Action Charades: Havestudents take turnsacting out differentactivities (e.g., running,dancing, eating) whileothers guess what theyare doing using thepresent continuous tense("You are dancing").Role Play: Set upscenarios wherestudents have to use thepresent continuous. Forexample, a phoneconversation where onestudent asks anotherwhat they are doing atthe moment.Design a bingo cardwith a grid (e.g., 5x5).Each square on thegrid should contain adifferent actionphrase in the presentcontinuous tense.I amlisteningto music.The goal is toget five coveredsquares in a rowhorizontally,vertically, ordiagonally.Draw an actionphrase fromthe hat orcontainer andread it aloud.Teaching the presentcontinuous can befun and engagingwith a mix ofactivities, games, andpractical exercises.Here are some ideas:I amstudying.He iscleaning.Repeat:They areplayingsoccer.Free!MaterialsNeeded:Music and Songs: Usesongs that have a lot ofpresent continuousexamples. Havestudents listen andidentify the verbs usedin the presentcontinuous form.Give eachstudent a bingocard and a setof markers orchips to coverthe squares.You aredrawing.ChatGPTStarttheGame:List of actionswritten in thepresentcontinuous tense(e.g., "is eating","are running", "amreading")Steps toCreate andPlayGrammarBingo:He isrunning.Interactive Games:Use online platforms orapps that focus onverb tenses. Gameslike "Kahoot!" can becustomized to includequestions about thepresent continuoustense.Grammar Bingo:Create bingo cardswith different presentcontinuoussentences. Read outthe actions, andstudents mark theircards accordingly.Write out a list of actionphrases in the presentcontinuous tense on slipsof paper and place themin a hat or container.Ensure you have enoughphrases so that theycover all the squares onthe bingo cards.The catissleeping.I to teachpresentcontinuousin a fun andpractical wayCreateBingoCards:Board Games:Design a board gamewhere students haveto form sentences inthe presentcontinuous tense tomove forward.She isjogging.explain ir deeperGrammar Bingo:Create bingo cardswith different presentcontinuous sentences.Read out the actions,and students marktheir cards accordingly.He isjumping.Bingo cardswith a 5x5grid (or anyother sizeyou prefer)Check the winningstudent’s card toensure thephrases markedcorrespond to theones you calledout.Distributethe BingoCards:I amcycling.We areswimming.She isdriving.ExampleBingoCardPhrases:ExplaintheRules:Theyaredancing.Daily RoutineDiscussion: Askstudents to describetheir daily routines atdifferent times of theday using the presentcontinuous tense ("At 8a.m., I am havingbreakfast").She ispainting.We aresinging.Continue drawingand readingphrases until astudent gets fivein a row and callsout "Bingo!"You can create thecards yourself or useonline bingo cardgenerators torandomize the actionsacross different cardsso no two cards areidentical.We arewatchingTV.ChatGPTClassroom Survey:Create a survey wherestudents ask eachother what they arecurrently doing ("Whatare you doing rightnow?"). They can thenreport their findings tothe class.If correct,declare thestudent thewinner andconsider offeringa small prize.She iscooking.Explain to the studentsthat you will be callingout action phrases,and they need to findand cover thecorresponding phraseon their bingo card.VerifytheBingo:Markers orchips forstudents tocover theirbingo cardsChatGPTTheyaretalking.Thedog isbarking.Clear the cardsand play anotherround, or switchup the phrasesand distributenew bingo cards.Youarewriting.Grammar Bingo is afun and interactive wayto practice the presentcontinuous tense.Here’s a detailedexplanation on how tocreate and playGrammar Bingo in yourclassroom:They arelaughing.Story Creation: Havestudents create shortstories or dialoguesusing the presentcontinuous. They canwork in pairs or smallgroups and presenttheir stories to theclass.PrepareActionPhrases:They areshopping.He isreadinga book.Picture Descriptions:Use pictures or videosdepicting variousactions. Ask studentsto describe what ishappening in theimages using thepresent continuoustense.Give students amoment to findand cover thephrase on theirbingo card.A hat orcontainer todraw actionphrases fromIntegrating theseactivities will helpmake the learningprocess enjoyableand practical forstudents.I ameating.Action