Officerproceeds to therestroom rightwhen we areready to openthe check-point Passenger isintoxicatedand is allowedto board theflight Knifesurrenderedat the checkpointOver 100passengersscreened thrucheck point in1 dayOfficer atAPN TSAgets apromotionAPN/TSAgets agroupcomplimentPassenger hasno ID. STSOhas to callIVCC/NVCC toverify identityUMNR isprocessedthru thecheck point Gun and/orgun partsfound in carry-on thru thecheck point.Armed pilotor FAM thrucheck point.Call for UFANby STSOAPN -DTWFlight isCancelled Officerforgets partof uniform.PIV, badge,belt, etc...Colorimetricis done inthe checkpoint Alarm item incheck point orcheckedbaggage,requires STSOcall to TSSE Fire,Police orAmbulanceis calledFlight isDELAYEDout of APNby more than3 hoursAmmofound incarry-onbag(s)Training atAPN withTim and/orNancyGolf Bagmakes it thruCT80 withno OSARPrequiredQuad Sproceedsthru thecheck pointPassengerarrives 15 min.or less B4departure andis permitted toboard the flightPassengerswears/cussat an officeror airlineemployeeJunior is"DualFunction"certifiedPassengerbrings checkedbag(s) thru thecheck pointOfficerproceeds to therestroom rightwhen we areready to openthe check-point Passenger isintoxicatedand is allowedto board theflight Knifesurrenderedat the checkpointOver 100passengersscreened thrucheck point in1 dayOfficer atAPN TSAgets apromotionAPN/TSAgets agroupcomplimentPassenger hasno ID. STSOhas to callIVCC/NVCC toverify identityUMNR isprocessedthru thecheck point Gun and/orgun partsfound in carry-on thru thecheck point.Armed pilotor FAM thrucheck point.Call for UFANby STSOAPN -DTWFlight isCancelled Officerforgets partof uniform.PIV, badge,belt, etc...Colorimetricis done inthe checkpoint Alarm item incheck point orcheckedbaggage,requires STSOcall to TSSE Fire,Police orAmbulanceis calledFlight isDELAYEDout of APNby more than3 hoursAmmofound incarry-onbag(s)Training atAPN withTim and/orNancyGolf Bagmakes it thruCT80 withno OSARPrequiredQuad Sproceedsthru thecheck pointPassengerarrives 15 min.or less B4departure andis permitted toboard the flightPassengerswears/cussat an officeror airlineemployeeJunior is"DualFunction"certifiedPassengerbrings checkedbag(s) thru thecheck point

TSA Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Officer proceeds to the restroom right when we are ready to open the check-point
  2. Passenger is intoxicated and is allowed to board the flight
  3. Knife surrendered at the check point
  4. Over 100 passengers screened thru check point in 1 day
  5. Officer at APN TSA gets a promotion
  6. APN/TSA gets a group compliment
  7. Passenger has no ID. STSO has to call IVCC/NVCC to verify identity
  8. UMNR is processed thru the check point
  9. Gun and/or gun parts found in carry-on thru the check point.
  10. Armed pilot or FAM thru check point. Call for UFAN by STSO
  11. APN - DTW Flight is Cancelled
  12. Officer forgets part of uniform. PIV, badge, belt, etc...
  13. Colorimetric is done in the check point
  14. Alarm item in check point or checked baggage, requires STSO call to TSSE
  15. Fire, Police or Ambulance is called
  16. Flight is DELAYED out of APN by more than 3 hours
  17. Ammo found in carry-on bag(s)
  18. Training at APN with Tim and/or Nancy
  19. Golf Bag makes it thru CT80 with no OSARP required
  20. Quad S proceeds thru the check point
  21. Passenger arrives 15 min. or less B4 departure and is permitted to board the flight
  22. Passenger swears/cuss at an officer or airline employee
  23. Junior is "Dual Function" certified
  24. Passenger brings checked bag(s) thru the check point