what is theoldest softdrink inAmerica?How manyherbs/spicesare in ColonelSanders'original KFCrecipe?What aremalehoneybeescalled?Which famouspop band wascalled "Kara'sFlowers" until2001?WhatdoesCODAstand for?In bowling,3 strikes ina row iscalled?Which U.S.state is theonly state togrow coffeebeans?Whichcondiment wasused asmedicine duringthe 1830s?How manybones dosharkshave?How old wasRose in theTitanic moviewhen she wasrecounting herstory?Whichanimal isthe fasteston land?What is the lastname of thebusinesstycoon behindthe "No. 5"perfume?What doesSPF insunscreenstand for?What dayis knownas StarWars Day?What do you callanimals that eateverything(meat,plants, andfish?)What is thesignaturefood dishserved atWimbledon?This singeris famouslycalled the"MaterialGirl"In what yearwas theinternetopened tothe public?How manyhearts doesan octopushave?Whichcompany'sslogan is"You're ingood hands"?In what yearwere the firstAir Jordansneakersreleased?What is theworld's mostexpensivespice?How old arethe horsesthat run inthe KentuckyDerby?Which athletehas won themost Olympicmedalswhat is theoldest softdrink inAmerica?How manyherbs/spicesare in ColonelSanders'original KFCrecipe?What aremalehoneybeescalled?Which famouspop band wascalled "Kara'sFlowers" until2001?WhatdoesCODAstand for?In bowling,3 strikes ina row iscalled?Which U.S.state is theonly state togrow coffeebeans?Whichcondiment wasused asmedicine duringthe 1830s?How manybones dosharkshave?How old wasRose in theTitanic moviewhen she wasrecounting herstory?Whichanimal isthe fasteston land?What is the lastname of thebusinesstycoon behindthe "No. 5"perfume?What doesSPF insunscreenstand for?What dayis knownas StarWars Day?What do you callanimals that eateverything(meat,plants, andfish?)What is thesignaturefood dishserved atWimbledon?This singeris famouslycalled the"MaterialGirl"In what yearwas theinternetopened tothe public?How manyhearts doesan octopushave?Whichcompany'sslogan is"You're ingood hands"?In what yearwere the firstAir Jordansneakersreleased?What is theworld's mostexpensivespice?How old arethe horsesthat run inthe KentuckyDerby?Which athletehas won themost Olympicmedals

KS pre-Happy Hour Trivia Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. what is the oldest soft drink in America?
  2. How many herbs/spices are in Colonel Sanders' original KFC recipe?
  3. What are male honeybees called?
  4. Which famous pop band was called "Kara's Flowers" until 2001?
  5. What does CODA stand for?
  6. In bowling, 3 strikes in a row is called?
  7. Which U.S. state is the only state to grow coffee beans?
  8. Which condiment was used as medicine during the 1830s?
  9. How many bones do sharks have?
  10. How old was Rose in the Titanic movie when she was recounting her story?
  11. Which animal is the fastest on land?
  12. What is the last name of the business tycoon behind the "No. 5" perfume?
  13. What does SPF in sunscreen stand for?
  14. What day is known as Star Wars Day?
  15. What do you call animals that eat everything(meat, plants, and fish?)
  16. What is the signature food dish served at Wimbledon?
  17. This singer is famously called the "Material Girl"
  18. In what year was the internet opened to the public?
  19. How many hearts does an octopus have?
  20. Which company's slogan is "You're in good hands"?
  21. In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released?
  22. What is the world's most expensive spice?
  23. How old are the horses that run in the Kentucky Derby?
  24. Which athlete has won the most Olympic medals