Mentionsthat IembarrasshimSayssomething like,"You never try[(hardenough)]."Saysthe r-slurSayssomethinginsultingabout mymomMocks mycharacteror actionsTries toappeal to mysympatheticside by guilt-tripping meBerates mefor longerthan 30minutesBecomesphysicallyabusiveDuring a heatedconversation, he triesto gain the upper handby spotlighting minordetails in my speechrather than addressingthe main points of myargumentGoesoff on atangentAfter I finishspeaking, heresponds with,"That's all?" (toundermine thevalue of what I'vesaid)When I mention atime he has abusedme, he either says"sorry" sarcasticallyor says somethinglike "I don't believeyou."When I make amistake, hecondescendinglyprovidesunconstructive criticismlike "Why didn't you doit differently? Youcould've handled thatbetter."After beingreproved orcritiqued, heasks, "What areyou going to doabout it?"Brings up mymistakes or"wrongdoings"from weeks,months, oreven years agoSays somethinglike, "I've beenholding thiscriticism for awhile, and now Ithink it's time forme to share it."Mentions thathe finds medisappointingBerates me fora while, goesaway, thencomes back toscold me againSayssomething like"You're justsaying that tosatisfy me."Says somethinglike, "When you'reolder, you're goingto ask me for aplace to live, andI'll turn a deaf ear."When I mention hisabusive behavior, hediminishes myexperience bydrawing comparisonsto those who suffermore [extensivelyfrom abuse]ShoosmeawayDoesn't admitresponsibility for hisactions, blameseveryone but himself,or fails to recognizethat he could be thesource-of-conflictWhen I try toaddress anissue, hecompletelymisses the pointof my argumentMentionsthat IembarrasshimSayssomething like,"You never try[(hardenough)]."Saysthe r-slurSayssomethinginsultingabout mymomMocks mycharacteror actionsTries toappeal to mysympatheticside by guilt-tripping meBerates mefor longerthan 30minutesBecomesphysicallyabusiveDuring a heatedconversation, he triesto gain the upper handby spotlighting minordetails in my speechrather than addressingthe main points of myargumentGoesoff on atangentAfter I finishspeaking, heresponds with,"That's all?" (toundermine thevalue of what I'vesaid)When I mention atime he has abusedme, he either says"sorry" sarcasticallyor says somethinglike "I don't believeyou."When I make amistake, hecondescendinglyprovidesunconstructive criticismlike "Why didn't you doit differently? Youcould've handled thatbetter."After beingreproved orcritiqued, heasks, "What areyou going to doabout it?"Brings up mymistakes or"wrongdoings"from weeks,months, oreven years agoSays somethinglike, "I've beenholding thiscriticism for awhile, and now Ithink it's time forme to share it."Mentions thathe finds medisappointingBerates me fora while, goesaway, thencomes back toscold me againSayssomething like"You're justsaying that tosatisfy me."Says somethinglike, "When you'reolder, you're goingto ask me for aplace to live, andI'll turn a deaf ear."When I mention hisabusive behavior, hediminishes myexperience bydrawing comparisonsto those who suffermore [extensivelyfrom abuse]ShoosmeawayDoesn't admitresponsibility for hisactions, blameseveryone but himself,or fails to recognizethat he could be thesource-of-conflictWhen I try toaddress anissue, hecompletelymisses the pointof my argument

Verbal Assault with Dad - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mentions that I embarrass him
  2. Says something like, "You never try [(hard enough)]."
  3. Says the r-slur
  4. Says something insulting about my mom
  5. Mocks my character or actions
  6. Tries to appeal to my sympathetic side by guilt-tripping me
  7. Berates me for longer than 30 minutes
  8. Becomes physically abusive
  9. During a heated conversation, he tries to gain the upper hand by spotlighting minor details in my speech rather than addressing the main points of my argument
  10. Goes off on a tangent
  11. After I finish speaking, he responds with, "That's all?" (to undermine the value of what I've said)
  12. When I mention a time he has abused me, he either says "sorry" sarcastically or says something like "I don't believe you."
  13. When I make a mistake, he condescendingly provides unconstructive criticism like "Why didn't you do it differently? You could've handled that better."
  14. After being reproved or critiqued, he asks, "What are you going to do about it?"
  15. Brings up my mistakes or "wrongdoings" from weeks, months, or even years ago
  16. Says something like, "I've been holding this criticism for a while, and now I think it's time for me to share it."
  17. Mentions that he finds me disappointing
  18. Berates me for a while, goes away, then comes back to scold me again
  19. Says something like "You're just saying that to satisfy me."
  20. Says something like, "When you're older, you're going to ask me for a place to live, and I'll turn a deaf ear."
  21. When I mention his abusive behavior, he diminishes my experience by drawing comparisons to those who suffer more [extensively from abuse]
  22. Shoos me away
  23. Doesn't admit responsibility for his actions, blames everyone but himself, or fails to recognize that he could be the source-of-conflict
  24. When I try to address an issue, he completely misses the point of my argument