Charades: Havestudents take turnsacting out differentactivities (e.g., running,dancing, eating) whileothers guess what theyare doing using thepresent continuous tense("You are dancing").Role Play: Set upscenarios wherestudents have to use thepresent continuous. Forexample, a phoneconversation where onestudent asks anotherwhat they are doing atthe moment.Design a bingo cardwith a grid (e.g., 5x5).Each square on thegrid should contain adifferent actionphrase in the presentcontinuous tense.I amlisteningto music.The goal is toget five coveredsquares in a rowhorizontally,vertically, ordiagonally.Draw an actionphrase fromthe hat orcontainer andread it aloud.Teaching the presentcontinuous can befun and engagingwith a mix ofactivities, games, andpractical exercises.Here are some ideas:I amstudying.He iscleaning.Repeat:They areplayingsoccer.Free!MaterialsNeeded:Music and Songs: Usesongs that have a lot ofpresent continuousexamples. Havestudents listen andidentify the verbs usedin the presentcontinuous form.Give eachstudent a bingocard and a setof markers orchips to coverthe squares.You aredrawing.ChatGPTStarttheGame:List of actionswritten in thepresentcontinuous tense(e.g., "is eating","are running", "amreading")Steps toCreate andPlayGrammarBingo:He isrunning.Interactive Games:Use online platforms orapps that focus onverb tenses. Gameslike "Kahoot!" can becustomized to includequestions about thepresent continuoustense.Grammar Bingo:Create bingo cardswith different presentcontinuoussentences. Read outthe actions, andstudents mark theircards accordingly.Write out a list of actionphrases in the presentcontinuous tense on slipsof paper and place themin a hat or container.Ensure you have enoughphrases so that theycover all the squares onthe bingo cards.The catissleeping.I to teachpresentcontinuousin a fun andpractical wayCreateBingoCards:Board Games:Design a board gamewhere students haveto form sentences inthe presentcontinuous tense tomove forward.She isjogging.explain ir deeperGrammar Bingo:Create bingo cardswith different presentcontinuous sentences.Read out the actions,and students marktheir cards accordingly.He isjumping.Bingo cardswith a 5x5grid (or anyother sizeyou prefer)Check the winningstudent’s card toensure thephrases markedcorrespond to theones you calledout.Distributethe BingoCards:I amcycling.We areswimming.She isdriving.ExampleBingoCardPhrases:ExplaintheRules:Theyaredancing.Daily RoutineDiscussion: Askstudents to describetheir daily routines atdifferent times of theday using the presentcontinuous tense ("At 8a.m., I am havingbreakfast").She ispainting.We aresinging.Continue drawingand readingphrases until astudent gets fivein a row and callsout "Bingo!"You can create thecards yourself or useonline bingo cardgenerators torandomize the actionsacross different cardsso no two cards areidentical.We arewatchingTV.ChatGPTClassroom Survey:Create a survey wherestudents ask eachother what they arecurrently doing ("Whatare you doing rightnow?"). They can thenreport their findings tothe class.If correct,declare thestudent thewinner andconsider offeringa small prize.She iscooking.Explain to the studentsthat you will be callingout action phrases,and they need to findand cover thecorresponding phraseon their bingo card.VerifytheBingo:Markers orchips forstudents tocover theirbingo cardsChatGPTTheyaretalking.Thedog isbarking.Clear the cardsand play anotherround, or switchup the phrasesand distributenew bingo cards.Youarewriting.Grammar Bingo is afun and interactive wayto practice the presentcontinuous tense.Here’s a detailedexplanation on how tocreate and playGrammar Bingo in yourclassroom:They arelaughing.Story Creation: Havestudents create shortstories or dialoguesusing the presentcontinuous. They canwork in pairs or smallgroups and presenttheir stories to theclass.PrepareActionPhrases:They areshopping.He isreadinga book.Picture Descriptions:Use pictures or videosdepicting variousactions. Ask studentsto describe what ishappening in theimages using thepresent continuoustense.Give students amoment to findand cover thephrase on theirbingo card.A hat orcontainer todraw actionphrases fromIntegrating theseactivities will helpmake the learningprocess enjoyableand practical forstudents.I ameating.

