Annie Matilda Till1861, Goshen, UT She madebeautiful hats thatall the girls wore atthe time.Christina Lu GuSteinman1836, Bammental,Germany She was the onlychild.Dorothy SarahJennison1827, Nottingham,England She was an avidreader and dreamed ofbecoming aprofessional dancer.Mary Ann Greening1829, England Was always on time tothings and nevermisplaced anything. Shealso claims to havenever gotten a headacheor stomach ache.Robert Till Jr.1827, England Had an "active mindand temperament"and put religionabove all else in hislife.Vinna Haws1894, Wyoming Said to have been avisionary woman. Didn'treally know her father andher mother died when shewas young. Lived in fosterhomes growing up.Jacquelyn SueWatson1934, Missouri Wrote notes tograndpa Bill in herhigh school historyclass <3Mary Greene1794, NorthCarolina She went by"Polly."Elvira Derby1811, NewHampshire Under difficultcircumstances shegave birth toseventeen children.Nathan Hunting1838, England Him and his twinwere rescuersduring the trekWest.Brick Plumeroy Stults1869, Jasper, Missouri Got his right finger cutoff at the second jointat the age of 6. Theyburied the finger andhe cried saying it hurtuntil they unburied it. William James Hunting Sr.1791, Huddington, England Ran away to be a drummerboy in the army. Alerted hiscommander of theincoming of troops whichsaved them in the battle ofWaterloo. Queen Victoriacalled him the handsomestsoldier in the army.John Pitt Owen1624, Wales Was one of theoriginal 127 settlersin Hartford,Connecticut.Rollon Algie Lacey1890, Kansas He had to havefried potatoeseveryday.Robert ClarenceLichfield1893, Goshen, UT Had an encounterwith a Utah outlaw.Samuel Meacham1739, Connecticut Served in theRevolutionary War,known as "unsmiling,sedate, with theappearance of beingvery thoughtful."Luther Benngham1797, Ireland Contrary to whatthe name maysuggest, this is awoman.Godfrey Litchfield1822, Derbyshire,England Worked on boats thatsailed from England toNew Zealand. He latersettled in NewZealand.JamesThwaites 1767, EnglandShares a bdaywith Kylee :)Joseph Thomas Lichfield1859, Nottingham,England He loved to ice-skateand courted his wifeAnnie by skating downirrigation ditches and theUtah lake in the winter.Ruth Hanna1800, NorthCarolina Only lived tothe age of 42.Hiram William HandJr1820, Indiana His parents wereborn in Ireland but hewas born in theUnited States.Elizabeth Ann RadmallHunting1846, Chesterfield,England Was healed by themissionaries twice in herchildhood: once fromblindness and another fromcolera.Aaron Frakes1789, Kentucky It is said that he wasburied in a hollowedout tree because therewas not a casket bigenough for him.Adeline Hunting1873, Malad, ID Had impeccable tastein furniture and was anatural homemaker.Everyone agreed herhouse was the bestdecorated.John Emmerson1762, England Named his first-born son afterhimself.Francis Constable1592, Buckinghamshire,England He was a famouspublisher and booksellerknown for publishingstage plays of EnglishRenaissance Drama.William Haws Lichfield1932, Wyoming Went to school in a horse-drawn sleigh with a stovebuilt in. Had never seenelectricity in a home untilhe moved to Utah. Went tograde school with Dallin H.Oaks. William MarquisHaws1857, Provo "A true outdoorsman.An artist, gunmaker,and trapper."-Grandpa BillMaria Alexander1801, Scotland Creative with babynames, here are afew: Orlando, Valeria,Lodeska, Summer,Clinton, WellingtonYates Taylor Lacey1825, New York Served in the Civil War.It is said his beardwent from black towhite after killing aman with his bayonet.Edward AlbertHolcomb1847, Pennsylvania Had a farm of 120acres, wheat andcorn.Colonel Richard Lee I1613, England Was the great-greatgrandfather ofPresident ZacharyTaylor and the great X3grandfather of GeneralRobert E. Lee.Margaret Stults1894, Jasper,Missouri Her favorite food wasangel food cake (dowe blame her??)Annie Matilda Till1861, Goshen, UT She madebeautiful hats thatall the girls wore atthe