Unequip all weapons,armor and accessoriesand beat an enemyalmost singlehandedly(50% of the totaldamage to the enemy)with only a basic attack(your fists)DefeatAnotherPlayerWoo AnAudienceMember ToThe Point ofA DateRecruit anopponent tolive in NewAmanitaduring combatWin BeforeTaking Over20 DamageIn OneCombatReversePickpocket aplayer with an EggBomb withoutthem noticing (DMme to indicate)Heal a playerfor what theirentire maxhealthcombined inone combatPossessanUndeadEnemyUsingPerception,analyze anenemiesweaknessBurn a Waterelement enemy,Soggy a Plantelement enemy,and Asleep a Fireelement enemywithin all combatsUse a Gemto changeyour elementtemporarilyDeal TheFinishingBlow To EveryEnemy In TheCombatUsing Speed,run circlesaround anenemy till theyget confusedDont UseRangedAttacks ForOne BattleDont UseAny ActiveAbilities ForOne BattleActivateEmpoweredin combatSteal AnotherPlayers FullEquipment (Armor,Accessory,Weapon equipped)Mid-Combat OnePiece At A TimePants anotherplayer,lowering theirAC to 1 for 3turnsDefeat anenemy with anitem won in agame of cardsfrom anitherplayerJoin the enemyteam and survivethe combat whilemaking sure toattack the otherplayers at leastonce a turnUse TheArena ToDealDamage ToAn EnemyYou MustReference AnotherSeries After EveryAction (This is likethe time in *blank*)Defeat anenemy usingonly the HolyMackeral theentirety ofCombatDont UseAny ItemsFor OneBattleDefeat anenemy usinga throwncrate, barrel,tarp, or potUsing Charisma,convince anenemy to dealthe finishingblow on anotherenemyUse at least5 differentelements inone combatUsingDexterity,Throw a Piein anenemies facePurge 2statuseffects incombatDefeat anenemywith yourfamiliarInflict at least3 statuseffects ontoan enemy atthe same timeMove from oneend of the arenato the other,touching eachwall before youmoveSuccessfullyconvince anotherplayer that whatyoure doing isnt apart of thechallenges when itisCook a Dishfrom thecookbookMid CombatThrow Items AtEnemies for theEntirety of aCombat,minimum ofone every turnDont AttackFor TheFirst 2 TurnsOf ConbatConvince theMysteriousStranger toappear bymissing 4 attacksconsecutivelyGet TheCrowd ToChant YourNameWooDenestrasWin TheBattle OnlyUsing 1 APPer TurnWin TheBattleWhile OnlyUsibgDefeat AnEnemyUsing StylishPointsConvince anotherplayer to dosomethingnonsensical,consuming theirturn, but dont tellthem whyHit TheHard CapFor A StatUsing BuffsUse an item thatstarts with everyletter of thealphabet (unlessnone exists) at leastonce throughour allarena combatsUse AtLeast OneMagic SpellIn CombatConvinceAnother PlayerThat You DidAn Action YouNever Did InCombatGo fishingin a liquidenemy incombatUsingEndurance,swallow anenemiesweapon wholeDont UseMeleeAttacks ForOne BattleDrink every juicein the guide thatis unlocked atleast oncethrough allcombatsOnly Use APartyMember ForOne BattleSwap IntoA PartyMemberMid BattleUse aRootbeerScentedSmencil incombatUse a SmugglerItem to defeatand Enemy (nothave itequipped,physically use it)Give youropponent yourmost usedequipment andbeat them whilethey wear itTakeDamage AtLeast 5SeparateTimesUse AnActive AbilityTwice InOne BattleHave ACanon SkillDefeat AnEnemyGet DrunkMidCombatUsingStrength, hoistan enemy intothe air andtoss themUsing Luck, lookup to the sky tosee and anvilready to drop onan opponentsheadInflict yourselfwith at least 4status effectsat the sametimeConvinceBandits to jointhe fight andsteal fromanother playerDraw In ASpecialCrowdGuestUse aBeastlyHam on anOpponentHit 3Supereffectiveattcaks in arowWin TheBattleWithin 2TurnsUsingIntelligence,set a trap foran enemyOnly UseYour PlayerCharacterFor OneBattleSabotageAnotherPlayersActionTrip a playerwhile theyremoving (DM meto indicate,before theymove)Intentionallymispronounce thenames of thePlayers charactersfor one combatand dont getcalled out for itAlternate betweenBasic Attack,Active Ability, andItem once a turnfor every turn incombatCopy (as closely aspossible) exactlyevery actionanother player doeson their turn for thewhole of combat.GM gets final ruling.Dont UseAny BasicAttacks ForOne BattleUnequip all weapons,armor and accessoriesand beat an enemyalmost singlehandedly(50% of the totaldamage to the enemy)with only a basic attack(your fists)DefeatAnotherPlayerWoo AnAudienceMember ToThe Point ofA DateRecruit anopponent tolive in NewAmanitaduring combatWin BeforeTaking Over20 DamageIn