Someonewhose researchinvolvesmachinelearningSomeone whouses theTxCORE serverto analyze data(ask them whatdata they use)Someonewho wants topursue acareer inindustrySomeonewho lives inUT graduatestudenthousingSomeonewho usesthe bussystem(CapMetro)Someone whohas aleadershipposition with astudentorganizationSomeone who hasexplored a nearbytown or city on aday trip (havethem tell youabout the trip)Someone wholikes doingoutdoor activities(ask about thingsthey do/placesthey go)Someonewith whomyou share abirth monthSomeonewhoSomeonewho is a 1stgenerationcollegestudentSomeone whosemethod ofrelaxation ordestressing issimilar to yours(and ask wherethey go to do this)Someone whohas discovereda unique localtradition orcelebrationSomeone withwhom you sharea favorite food(ask them wherethey get thisdish)Someone whoserves as apeer reviewerfor anacademicjournalSomeonewho iscurrently aPhDcandidateSomeonewhosesupervisor issomeone you'reinterested inworking withSomeonewhoSomeonewhose researchinvolves peopleexperiencinghomelessnessSomeonewho usesand canexplain whatUT Outpost isSomeonewhose researchinvolves peoplewith a rarediseaseSomeonewho wants topursue acareer inconsultingSomeonewho is fromyour homecountrySomeonewho wants topursue acareer inacademiaSomeonewhose researchinvolvesmachinelearningSomeone whouses theTxCORE serverto analyze data(ask them whatdata they use)Someonewho wants topursue acareer inindustrySomeonewho lives inUT graduatestudenthousingSomeonewho usesthe bussystem(CapMetro)Someone whohas aleadershipposition with astudentorganizationSomeone who hasexplored a nearbytown or city on aday trip (havethem tell youabout the trip)Someone wholikes doingoutdoor activities(ask about thingsthey do/placesthey go)Someonewith whomyou share abirth monthSomeonewhoSomeonewho is a 1stgenerationcollegestudentSomeone whosemethod ofrelaxation ordestressing issimilar to yours(and ask wherethey go to do this)Someone whohas discovereda unique localtradition orcelebrationSomeone withwhom you sharea favorite food(ask them wherethey get thisdish)Someone whoserves as apeer reviewerfor anacademicjournalSomeonewho iscurrently aPhDcandidateSomeonewhosesupervisor issomeone you'reinterested inworking withSomeonewhoSomeonewhose researchinvolves peopleexperiencinghomelessnessSomeonewho usesand canexplain whatUT Outpost isSomeonewhose researchinvolves peoplewith a rarediseaseSomeonewho wants topursue acareer inconsultingSomeonewho is fromyour homecountrySomeonewho wants topursue acareer inacademia

HOD Mentee/Mentor Mixer Networking - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone whose research involves machine learning
  2. Someone who uses the TxCORE server to analyze data (ask them what data they use)
  3. Someone who wants to pursue a career in industry
  4. Someone who lives in UT graduate student housing
  5. Someone who uses the bus system (CapMetro)
  6. Someone who has a leadership position with a student organization
  7. Someone who has explored a nearby town or city on a day trip (have them tell you about the trip)
  8. Someone who likes doing outdoor activities (ask about things they do/places they go)
  9. Someone with whom you share a birth month
  10. Someone who
  11. Someone who is a 1st generation college student
  12. Someone whose method of relaxation or destressing is similar to yours (and ask where they go to do this)
  13. Someone who has discovered a unique local tradition or celebration
  14. Someone with whom you share a favorite food (ask them where they get this dish)
  15. Someone who serves as a peer reviewer for an academic journal
  16. Someone who is currently a PhD candidate
  17. Someone whose supervisor is someone you're interested in working with
  18. Someone who
  19. Someone whose research involves people experiencing homelessness
  20. Someone who uses and can explain what UT Outpost is
  21. Someone whose research involves people with a rare disease
  22. Someone who wants to pursue a career in consulting
  23. Someone who is from your home country
  24. Someone who wants to pursue a career in academia