Gaza was anidyllic, joyousland until theJews came inand blew"Gaza is being destroyed!" "So should Hamas surrender?" "No!!""From the riverto the sea.."just don't askwhat river andwhat sea. Theydon't know.GEnoCiDeGo backtoBrooklynPink-WAsHiNgGoback toPolandHistory did notbegin on Oct 7(no, it began in1948, anotherwar started bythe Palestinians)The Jewsown...I meanthe Zionistsown themediaGaza was aconcentrationcampApARtHeIDEven Israeladmits that..(insert someridiculous lie thatIsrael neveradmitted to)The Jews...Imean theZionists ownCongressGaza wasan openair prisonForCEddiSplAcEMentOct 7 wasjustifiableresistance"The babies ofGaza are dying!""So shouldHamassurrender?""No!!!"Hamas did NOTbehead babies, onlyadults. They let thebabies keep theirheads on theirtorsos after theymurdered them!Zionism isworsethanNazismTherewere norapes onOct 7"There needs tobe aceasefire!""Whatabout Hamassurrendering?""No!!"EthNIccLEanSiNgThe onlycivilians killedon Oct 7 werekilled by theIDFHamas isn'ta terroristgroup, it'san IDEAGaza was anidyllic, joyousland until theJews came inand blew"Gaza is being destroyed!" "So should Hamas surrender?" "No!!""From the riverto the sea.."just don't askwhat river andwhat sea. Theydon't know.GEnoCiDeGo backtoBrooklynPink-WAsHiNgGoback toPolandHistory did notbegin on Oct 7(no, it began in1948, anotherwar started bythe Palestinians)The Jewsown...I meanthe Zionistsown themediaGaza was aconcentrationcampApARtHeIDEven Israeladmits that..(insert someridiculous lie thatIsrael neveradmitted to)The Jews...Imean theZionists ownCongressGaza wasan openair prisonForCEddiSplAcEMentOct 7 wasjustifiableresistance"The babies ofGaza are dying!""So shouldHamassurrender?""No!!!"Hamas did NOTbehead babies, onlyadults. They let thebabies keep theirheads on theirtorsos after theymurdered them!Zionism isworsethanNazismTherewere norapes onOct 7"There needs tobe aceasefire!""Whatabout Hamassurrendering?""No!!"EthNIccLEanSiNgThe onlycivilians killedon Oct 7 werekilled by theIDFHamas isn'ta terroristgroup, it'san IDEA

Encampment Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Gaza was an idyllic, joyous land until the Jews came in and blew
  2. "Gaza is being destroyed!" "So should Hamas surrender?" "No!!"
  3. "From the river to the sea.." just don't ask what river and what sea. They don't know.
  4. GEnoCiDe
  5. Go back to Brooklyn
  6. Pink-WA sHiNg
  7. Go back to Poland
  8. History did not begin on Oct 7 (no, it began in 1948, another war started by the Palestinians)
  9. The Jews own...I mean the Zionists own the media
  10. Gaza was a concentration camp
  11. ApARtHeID
  12. Even Israel admits that.. (insert some ridiculous lie that Israel never admitted to)
  13. The Jews...I mean the Zionists own Congress
  14. Gaza was an open air prison
  15. ForCEd diSplAcEMent
  16. Oct 7 was justifiable resistance
  17. "The babies of Gaza are dying!" "So should Hamas surrender?" "No!!!"
  18. Hamas did NOT behead babies, only adults. They let the babies keep their heads on their torsos after they murdered them!
  19. Zionism is worse than Nazism
  20. There were no rapes on Oct 7
  21. "There needs to be a ceasefire!""What about Hamas surrendering?" "No!!"
  22. EthNIc cLEanSiNg
  23. The only civilians killed on Oct 7 were killed by the IDF
  24. Hamas isn't a terrorist group, it's an IDEA