OneCombatReversePickpocket aplayer with an EggBomb withoutthem noticing (DMme to indicate)Heal a playerfor what theirentire maxhealthcombined inone combatPossessanUndeadEnemyUsingPerception,analyze anenemiesweaknessBurn a Waterelement enemy,Soggy a Plantelement enemy,and Asleep a Fireelement enemywithin all combatsUse a Gemto changeyour elementtemporarilyDeal TheFinishingBlow To EveryEnemy In TheCombatUsing Speed,run circlesaround anenemy till theyget confusedDont UseRangedAttacks ForOne BattleDont UseAny ActiveAbilities ForOne BattleActivateEmpoweredin combatSteal AnotherPlayers FullEquipment (Armor,Accessory,Weapon equipped)Mid-Combat OnePiece At A TimePants anotherplayer,lowering theirAC to 1 for 3turnsDefeat anenemy with anitem won in agame of cardsfrom anitherplayerJoin the enemyteam and survivethe combat whilemaking sure toattack the otherplayers at leastonce a turnUse TheArena ToDealDamage ToAn EnemyYou MustReference AnotherSeries After EveryAction (This is likethe time in *blank*)Defeat anenemy usingonly the HolyMackeral theentirety ofCombatDont UseAny ItemsFor OneBattleDefeat anenemy usinga throwncrate, barrel,tarp, or potUsing Charisma,convince anenemy to dealthe finishingblow on anotherenemyUse at least5 differentelements inone combatUsingDexterity,Throw a Piein anenemies facePurge 2statuseffects incombatDefeat anenemywith yourfamiliarInflict at least3 statuseffects ontoan enemy atthe same timeMove from oneend of the arenato the other,touching eachwall before youmoveSuccessfullyconvince anotherplayer that whatyoure doing isnt apart of thechallenges when itisCook a Dishfrom thecookbookMid CombatThrow Items AtEnemies for theEntirety of aCombat,minimum ofone every turnDont AttackFor TheFirst 2 TurnsOf ConbatConvince theMysteriousStranger toappear bymissing 4 attacksconsecutivelyGet TheCrowd ToChant YourNameWooDenestrasWin TheBattle OnlyUsing 1 APPer TurnWin TheBattleWhile OnlyUsibgDefeat AnEnemyUsing StylishPointsConvince anotherplayer to dosomethingnonsensical,consuming theirturn, but dont tellthem whyHit TheHard CapFor A StatUsing BuffsUse an item thatstarts with everyletter of thealphabet (unlessnone exists) at leastonce throughour allarena combatsUse AtLeast OneMagic SpellIn CombatConvinceAnother PlayerThat You DidAn Action YouNever Did InCombatGo fishingin a liquidenemy incombatUsingEndurance,swallow anenemiesweapon wholeDont UseMeleeAttacks ForOne BattleDrink every juicein the guide thatis unlocked atleast oncethrough allcombatsOnly Use APartyMember ForOne BattleSwap IntoA PartyMemberMid BattleUse aRootbeerScentedSmencil incombatUse a SmugglerItem to defeatand Enemy (nothave itequipped,physically use it)Give youropponent yourmost usedequipment andbeat them whilethey wear itTakeDamage AtLeast 5SeparateTimesUse AnActive AbilityTwice InOne BattleHave ACanon SkillDefeat AnEnemyGet DrunkMidCombatUsingStrength, hoistan enemy intothe air andtoss themUsing Luck, lookup to the sky tosee and anvilready to drop onan opponentsheadInflict yourselfwith at least 4status effectsat the sametimeConvinceBandits to jointhe fight andsteal fromanother playerDraw In ASpecialCrowdGuestUse aBeastlyHam on anOpponentHit 3Supereffectiveattcaks in arowWin TheBattleWithin 2TurnsUsingIntelligence,set a trap foran enemyOnly UseYour PlayerCharacterFor OneBattleSabotageAnotherPlayersActionTrip a playerwhile theyremoving (DM meto indicate,before theymove)Intentionallymispronounce thenames of thePlayers charactersfor one combatand dont getcalled out for itAlternate betweenBasic Attack,Active Ability, andItem once a turnfor every turn incombatCopy (as closely aspossible) exactlyevery actionanother player doeson their turn for thewhole of combat.GM gets final ruling.Dont UseAny BasicAttacks ForOne Battle

Metaworld Bingo 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Unequip all weapons, armor and accessories and beat an enemy almost singlehandedly (50% of the total damage to the enemy) with only a basic attack (your fists)
  2. Defeat Another Player
  3. Woo An Audience Member To The Point of A Date
  4. Recruit an opponent to live in New Amanita during combat
  5. Win Before Taking Over 20 Damage In One Combat
  6. Reverse Pickpocket a player with an Egg Bomb without them noticing (DM me to indicate)
  7. Heal a player for what their entire max health combined in one combat
