Buckle Up ForLaughs 😆Mark this squarefor any timerelated goofinessthat tickles yourfunny bone!Glimpsed theFuture 🤖Mark this square ifa speakerdescribessomething from afuture time periodWitnessed aHistorical Event 👀Mark this square ifa speaker talksabout witnessing asignificant eventfrom the pastArt ThroughTime 🖼️Mark thissquare if youspot a famousartworkUsed a HistoricalQuote 📖Mark this square ifa speakerincorporates a well-known quote from ahistorical figurePixelated Past 🔮Did a slide glitchreveal a glimpse ofthe future (or thepast)? Mark thissquare if youwitnessed a timetravel anomaly!Learned SomethingNew 🤓Mark this square ifyou learnt a newhistorical fact orsomething about timetravel during aspeechUsed the Word of theDay 🔡Keep your earspeeled for our Wordof the Day! Hear itused in a speech andmark this squareTime Travel Gadget⏳Did you spot a symbolhinting at a wacky wayto travel through time?Mark this square if youdiscovered a timey-wimey tech twist!Buckle Up ForLaughs 😆Mark this squarefor any timerelated goofinessthat tickles yourfunny bone!Glimpsed theFuture 🤖Mark this square ifa speakerdescribessomething from afuture time periodWitnessed aHistorical Event 👀Mark this square ifa speaker talksabout witnessing asignificant eventfrom the pastArt ThroughTime 🖼️Mark thissquare if youspot a famousartworkUsed a HistoricalQuote 📖Mark this square ifa speakerincorporates a well-known quote from ahistorical figurePixelated Past 🔮Did a slide glitchreveal a glimpse ofthe future (or thepast)? Mark thissquare if youwitnessed a timetravel anomaly!Learned SomethingNew 🤓Mark this square ifyou learnt a newhistorical fact orsomething about timetravel during aspeechUsed the Word of theDay 🔡Keep your earspeeled for our Wordof the Day! Hear itused in a speech andmark this squareTime Travel Gadget⏳Did you spot a symbolhinting at a wacky wayto travel through time?Mark this square if youdiscovered a timey-wimey tech twist!

Journey Through Time Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. B-Buckle Up For Laughs 😆 Mark this square for any time related goofiness that tickles your funny bone!
  2. B-Glimpsed the Future 🤖 Mark this square if a speaker describes something from a future time period
  3. I-Witnessed a Historical Event 👀 Mark this square if a speaker talks about witnessing a significant event from the past
  4. N-Art Through Time 🖼️ Mark this square if you spot a famous artwork
  5. I-Used a Historical Quote 📖 Mark this square if a speaker incorporates a well-known quote from a historical figure
  6. N-Pixelated Past 🔮 Did a slide glitch reveal a glimpse of the future (or the past)? Mark this square if you witnessed a time travel anomaly!
  7. N-Learned Something New 🤓 Mark this square if you learnt a new historical fact or something about time travel during a speech
  8. B-Used the Word of the Day 🔡 Keep your ears peeled for our Word of the Day! Hear it used in a speech and mark this square
  9. I-Time Travel Gadget⏳ Did you spot a symbol hinting at a wacky way to travel through time? Mark this square if you discovered a timey-wimey tech twist!