LibertyEnlighteningthe WorldWhat wasThe Statueof Liberty'sofficialname?HotDogsEvery July4th, whatfood is mostcommonlyconsumed?ThePennsylvaniaEvening PostWhat was thename of thenewspaper thatpublished theDeclaration ofIndependence?13EveryIndependenceDay, how manytimes does theLiberty Bellring?"The Star-SpangledBanner"What is thename of thenationalanthem of theUnited Statesof America?PhilippinesWhich countrydeclaredindependencefrom the UnitedStates on July4, 1960?CalvinCoolidge,1872WhichAmericanpresidentwas born onJuly 4th?FrancisBellamyWho is theauthor of thePledge ofAllegiance?Thepeople ofFranceWho gavethe Statue ofLiberty to theUnitedStates?JohnAdams andThomasJeffersonWhich twopresidents ofthe UnitedStates died onJuly 4th of thesame year?Philadelphia,PennsylvaniaWhere is theLiberty Bellcurrentlylocated?TriangularshapeWhat is theproper wayto fold theAmericanflag?Bristol,RhodeIslandWhat is thelocation of thenation’s oldestFourth of Julyparade?FortKnoxDuring WorldWar II, wherewas theDeclaration ofIndependencestored?Every July4th, howmany hotdogs areconsumed?150million2.5millionpeopleWhat was theestimatedpopulation ofthe UnitedStates on July4, 1776?1777In what yearwere fireworksfirst used tocelebrate theFourth of July?Philadelphiain 1777Where wasthe firstcelebration ofIndependenceDay held?ThomasJeffersonin 1801Which president ofthe United Stateswas the first tohost a Fourth ofJuly celebration atthe White House?JohnHancockOn theDeclaration ofIndependence,who had thelargestsignature?TheDeclaration ofIndependenceThe Fourth ofJulycommemorateswhichdocument?50/13How manystars andstripes doesthe U.S. flaghave?To protestBritishrule overthemWhy did Americancolonists dump teainto the harborduring the BostonTea Party?Alice’sAdventuresinWonderlandOn July 4th,which classicchildren'sbook waspublishedLibertyEnlighteningthe WorldWhat wasThe Statueof Liberty'sofficialname?HotDogsEvery July4th, whatfood is mostcommonlyconsumed?ThePennsylvaniaEvening PostWhat was thename of thenewspaper thatpublished theDeclaration ofIndependence?13EveryIndependenceDay, how manytimes does theLiberty Bellring?"The Star-SpangledBanner"What is thename of thenationalanthem of theUnited Statesof America?PhilippinesWhich countrydeclaredindependencefrom the UnitedStates on July4, 1960?CalvinCoolidge,1872WhichAmericanpresidentwas born onJuly 4th?FrancisBellamyWho is theauthor of thePledge ofAllegiance?Thepeople ofFranceWho gavethe Statue ofLiberty to theUnitedStates?JohnAdams andThomasJeffersonWhich twopresidents ofthe UnitedStates died onJuly 4th of thesame year?Philadelphia,PennsylvaniaWhere is theLiberty Bellcurrentlylocated?TriangularshapeWhat is theproper wayto fold theAmericanflag?Bristol,RhodeIslandWhat is thelocation of thenation’s oldestFourth of Julyparade?FortKnoxDuring WorldWar II, wherewas theDeclaration ofIndependencestored?Every July4th, howmany hotdogs areconsumed?150million2.5millionpeopleWhat was theestimatedpopulation ofthe UnitedStates on July4, 1776?1777In what yearwere fireworksfirst used tocelebrate theFourth of July?Philadelphiain 1777Where wasthe firstcelebration ofIndependenceDay held?ThomasJeffersonin 1801Which president ofthe United Stateswas the first tohost a Fourth ofJuly celebration atthe White House?JohnHancockOn theDeclaration ofIndependence,who had thelargestsignature?TheDeclaration ofIndependenceThe Fourth ofJulycommemorateswhichdocument?50/13How manystars andstripes doesthe U.S. flaghave?To protestBritishrule overthemWhy did Americancolonists dump teainto the harborduring the BostonTea Party?Alice’sAdventuresinWonderlandOn July 4th,which classicchildren'sbook waspublished

4th of July - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What was The Statue of Liberty's official name?
    Liberty Enlightening the World
  2. Every July 4th, what food is most commonly consumed?
    Hot Dogs
  3. What was the name of the newspaper that published the Declaration of Independence?
    The Pennsylvania Evening Post
  4. Every Independence Day, how many times does the Liberty Bell ring?
  5. What is the name of the national anthem of the United States of America?
    "The Star-Spangled Banner"
  6. Which country declared independence from the United States on July 4, 1960?
  7. Which American president was born on July 4th?
    Calvin Coolidge, 1872
  8. Who is the author of the Pledge of Allegiance?
    Francis Bellamy
  9. Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States?
    The people of France
  10. Which two presidents of the United States died on July 4th of the same year?
    John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
  11. Where is the Liberty Bell currently located?
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  12. What is the proper way to fold the American flag?
    Triangular shape
  13. What is the location of the nation’s oldest Fourth of July parade?
    Bristol, Rhode Island
  14. During World War II, where was the Declaration of Independence stored?
    Fort Knox
  15. 150 million
    Every July 4th, how many hot dogs are consumed?
  16. What was the estimated population of the United States on July 4, 1776?
    2.5 million people
  17. In what year were fireworks first used to celebrate the Fourth of July?
  18. Where was the first celebration of Independence Day held?
    Philadelphia in 1777
  19. Which president of the United States was the first to host a Fourth of July celebration at the White House?
    Thomas Jefferson in 1801
  20. On the Declaration of Independence, who had the largest signature?
    John Hancock
  21. The Fourth of July commemorates which document?
    The Declaration of Independence
  22. How many stars and stripes does the U.S. flag have?
  23. Why did American colonists dump tea into the harbor during the Boston Tea Party?
    To protest British rule over them
  24. On July 4th, which classic children's book was published
    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland