Complete theFIRST Pythonlesson(available inGoogleClassroom)Design anunderwater habitator coral reef scenein Bricklink andprovide a costestimateLearn about orvisit ashipwreck andlearn about themarineenvironmentWrite aPythoncode usingconditionalsUse sensorsto follow a lineOR detect anobject inGearsbotRead a legendor myth relatedto water (notrelated to otherBINGOsquares)Write a simpleprogram inGearsbot tomove the robotforward andstopWatch adocumentaryaboutunderwaterdronesList at least onenew techniqueyou’d like to usefor robot designor programmingfor competitionCreate a teamlogo to use onbuttons (3.5-inch circularbuttons)Develop ateam chantto use at thecompetitionLearn whoNyaminyamiis in AfricanFolkloreUse BricklinkStudio todesign a seaanimal of yourchoice out oflegosWrite aPython codeto determinethe area of acircleExplore deep-seacreatures andselect a favorite.Share with thecoaches why it’syour favoriteSelect anicebreakeractivity to leadin Septemberfor the GrayteamDiscover theChinese legendof the DragonKing, ruler ofthe four seasLearn aboutchanges to thehuman bodywhen deep-sea divingResearchunderwatercommunicationmethods and list3 pros & cons ofa specific methodUse BricklinkStudioinstructionmaker to createbuildinginstructionsCreate aPython list ofat least 6marineanimalsVolunteer for acommunityclean-up (wearyour roboticshirt and takelots of pictures!)Discoverwhat marinearcheologyisName threechallenges withunderwatertechnology otherthan beingwaterproofComplete theFIRST Pythonlesson(available inGoogleClassroom)Design anunderwater habitator coral reef scenein Bricklink andprovide a costestimateLearn about orvisit ashipwreck andlearn about themarineenvironmentWrite aPythoncode usingconditionalsUse sensorsto follow a lineOR detect anobject inGearsbotRead a legendor myth relatedto water (notrelated to otherBINGOsquares)Write a simpleprogram inGearsbot tomove the robotforward andstopWatch adocumentaryaboutunderwaterdronesList at least onenew techniqueyou’d like to usefor robot designor programmingfor competitionCreate a teamlogo to use onbuttons (3.5-inch circularbuttons)Develop ateam chantto use at thecompetitionLearn whoNyaminyamiis in AfricanFolkloreUse BricklinkStudio todesign a seaanimal of yourchoice out oflegosWrite aPython codeto determinethe area of acircleExplore deep-seacreatures andselect a favorite.Share with thecoaches why it’syour favoriteSelect anicebreakeractivity to leadin Septemberfor the GrayteamDiscover theChinese legendof the DragonKing, ruler ofthe four seasLearn aboutchanges to thehuman bodywhen deep-sea divingResearchunderwatercommunicationmethods and list3 pros & cons ofa specific methodUse BricklinkStudioinstructionmaker to createbuildinginstructionsCreate aPython list ofat least 6marineanimalsVolunteer for acommunityclean-up (wearyour roboticshirt and takelots of pictures!)Discoverwhat marinearcheologyisName threechallenges withunderwatertechnology otherthan beingwaterproof

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Complete the FIRST Python lesson (available in Google Classroom)
  2. Design an underwater habitat or coral reef scene in Bricklink and provide a cost estimate
  3. Learn about or visit a shipwreck and learn about the marine environment
  4. Write a Python code using conditionals
  5. Use sensors to follow a line OR detect an object in Gearsbot
  6. Read a legend or myth related to water (not related to other BINGO squares)
  7. Write a simple program in Gearsbot to move the robot forward and stop
  8. Watch a documentary about underwater drones
  9. List at least one new technique you’d like to use for robot design or programming for competition
  10. Create a team logo to use on buttons (3.5-inch circular buttons)
  11. Develop a team chant to use at the competition
  12. Learn who Nyaminyami is in African Folklore
  13. Use Bricklink Studio to design a sea animal of your choice out of legos
  14. Write a Python code to determine the area of a circle
  15. Explore deep-sea creatures and select a favorite. Share with the coaches why it’s your favorite
  16. Select an icebreaker activity to lead in September for the Gray team
  17. Discover the Chinese legend of the Dragon King, ruler of the four seas
  18. Learn about changes to the human body when deep-sea diving
  19. Research underwater communication methods and list 3 pros & cons of a specific method
  20. Use Bricklink Studio instruction maker to create building instructions
  21. Create a Python list of at least 6 marine animals
  22. Volunteer for a community clean-up (wear your robotic shirt and take lots of pictures!)
  23. Discover what marine archeology is
  24. Name three challenges with underwater technology other than being waterproof