animals have tohave splithooves to bekosher(also chew theircud)wateriskosherfish needfins andscales, doesthis onehave scales?veggiesarekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparatenon kosherbirds are listedin the torah,chickens arekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparatebugs arentkosher, we makesure to wash andcheck fruit andveg. before weeat themwe keepmilk andmeatseparatecows arekosherthey need tochew their cudand have splithooveskosherfish has tohave finsand scalesfruitarekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparate  animals have tohave splithooves to bekosher(also chew theircud)wateriskosherfish needfins andscales, doesthis onehave scales?veggiesarekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparatenon kosherbirds are listedin the torah,chickens arekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparatebugs arentkosher, we makesure to wash andcheck fruit andveg. before weeat themwe keepmilk andmeatseparatecows arekosherthey need tochew their cudand have splithooveskosherfish has tohave finsand scalesfruitarekosherthis is akoshersymbolit tells us thefood is kosherwe keepmilk andmeatseparate

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. animals have to have split hooves to be kosher (also chew their cud)
  2. water is kosher
  3. fish need fins and scales, does this one have scales?
  4. veggies are kosher
  5. this is a kosher symbol it tells us the food is kosher
  6. we keep milk and meat separate
  7. non kosher birds are listed in the torah, chickens are kosher
  8. this is a kosher symbol it tells us the food is kosher
  9. we keep milk and meat separate
  10. bugs arent kosher, we make sure to wash and check fruit and veg. before we eat them
  11. we keep milk and meat separate
  12. cows are kosher they need to chew their cud and have split hooves
  13. kosher fish has to have fins and scales
  14. fruit are kosher
  15. this is a kosher symbol it tells us the food is kosher
  16. we keep milk and meat separate