someone in theinterestingpeople tries todo the hamiltonmove at the endof their danceaudiencemember tries tosit/stand directlyin front of ordirectly inlexi/cindy's placecamperfrenemiesdramacamperscomplainabout thebrightness ofthe stage lightscamper asksfor abandaid/icepack they don'tactually needcamperstry to directeach otheronstagesurprisecamper orstaffabsencecampers sittingin front of stageduringdress/show leanon the front ofthe stagecamper tries totalk to theirgrownups in theaudiencebefore/duringshowinaudiblesingingcamper asks touse thebathroom/getwater at aninopportunetimeinterestingpeoplereference theiruninterestinginside jokescamper wearscostume(probably fromhome) that iscumbersome tomove incamperrequests asnack fromthe TRRcampers arelate to aformationchange duringtheir dancecampersdon't use thestairs to geton/off thestageloudly andproudlyout of tunesingingbigfeelingsaboutcostumesgold grouphas issueswith keepingtheir hands tothemselvescamperleaves waterbottle behindin a roomforgottencampt-shirtad libbingduringthe showcampers forgeta note/changethat wasrepeatedlystatedcampers takemore than 30seconds to stoptalking afterwe've askedthem tosomeone in theinterestingpeople tries todo the hamiltonmove at the endof their danceaudiencemember tries tosit/stand directlyin front of ordirectly inlexi/cindy's placecamperfrenemiesdramacamperscomplainabout thebrightness ofthe stage lightscamper asksfor abandaid/icepack they don'tactually needcamperstry to directeach otheronstagesurprisecamper orstaffabsencecampers sittingin front of stageduringdress/show leanon the front ofthe stagecamper tries totalk to theirgrownups in theaudiencebefore/duringshowinaudiblesingingcamper asks touse thebathroom/getwater at aninopportunetimeinterestingpeoplereference theiruninterestinginside jokescamper wearscostume(probably fromhome) that iscumbersome tomove incamperrequests asnack fromthe TRRcampers arelate to aformationchange duringtheir dancecampersdon't use thestairs to geton/off thestageloudly andproudlyout of tunesingingbigfeelingsaboutcostumesgold grouphas issueswith keepingtheir hands tothemselvescamperleaves waterbottle behindin a roomforgottencampt-shirtad libbingduringthe showcampers forgeta note/changethat wasrepeatedlystatedcampers takemore than 30seconds to stoptalking afterwe've askedthem to

hocus pocus it's show(cus) day! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. someone in the interesting people tries to do the hamilton move at the end of their dance
  2. audience member tries to sit/stand directly in front of or directly in lexi/cindy's place
  3. camper frenemies drama
  4. campers complain about the brightness of the stage lights
  5. camper asks for a bandaid/ice pack they don't actually need
  6. campers try to direct each other onstage
  7. surprise camper or staff absence
  8. campers sitting in front of stage during dress/show lean on the front of the stage
  9. camper tries to talk to their grownups in the audience before/during show
  10. inaudible singing
  11. camper asks to use the bathroom/get water at an inopportune time
  12. interesting people reference their uninteresting inside jokes
  13. camper wears costume (probably from home) that is cumbersome to move in
  14. camper requests a snack from the TRR
  15. campers are late to a formation change during their dance
  16. campers don't use the stairs to get on/off the stage
  17. loudly and proudly out of tune singing
  18. big feelings about costumes
  19. gold group has issues with keeping their hands to themselves
  20. camper leaves water bottle behind in a room
  21. forgotten camp t-shirt
  22. ad libbing during the show
  23. campers forget a note/change that was repeatedly stated
  24. campers take more than 30 seconds to stop talking after we've asked them to