What do youdo to honorthe personwho died?Share 1-2healthycoping skillsthat work foryouGrief is______.Explain.What is onespecial memoryyou have of theperson whodied?Where doyou feelgrief inyour body?How hasschoolchangedsince thedeath?Is thereanything youwish you couldsay to theperson whodied?Was thedeathexpected orunexpected?What issomething youmiss the mostabout theperson whodied?Are therethings peoplesaid/did thatwere nothelpful?Have any ofyour familytraditionschanged?How?What arethree wordsto describethe personwho died?What issomethingthat makesyou feelmad?Are there anyquestionsyou havesurroundingthe death?What are somethings thatremind you ofthe person whodied?Have anyrelationships inour lifechanged sincethe death?What is onething you wantus to knowabout theperson whodied?What activitieshelp you feelconnected tothe personwho died?Do youhide orshow youremotions?Do you haveany regretsor feel guiltyaboutanything?Who doyou turnto forsupport?What otherstressors areyouexperiencingright now?What wouldyou tellsomeoneelse who isgrieving?What was yourrelationshiplike with thedeceasedperson?What do youdo to honorthe personwho died?Share 1-2healthycoping skillsthat work foryouGrief is______.Explain.What is onespecial memoryyou have of theperson whodied?Where doyou feelgrief inyour body?How hasschoolchangedsince thedeath?Is thereanything youwish you couldsay to theperson whodied?Was thedeathexpected orunexpected?What issomething youmiss the mostabout theperson whodied?Are therethings peoplesaid/did thatwere nothelpful?Have any ofyour familytraditionschanged?How?What arethree wordsto describethe personwho died?What issomethingthat makesyou feelmad?Are there anyquestionsyou havesurroundingthe death?What are somethings thatremind you ofthe person whodied?Have anyrelationships inour lifechanged sincethe death?What is onething you wantus to knowabout theperson whodied?What activitieshelp you feelconnected tothe personwho died?Do youhide orshow youremotions?Do you haveany regretsor feel guiltyaboutanything?Who doyou turnto forsupport?What otherstressors areyouexperiencingright now?What wouldyou tellsomeoneelse who isgrieving?What was yourrelationshiplike with thedeceasedperson?

Grief Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What do you do to honor the person who died?
  2. Share 1-2 healthy coping skills that work for you
  3. Grief is ______. Explain.
  4. What is one special memory you have of the person who died?
  5. Where do you feel grief in your body?
  6. How has school changed since the death?
  7. Is there anything you wish you could say to the person who died?
  8. Was the death expected or unexpected?
  9. What is something you miss the most about the person who died?
  10. Are there things people said/did that were not helpful?
  11. Have any of your family traditions changed? How?
  12. What are three words to describe the person who died?
  13. What is something that makes you feel mad?
  14. Are there any questions you have surrounding the death?
  15. What are some things that remind you of the person who died?
  16. Have any relationships in our life changed since the death?
  17. What is one thing you want us to know about the person who died?
  18. What activities help you feel connected to the person who died?
  19. Do you hide or show your emotions?
  20. Do you have any regrets or feel guilty about anything?
  21. Who do you turn to for support?
  22. What other stressors are you experiencing right now?
  23. What would you tell someone else who is grieving?
  24. What was your relationship like with the deceased person?