Present Continous Tense - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Action Charades: Have students take turns acting out different activities (e.g., running, dancing, eating) while others guess what they are doing using the present continuous tense ("You are dancing").
  2. Role Play: Set up scenarios where students have to use the present continuous. For example, a phone conversation where one student asks another what they are doing at the moment.
  3. Design a bingo card with a grid (e.g., 5x5). Each square on the grid should contain a different action phrase in the present continuous tense.
  4. I am listening to music.
  5. The goal is to get five covered squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  6. Draw an action phrase from the hat or container and read it aloud.
  7. Teaching the present continuous can be fun and engaging with a mix of activities, games, and practical exercises. Here are some ideas:
  8. I am studying.
  9. He is cleaning.
  10. Repeat:
  11. They are playing soccer.
  12. Free!
  13. Materials Needed:
  14. Music and Songs: Use songs that have a lot of present continuous examples. Have students listen and identify the verbs used in the present continuous form.
  15. Give each student a bingo card and a set of markers or chips to cover the squares.
  16. You are drawing.
  17. ChatGPT
  18. Start the Game:
  19. List of actions written in the present continuous tense (e.g., "is eating", "are running", "am reading")
  20. Steps to Create and Play Grammar Bingo:
  21. He is running.
  22. Interactive Games: Use online platforms or apps that focus on verb tenses. Games like "Kahoot!" can be customized to include questions about the present continuous tense.
  23. Grammar Bingo: Create bingo cards with different present continuous sentences. Read out the actions, and students mark their cards accordingly.
  24. Write out a list of action phrases in the present continuous tense on slips of paper and place them in a hat or container. Ensure you have enough phrases so that they cover all the squares on the bingo cards.
  25. The cat is sleeping.
  26. I am walking.
  27. how to teach present continuous in a fun and practical way
  28. Create Bingo Cards:
  29. Board Games: Design a board game where students have to form sentences in the present continuous tense to move forward.
  30. She is jogging.
  31. explain ir deeper Grammar Bingo: Create bingo cards with different present continuous sentences. Read out the actions, and students mark their cards accordingly.
  32. He is jumping.
  33. Bingo cards with a 5x5 grid (or any other size you prefer)
  34. Check the winning student’s card to ensure the phrases marked correspond to the ones you called out.
  35. Distribute the Bingo Cards:
  36. I am cycling.
  37. We are swimming.
  38. She is driving.
  39. Example Bingo Card Phrases:
  40. Explain the Rules:
  41. They are dancing.
  42. Daily Routine Discussion: Ask students to describe their daily routines at different times of the day using the present continuous tense ("At 8 a.m., I am having breakfast").
  43. She is painting.
  44. We are singing.
  45. Continue drawing and reading phrases until a student gets five in a row and calls out "Bingo!"
  46. You can create the cards yourself or use online bingo card generators to randomize the actions across different cards so no two cards are identical.
  47. We are watching TV.
  48. ChatGPT
  49. Classroom Survey: Create a survey where students ask each other what they are currently doing ("What are you doing right now?"). They can then report their findings to the class.
  50. If correct, declare the student the winner and consider offering a small prize.
  51. She is cooking.
  52. Explain to the students that you will be calling out action phrases, and they need to find and cover the corresponding phrase on their bingo card.
  53. Verify the Bingo:
  54. Markers or chips for students to cover their bingo cards
  55. ChatGPT
  56. They are talking.
  57. The dog is barking.
  58. Clear the cards and play another round, or switch up the phrases and distribute new bingo cards.
  59. You are writing.
  60. Grammar Bingo is a fun and interactive way to practice the present continuous tense. Here’s a detailed explanation on how to create and play Grammar Bingo in your classroom:
  61. They are laughing.
  62. Story Creation: Have students create short stories or dialogues using the present continuous. They can work in pairs or small groups and present their stories to the class.
  63. Prepare Action Phrases:
  64. They are shopping.
  65. He is reading a book.
  66. Picture Descriptions: Use pictures or videos depicting various actions. Ask students to describe what is happening in the images using the present continuous tense.
  67. Give students a moment to find and cover the phrase on their bingo card.
  68. A hat or container to draw action phrases from
  69. Integrating these activities will help make the learning process enjoyable and practical for students.
  70. I am eating.