time.Christina Lu GuSteinman1836, Bammental,Germany She was the onlychild.Dorothy SarahJennison1827, Nottingham,England She was an avidreader and dreamed ofbecoming aprofessional dancer.Mary Ann Greening1829, England Was always on time tothings and nevermisplaced anything. Shealso claims to havenever gotten a headacheor stomach ache.Robert Till Jr.1827, England Had an "active mindand temperament"and put religionabove all else in hislife.Vinna Haws1894, Wyoming Said to have been avisionary woman. Didn'treally know her father andher mother died when shewas young. Lived in fosterhomes growing up.Jacquelyn SueWatson1934, Missouri Wrote notes tograndpa Bill in herhigh school historyclass <3Mary Greene1794, NorthCarolina She went by"Polly."Elvira Derby1811, NewHampshire Under difficultcircumstances shegave birth toseventeen children.Nathan Hunting1838, England Him and his twinwere rescuersduring the trekWest.Brick Plumeroy Stults1869, Jasper, Missouri Got his right finger cutoff at the second jointat the age of 6. Theyburied the finger andhe cried saying it hurtuntil they unburied it. William James Hunting Sr.1791, Huddington, England Ran away to be a drummerboy in the army. Alerted hiscommander of theincoming of troops whichsaved them in the battle ofWaterloo. Queen Victoriacalled him the handsomestsoldier in the army.John Pitt Owen1624, Wales Was one of theoriginal 127 settlersin Hartford,Connecticut.Rollon Algie Lacey1890, Kansas He had to havefried potatoeseveryday.Robert ClarenceLichfield1893, Goshen, UT Had an encounterwith a Utah outlaw.Samuel Meacham1739, Connecticut Served in theRevolutionary War,known as "unsmiling,sedate, with theappearance of beingvery thoughtful."Luther Benngham1797, Ireland Contrary to whatthe name maysuggest, this is awoman.Godfrey Litchfield1822, Derbyshire,England Worked on boats thatsailed from England toNew Zealand. He latersettled in NewZealand.JamesThwaites 1767, EnglandShares a bdaywith Kylee :)Joseph Thomas Lichfield1859, Nottingham,England He loved to ice-skateand courted his wifeAnnie by skating downirrigation ditches and theUtah lake in the winter.Ruth Hanna1800, NorthCarolina Only lived tothe age of 42.Hiram William HandJr1820, Indiana His parents wereborn in Ireland but hewas born in theUnited States.Elizabeth Ann RadmallHunting1846, Chesterfield,England Was healed by themissionaries twice in herchildhood: once fromblindness and another fromcolera.Aaron Frakes1789, Kentucky It is said that he wasburied in a hollowedout tree because therewas not a casket bigenough for him.Adeline Hunting1873, Malad, ID Had impeccable tastein furniture and was anatural homemaker.Everyone agreed herhouse was the bestdecorated.John Emmerson1762, England Named his first-born son afterhimself.Francis Constable1592, Buckinghamshire,England He was a famouspublisher and booksellerknown for publishingstage plays of EnglishRenaissance Drama.William Haws Lichfield1932, Wyoming Went to school in a horse-drawn sleigh with a stovebuilt in. Had never seenelectricity in a home untilhe moved to Utah. Went tograde school with Dallin H.Oaks. William MarquisHaws1857, Provo "A true outdoorsman.An artist, gunmaker,and trapper."-Grandpa BillMaria Alexander1801, Scotland Creative with babynames, here are afew: Orlando, Valeria,Lodeska, Summer,Clinton, WellingtonYates Taylor Lacey1825, New York Served in the Civil War.It is said his beardwent from black towhite after killing aman with his bayonet.Edward AlbertHolcomb1847, Pennsylvania Had a farm of 120acres, wheat andcorn.Colonel Richard Lee I1613, England Was the great-greatgrandfather ofPresident ZacharyTaylor and the great X3grandfather of GeneralRobert E. Lee.Margaret Stults1894, Jasper,Missouri Her favorite food wasangel food cake (dowe blame her??)

Lichfield Reunion 2024 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Annie Matilda Till 1861, Goshen, UT She made beautiful hats that all the girls wore at the time.
