is the same age as you commuted from their home to the onsite has lived abroad has been at Pinwheel >2years had braces has skydived played on a sports team listened to a podcast this week owns a pet cat has run a marathon is left handed has a birthday this month has been on TV is wearing something blue has been at Pinwheel <6months is a parent owns houseplants owns a pet dog plays a musical instrument speaks a second language has an allergy does not use an iphone is born in the same month as you has more than one tattoo is an only child is the same age as you commuted from their home to the onsite has lived abroad has been at Pinwheel >2years had braces has skydived played on a sports team listened to a podcast this week owns a pet cat has run a marathon is left handed has a birthday this month has been on TV is wearing something blue has been at Pinwheel <6months is a parent owns houseplants owns a pet dog plays a musical instrument speaks a second language has an allergy does not use an iphone is born in the same month as you has more than one tattoo is an only child
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is the same age as you
commuted from their home to the onsite
has lived abroad
has been at Pinwheel >2years
had braces
has skydived
played on a sports team
listened to a podcast this week
owns a pet cat
has run a marathon
is left handed
has a birthday this month
has been on TV
is wearing something blue
has been at Pinwheel <6months
is a parent
owns houseplants
owns a pet dog
plays a musical instrument
speaks a second language
has an allergy
does not use an iphone
is born in the same month as you
has more than one tattoo
is an only child