  8. Possess an Undead Enemy
  9. Using Perception, analyze an enemies weakness
  10. Burn a Water element enemy, Soggy a Plant element enemy, and Asleep a Fire element enemy within all combats
  11. Use a Gem to change your element temporarily
  12. Deal The Finishing Blow To Every Enemy In The Combat
  13. Using Speed, run circles around an enemy till they get confused
  14. Dont Use Ranged Attacks For One Battle
  15. Dont Use Any Active Abilities For One Battle
  16. Activate Empowered in combat
  17. Steal Another Players Full Equipment (Armor, Accessory, Weapon equipped) Mid-Combat One Piece At A Time
  18. Pants another player, lowering their AC to 1 for 3 turns
  19. Defeat an enemy with an item won in a game of cards from anither player
  20. Join the enemy team and survive the combat while making sure to attack the other players at least once a turn
  21. Use The Arena To Deal Damage To An Enemy
  22. You Must Reference Another Series After Every Action (This is like the time in *blank*)
  23. Defeat an enemy using only the Holy Mackeral the entirety of Combat
  24. Dont Use Any Items For One Battle
  25. Defeat an enemy using a thrown crate, barrel, tarp, or pot
  26. Using Charisma, convince an enemy to deal the finishing blow on another enemy
  27. Use at least 5 different elements in one combat
  28. Using Dexterity, Throw a Pie in an enemies face
  29. Purge 2 status effects in combat
  30. Defeat an enemy with your familiar
  31. Inflict at least 3 status effects onto an enemy at the same time
  32. Move from one end of the arena to the other, touching each wall before you move
  33. Successfully convince another player that what youre doing isnt a part of the challenges when it is
  34. Cook a Dish from the cookbook Mid Combat
  35. Throw Items At Enemies for the Entirety of a Combat, minimum of one every turn
  36. Dont Attack For The First 2 Turns Of Conbat
  37. Convince the Mysterious Stranger to appear by missing 4 attacks consecutively
  38. Get The Crowd To Chant Your Name
  39. Woo Denestras
  40. Win The Battle While Only Usibg
    Win The Battle Only Using 1 AP Per Turn
  41. Defeat An Enemy Using Stylish Points
  42. Convince another player to do something nonsensical, consuming their turn, but dont tell them why
  43. Hit The Hard Cap For A Stat Using Buffs
  44. Use an item that starts with every letter of the alphabet (unless none exists) at least once throughour all arena combats
  45. Use At Least One Magic Spell In Combat
  46. Convince Another Player That You Did An Action You Never Did In Combat
  47. Go fishing in a liquid enemy in combat
  48. Using Endurance, swallow an enemies weapon whole
  49. Dont Use Melee Attacks For One Battle
  50. Drink every juice in the guide that is unlocked at least once through all combats
  51. Only Use A Party Member For One Battle
  52. Swap Into A Party Member Mid Battle
  53. Use a Rootbeer Scented Smencil in combat
  54. Use a Smuggler Item to defeat and Enemy (not have it equipped, physically use it)
  55. Give your opponent your most used equipment and beat them while they wear it
  56. Take Damage At Least 5 Separate Times
  57. Use An Active Ability Twice In One Battle
  58. Have A Canon Skill Defeat An Enemy
  59. Get Drunk Mid Combat
  60. Using Strength, hoist an enemy into the air and toss them
  61. Using Luck, look up to the sky to see and anvil ready to drop on an opponents head
  62. Inflict yourself with at least 4 status effects at the same time
  63. Convince Bandits to join the fight and steal from another player
  64. Draw In A Special Crowd Guest
  65. Use a Beastly Ham on an Opponent
  66. Hit 3 Supereffective attcaks in a row
  67. Win The Battle Within 2 Turns
  68. Using Intelligence, set a trap for an enemy
  69. Only Use Your Player Character For One Battle
  70. Sabotage Another Players Action
  71. Trip a player while theyre moving (DM me to indicate, before they move)
  72. Intentionally mispronounce the names of the Players characters for one combat and dont get called out for it
  73. Alternate between Basic Attack, Active Ability, and Item once a turn for every turn in combat
  74. Copy (as closely as possible) exactly every action another player does on their turn for the whole of combat. GM gets final ruling.
  75. Dont Use Any Basic Attacks For One Battle