  2. Christina Lu Gu Steinman 1836, Bammental, Germany She was the only child.
  3. Dorothy Sarah Jennison 1827, Nottingham, England She was an avid reader and dreamed of becoming a professional dancer.
  4. Mary Ann Greening 1829, England Was always on time to things and never misplaced anything. She also claims to have never gotten a headache or stomach ache.
  5. Robert Till Jr. 1827, England Had an "active mind and temperament" and put religion above all else in his life.
  6. Vinna Haws 1894, Wyoming Said to have been a visionary woman. Didn't really know her father and her mother died when she was young. Lived in foster homes growing up.
  7. Jacquelyn Sue Watson 1934, Missouri Wrote notes to grandpa Bill in her high school history class <3
  8. Mary Greene 1794, North Carolina She went by "Polly."
  9. Elvira Derby 1811, New Hampshire Under difficult circumstances she gave birth to seventeen children.
  10. Nathan Hunting 1838, England Him and his twin were rescuers during the trek West.
  11. Brick Plumeroy Stults 1869, Jasper, Missouri Got his right finger cut off at the second joint at the age of 6. They buried the finger and he cried saying it hurt until they unburied it.
  12. William James Hunting Sr. 1791, Huddington, England Ran away to be a drummer boy in the army. Alerted his commander of the incoming of troops which saved them in the battle of Waterloo. Queen Victoria called him the handsomest soldier in the army.
  13. John Pitt Owen 1624, Wales Was one of the original 127 settlers in Hartford, Connecticut.
  14. Rollon Algie Lacey 1890, Kansas He had to have fried potatoes everyday.
  15. Robert Clarence Lichfield 1893, Goshen, UT Had an encounter with a Utah outlaw.
  16. Samuel Meacham 1739, Connecticut Served in the Revolutionary War, known as "unsmiling, sedate, with the appearance of being very thoughtful."
  17. Luther Benngham 1797, Ireland Contrary to what the name may suggest, this is a woman.
  18. Godfrey Litchfield 1822, Derbyshire, England Worked on boats that sailed from England to New Zealand. He later settled in New Zealand.
  19. James Thwaites 1767, England Shares a bday with Kylee :)
  20. Joseph Thomas Lichfield 1859, Nottingham, England He loved to ice-skate and courted his wife Annie by skating down irrigation ditches and the Utah lake in the winter.
  21. Ruth Hanna 1800, North Carolina Only lived to the age of 42.
  22. Hiram William Hand Jr 1820, Indiana His parents were born in Ireland but he was born in the United States.
  23. Elizabeth Ann Radmall Hunting 1846, Chesterfield, England Was healed by the missionaries twice in her childhood: once from blindness and another from colera.
  24. Aaron Frakes 1789, Kentucky It is said that he was buried in a hollowed out tree because there was not a casket big enough for him.
  25. Adeline Hunting 1873, Malad, ID Had impeccable taste in furniture and was a natural homemaker. Everyone agreed her house was the best decorated.
  26. John Emmerson 1762, England Named his first-born son after himself.
  27. Francis Constable 1592, Buckinghamshire, England He was a famous publisher and bookseller known for publishing stage plays of English Renaissance Drama.
  28. William Haws Lichfield 1932, Wyoming Went to school in a horse-drawn sleigh with a stove built in. Had never seen electricity in a home until he moved to Utah. Went to grade school with Dallin H. Oaks.
  29. William Marquis Haws 1857, Provo "A true outdoorsman. An artist, gunmaker, and trapper."- Grandpa Bill
  30. Maria Alexander 1801, Scotland Creative with baby names, here are a few: Orlando, Valeria, Lodeska, Summer, Clinton, Wellington
  31. Yates Taylor Lacey 1825, New York Served in the Civil War. It is said his beard went from black to white after killing a man with his bayonet.
  32. Edward Albert Holcomb 1847, Pennsylvania Had a farm of 120 acres, wheat and corn.
  33. Colonel Richard Lee I 1613, England Was the great-great grandfather of President Zachary Taylor and the great X3 grandfather of General Robert E. Lee.
  34. Margaret Stults 1894, Jasper, Missouri Her favorite food was angel food cake (do we blame her??)