Someonewho boughtleather pantsand worethem to workSomeone whovolunteers andwhat does thatmean to them?Have someonetell you abouttheir firstproject andwhat theylearned from itSomeonewho has atattoo with astory, get thescoopSomeonewho can singthe openingsong of an80's sitcomSomeone whohas hadsmalltalk withRichard andwhat did hesay?Someone whoworked in a differentHQ function in GapInc., other thanStore Ops and howwas it different?someone wholikes to cookand what'stheir favoriterecipe?Someonewho has anunusual petand get aphotoSomeone who canhave aconversation inanother language,and how did theylearn it?Someonewho has abirthday inthe samemonth as youSomeone whohas a bigfamily withinterestingcharactersgetsomeoneto sing asong to youSomeonewho hasworked inan AthletaSomeonewho foundsomethingodd in ashipment boxSomeone wholikes toexercise andwhat does thatmean to them?Someone whoworked for adifferent retailerand what wasthat like?Someonewho hatesmayo andwhy?Someone whohas visitedanother country,where did theygo and what didthey learn?Someone whohas gone to afamily reunionin the lastyearSomeone whocan drive astick shift andhow did theylearn?Someonewho is theyoungestchildSomeone wholikes the samemusic as youand why dothey connectwith it?Someonewith theoppositeDisc profileas youSomeonewho hasparticipatedin a Dorisstore visitSomeone whocan summarizetheir own brandin three wordsand what arethey?someone whoplays a musicalinstrument andhow did thatcome to be?Someonewho can listthe last 5Gap Inc.CEOsSomeonewho haseaten brainsand/ortongueSomeonewho boughtleather pantsand worethem to workSomeone whovolunteers andwhat does thatmean to them?Have someonetell you abouttheir firstproject andwhat theylearned from itSomeonewho has atattoo with astory, get thescoopSomeonewho can singthe openingsong of an80's sitcomSomeone whohas hadsmalltalk withRichard andwhat did hesay?Someone whoworked in a differentHQ function in GapInc., other thanStore Ops and howwas it different?someone wholikes to cookand what'stheir favoriterecipe?Someonewho has anunusual petand get aphotoSomeone who canhave aconversation inanother language,and how did theylearn it?Someonewho has abirthday inthe samemonth as youSomeone whohas a bigfamily withinterestingcharactersgetsomeoneto sing asong to youSomeonewho hasworked inan AthletaSomeonewho foundsomethingodd in ashipment boxSomeone wholikes toexercise andwhat does thatmean to them?Someone whoworked for adifferent retailerand what wasthat like?Someonewho hatesmayo andwhy?Someone whohas visitedanother country,where did theygo and what didthey learn?Someone whohas gone to afamily reunionin the lastyearSomeone whocan drive astick shift andhow did theylearn?Someonewho is theyoungestchildSomeone wholikes the samemusic as youand why dothey connectwith it?Someonewith theoppositeDisc profileas youSomeonewho hasparticipatedin a Dorisstore visitSomeone whocan summarizetheir own brandin three wordsand what arethey?someone whoplays a musicalinstrument andhow did thatcome to be?Someonewho can listthe last 5Gap Inc.CEOsSomeonewho haseaten brainsand/ortongue

SCOOP BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone who bought leather pants and wore them to work
  2. Someone who volunteers and what does that mean to them?
  3. Have someone tell you about their first project and what they learned from it
  4. Someone who has a tattoo with a story, get the scoop
  5. Someone who can sing the opening song of an 80's sitcom
  6. Someone who has had smalltalk with Richard and what did he say?
  7. Someone who worked in a different HQ function in Gap Inc., other than Store Ops and how was it different?
  8. someone who likes to cook and what's their favorite recipe?
  9. Someone who has an unusual pet and get a photo
  10. Someone who can have a conversation in another language, and how did they learn it?
  11. Someone who has a birthday in the same month as you
  12. Someone who has a big family with interesting characters
  13. get someone to sing a song to you
  14. Someone who has worked in an Athleta
  15. Someone who found something odd in a shipment box
  16. Someone who likes to exercise and what does that mean to them?
  17. Someone who worked for a different retailer and what was that like?
  18. Someone who hates mayo and why?
  19. Someone who has visited another country, where did they go and what did they learn?
  20. Someone who has gone to a family reunion in the last year
  21. Someone who can drive a stick shift and how did they learn?
  22. Someone who is the youngest child
  23. Someone who likes the same music as you and why do they connect with it?
  24. Someone with the opposite Disc profile as you
  25. Someone who has participated in a Doris store visit
  26. Someone who can summarize their own brand in three words and what are they?
  27. someone who plays a musical instrument and how did that come to be?
  28. Someone who can list the last 5 Gap Inc. CEOs
  29. Someone who has eaten brains and/or tongue