Impromptuphoto sessionthat takes waylonger thannecessaryJovie andIrie get intoone or morephysicalaltercationsAt least oneperson getsseparated fromthe group for10+ minutesAnyonespends>$100 atone storeAt least 3shots takenforprovidencehouseCommentaboutjovie’sbodyDebatebreaks outover whichstore to visitnextSomeone makesa comment about"kids these days"or how thingswere better intheir timePregnancyand/orgrandchilddiscussionComparisonof the 4 girlsthere in frontof usDiscussion offamily dramainvolvingpeople whoaren't presentSomeremarkabout“being PC”Discussionof whosedead dogwas betterCommentthat Collinwould be lostor deadwithout SamAn HGcomment thatis notcomplimentaryto either of us“this food is justso heavy” or“I’m so full Iwon’t have toeven eatdinner”Passiveaggressivecomments abouthow much moreexpensive NJ isthan OHSomeonecomplainsabout their feethurting orneeding to sitdownFamily causescommotionsuch as beingtoo loud in therestaurantDerogatorycommentmade aboutgrandmaA candleispurchasedPrying intoMolly andAnna’sdating livesUnsolicitedadvice givenabout career,relationships,or life choicesBraggingabout arace timeImpromptuphoto sessionthat takes waylonger thannecessaryJovie andIrie get intoone or morephysicalaltercationsAt least oneperson getsseparated fromthe group for10+ minutesAnyonespends>$100 atone storeAt least 3shots takenforprovidencehouseCommentaboutjovie’sbodyDebatebreaks outover whichstore to visitnextSomeone makesa comment about"kids these days"or how thingswere better intheir timePregnancyand/orgrandchilddiscussionComparisonof the 4 girlsthere in frontof usDiscussion offamily dramainvolvingpeople whoaren't presentSomeremarkabout“being PC”Discussionof whosedead dogwas betterCommentthat Collinwould be lostor deadwithout SamAn HGcomment thatis notcomplimentaryto either of us“this food is justso heavy” or“I’m so full Iwon’t have toeven eatdinner”Passiveaggressivecomments abouthow much moreexpensive NJ isthan OHSomeonecomplainsabout their feethurting orneeding to sitdownFamily causescommotionsuch as beingtoo loud in therestaurantDerogatorycommentmade aboutgrandmaA candleispurchasedPrying intoMolly andAnna’sdating livesUnsolicitedadvice givenabout career,relationships,or life choicesBraggingabout arace time

Weldt Girls Shopping Day - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Impromptu photo session that takes way longer than necessary
  2. Jovie and Irie get into one or more physical altercations
  3. At least one person gets separated from the group for 10+ minutes
  4. Anyone spends >$100 at one store
  5. At least 3 shots taken for providence house
  6. Comment about jovie’s body
  7. Debate breaks out over which store to visit next
  8. Someone makes a comment about "kids these days" or how things were better in their time
  9. Pregnancy and/or grandchild discussion
  10. Comparison of the 4 girls there in front of us
  11. Discussion of family drama involving people who aren't present
  12. Some remark about “being PC”
  13. Discussion of whose dead dog was better
  14. Comment that Collin would be lost or dead without Sam
  15. An HG comment that is not complimentary to either of us
  16. “this food is just so heavy” or “I’m so full I won’t have to even eat dinner”
  17. Passive aggressive comments about how much more expensive NJ is than OH
  18. Someone complains about their feet hurting or needing to sit down
  19. Family causes commotion such as being too loud in the restaurant
  20. Derogatory comment made about grandma
  21. A candle is purchased
  22. Prying into Molly and Anna’s dating lives
  23. Unsolicited advice given about career, relationships, or life choices
  24. Bragging about a race time