List 3things youaregrateful forSing out loud toa favorite song– at home, inthe car, in theshowerVolunteer1x in 30daysPracticedmeditationat least 5xin 30 daysDonateclothes/householditems to Goodwillor Salvation ArmyTake anew classor learn anew hobbyDo 30 minof cardio 1xper weekfor 4 weeksRead 1 book(non-workrelated) in 30daysGo to aplay/musical/festivalor museumHave lunch ordinner with afriend orcoworker (in-person orvirtual)Visit a newplace in yourcity/townyou’ve neverbeen to4 hrs of noscreen time(in one day)2x in 30daysClean andsanitizeyour workareaDrink 6-8cups of waterper day for 3days in a rowCompletea DIYproject in30 daysGiveKudos toacoworkerComplete60,000stepsFree! WriteYour Own:___________________Try anewexerciseTry a newfruit orvegetableTry a newhealthymeal orsnackLaugh OutLoud: watch aTVshow/movie/talkto someoneSpend atleast 2 hrsto pamperyourselfExerciseat least 3xin a weekGo for awalk/bikeoutside, take apic or collectsomething fromyour walk/rideEliminatesweets for 1week/5 days(pop, candy,desserts)Meditate or Doa Breathingexercise atleast 2x perweek for 4weeksPay itForwardto astrangerGet at least7 hrs ofsleep 5 daysin a rowComplimentyourself 1xper day for5 daysList 3things youaregrateful forSing out loud toa favorite song– at home, inthe car, in theshowerVolunteer1x in 30daysPracticedmeditationat least 5xin 30 daysDonateclothes/householditems to Goodwillor Salvation ArmyTake anew classor learn anew hobbyDo 30 minof cardio 1xper weekfor 4 weeksRead 1 book(non-workrelated) in 30daysGo to aplay/musical/festivalor museumHave lunch ordinner with afriend orcoworker (in-person orvirtual)Visit a newplace in yourcity/townyou’ve neverbeen to4 hrs of noscreen time(in one day)2x in 30daysClean andsanitizeyour workareaDrink 6-8cups of waterper day for 3days in a rowCompletea DIYproject in30 daysGiveKudos toacoworkerComplete60,000stepsFree! WriteYour Own:___________________Try anewexerciseTry a newfruit orvegetableTry a newhealthymeal orsnackLaugh OutLoud: watch aTVshow/movie/talkto someoneSpend atleast 2 hrsto pamperyourselfExerciseat least 3xin a weekGo for awalk/bikeoutside, take apic or collectsomething fromyour walk/rideEliminatesweets for 1week/5 days(pop, candy,desserts)Meditate or Doa Breathingexercise atleast 2x perweek for 4weeksPay itForwardto astrangerGet at least7 hrs ofsleep 5 daysin a rowComplimentyourself 1xper day for5 days

Wellness Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. List 3 things you are grateful for
  2. Sing out loud to a favorite song – at home, in the car, in the shower
  3. Volunteer 1x in 30 days
  4. Practiced meditation at least 5x in 30 days
  5. Donate clothes/household items to Goodwill or Salvation Army
  6. Take a new class or learn a new hobby
  7. Do 30 min of cardio 1x per week for 4 weeks
  8. Read 1 book (non-work related) in 30 days
  9. Go to a play/musical/festival or museum
  10. Have lunch or dinner with a friend or coworker (in-person or virtual)
  11. Visit a new place in your city/town you’ve never been to
  12. 4 hrs of no screen time (in one day) 2x in 30 days
  13. Clean and sanitize your work area
  14. Drink 6-8 cups of water per day for 3 days in a row
  15. Complete a DIY project in 30 days
  16. Give Kudos to a coworker
  17. Complete 60,000 steps
  18. Free! Write Your Own: _________ __________
  19. Try a new exercise
  20. Try a new fruit or vegetable
  21. Try a new healthy meal or snack
  22. Laugh Out Loud: watch a TV show/movie/talk to someone
  23. Spend at least 2 hrs to pamper yourself
  24. Exercise at least 3x in a week
  25. Go for a walk/bike outside, take a pic or collect something from your walk/ride
  26. Eliminate sweets for 1 week/5 days (pop, candy, desserts)
  27. Meditate or Do a Breathing exercise at least 2x per week for 4 weeks
  28. Pay it Forward to a stranger
  29. Get at least 7 hrs of sleep 5 days in a row
  30. Compliment yourself 1x per day for 5 days