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. * A Clerinet squeaks and the band director gives them “The Look”
  2. * Percussionist play way to late
  3. * Director is wearing a music related tie
  4. * Percussionists play wayyy to quiet
  5. * French horn sounds like a dying moose
  6. * Band director talks about how much better the other band is
  7. * Director stands in disappointed silence (Free Space)
  8. * Someone empty’s there spit and it gets on another player
  9. * You believe to have the worst music stand in the classroom and can prove it in a court of law
  10. * Someone gets caught fake writing because they don’t have a pencil
  11. * Someone plays a wrong note then acts like something is wrong with there instrument
  12. * Band ends late and students have to run fast to their next class
  13. * A sax plays careless whisper
  14. * Some kid comes into the band room during rehearsal to get there instrument because they are leaving
  15. * Director tells a story that takes up most/all of class
  16. * Director yells out to check the key signature for the 3rd time in a row
  17. * Trumpets play as high as they can before band starts
  18. * Someone continues to play 4 measures after the band director cut off
  19. * Director yells out “Pitch!” But nobody can hear them
  20. * Somebody pretends to write on there music when the director told them to
  21. * Somebody believes to have lost there music, then says someone stole it
  22. * Someone miscounts their rests, misses their entrance, then blames it on something other than themselves
  23. * The phone continues to interrupt the class
  24. * Director says “One more time” or “Repeat that section” several times in a row
  25. * Tubas play more than 3 measures in a row without breathing