How canworking in ateam helpyou learnnew things?Are youmore of afollower orleader?What are someways you canencourageothers to worktogether as ateam?Give anexample ofconflictyou'veexperiencedName onething youcould allwork on as agroupHow can youtell if yourteam isworking welltogether?Do you thinkit’s better towork aloneor in a team?Why?What isteamwork?Whatdoes trustmean?Can youname someexamples ofteamwork?What doespositivethinkingmean?What doesthe wordcooperatemean?What are somechallenges youmight face whenworking in a team,and how can youovercome them?Why is itimportantto work asa team?What isconflict?What aresome of thecharacteristicsof a goodteam player?What arethe benefitsof workingin a team?If you were workingon a project with agroup of friends, howwould you make sureeveryone has achance toparticipate?If you were workingon a project with agroup of friends, howwould you make sureeveryone has achance toparticipate?If you were leadinga team, how wouldyou motivate yourteammates towork togethereffectively?What do youfeel makesyou a goodleader?What areways youcould helpsomeone ingroup?Choose a peerand figure outwhat you havein commonwith themHow can yoube a leaderin the grouproom?Can you think ofa game or activitythat requiresteamwork? Howwould you playit?How canworking in ateam helpyou learnnew things?Are youmore of afollower orleader?What are someways you canencourageothers to worktogether as ateam?Give anexample ofconflictyou'veexperiencedName onething youcould allwork on as agroupHow can youtell if yourteam isworking welltogether?Do you thinkit’s better towork aloneor in a team?Why?What isteamwork?Whatdoes trustmean?Can youname someexamples ofteamwork?What doespositivethinkingmean?What doesthe wordcooperatemean?What are somechallenges youmight face whenworking in a team,and how can youovercome them?Why is itimportantto work asa team?What isconflict?What aresome of thecharacteristicsof a goodteam player?What arethe benefitsof workingin a team?If you were workingon a project with agroup of friends, howwould you make sureeveryone has achance toparticipate?If you were workingon a project with agroup of friends, howwould you make sureeveryone has achance toparticipate?If you were leadinga team, how wouldyou motivate yourteammates towork togethereffectively?What do youfeel makesyou a goodleader?What areways youcould helpsomeone ingroup?Choose a peerand figure outwhat you havein commonwith themHow can yoube a leaderin the grouproom?Can you think ofa game or activitythat requiresteamwork? Howwould you playit?

Teamwork Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How can working in a team help you learn new things?
  2. Are you more of a follower or leader?
  3. What are some ways you can encourage others to work together as a team?
  4. Give an example of conflict you've experienced
  5. Name one thing you could all work on as a group
  6. How can you tell if your team is working well together?
  7. Do you think it’s better to work alone or in a team? Why?
  8. What is teamwork?
  9. What does trust mean?
  10. Can you name some examples of teamwork?
  11. What does positive thinking mean?
  12. What does the word cooperate mean?
  13. What are some challenges you might face when working in a team, and how can you overcome them?
  14. Why is it important to work as a team?
  15. What is conflict?
  16. What are some of the characteristics of a good team player?
  17. What are the benefits of working in a team?
  18. If you were working on a project with a group of friends, how would you make sure everyone has a chance to participate?
    If you were working on a project with a group of friends, how would you make sure everyone has a chance to participate?
  19. If you were leading a team, how would you motivate your teammates to work together effectively?
  20. What do you feel makes you a good leader?
  21. What are ways you could help someone in group?
  22. Choose a peer and figure out what you have in common with them
  23. How can you be a leader in the group room?
  24. Can you think of a game or activity that requires teamwork? How would you play it?