Sent a voice-to-text message Dataset:Prediction: Seen a Googleautofill searchresult Dataset:Prediction: Had an Emojisuggested instead ofa word e.g. “lol” isreplaced for an Emojismiley face Dataset:Prediction: Used a Snapchatfilter (what’s yourfavorite?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen as suggested onSnapchat (If so, whatfor? How does thiscompare to what adsyour partner sees?) Dataset:Prediction: Used “safesearch” onGoogle Dataset:Prediction: Seen a suggestedresponse on Gmailto an email Dataset:Prediction: Used a fingerprintto unlock a deviceor opened a devicewith your face Dataset:Prediction: Communicatedwith a customer Dataset:Prediction: Had a writingassignmentgraded by acomputer Dataset:Prediction: Had an emaillabelled as“important” Dataset:Prediction: Had a text auto-completed orused autocorrect Dataset:Prediction: Used an onlinesearch engine likeGoogle or Bing Dataset:Prediction: Used a map appto find a path toa destination Dataset:Prediction: Seen a sponsoredproduct on Google orAmazon e.g. “sinceyou bought__wethought you mightlike…” Dataset:Prediction: Clicked on anInstagram ad (whatkinds of ads do younormally see on theapp compared to yourpartner”?) Dataset:Prediction: Had an email go toyour spam folder(was it actuallyspam?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen a "nudge"reminder onGmail to respondto an emailDataset:Prediction:Seen arecommendedproduct on Facebook(if so, what for?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen news articlessuggested in a newsapp(what kinds ofarticles do yourpartner?) Dataset:Prediction: Gotten a weatherforecast from awebsite or used aweather app Dataset:Prediction: Used an app torecognize asong playing Dataset:Prediction: Played a motion-sensitive video, gamee.g. Mario Part,Nintendo, Will U, etc. Dataset:Prediction: Listened to arecommended song onSpotify (what kind ofmusic do you usually getrecommended comparedto your partner?) Dataset:Prediction: Sent a voice-to-text message Dataset:Prediction: Seen a Googleautofill searchresult Dataset:Prediction: Had an Emojisuggested instead ofa word e.g. “lol” isreplaced for an Emojismiley face Dataset:Prediction: Used a Snapchatfilter (what’s yourfavorite?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen as suggested onSnapchat (If so, whatfor? How does thiscompare to what adsyour partner sees?) Dataset:Prediction: Used “safesearch” onGoogle Dataset:Prediction: Seen a suggestedresponse on Gmailto an email Dataset:Prediction: Used a fingerprintto unlock a deviceor opened a devicewith your face Dataset:Prediction: Communicatedwith a customer Dataset:Prediction: Had a writingassignmentgraded by acomputer Dataset:Prediction: Had an emaillabelled as“important” Dataset:Prediction: Had a text auto-completed orused autocorrect Dataset:Prediction: Used an onlinesearch engine likeGoogle or Bing Dataset:Prediction: Used a map appto find a path toa destination Dataset:Prediction: Seen a sponsoredproduct on Google orAmazon e.g. “sinceyou bought__wethought you mightlike…” Dataset:Prediction: Clicked on anInstagram ad (whatkinds of ads do younormally see on theapp compared to yourpartner”?) Dataset:Prediction: Had an email go toyour spam folder(was it actuallyspam?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen a "nudge"reminder onGmail to respondto an emailDataset:Prediction:Seen arecommendedproduct on Facebook(if so, what for?) Dataset:Prediction: Seen news articlessuggested in a newsapp(what kinds ofarticles do yourpartner?) Dataset:Prediction: Gotten a weatherforecast from awebsite or used aweather app Dataset:Prediction: Used an app torecognize asong playing Dataset:Prediction: Played a motion-sensitive video, gamee.g. Mario Part,Nintendo, Will U, etc. Dataset:Prediction: Listened to arecommended song onSpotify (what kind ofmusic do you usually getrecommended comparedto your partner?) Dataset:Prediction: 

AI Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sent a voice-to-text message Dataset: Prediction:
  2. Seen a Google autofill search result Dataset: Prediction:
  3. Had an Emoji suggested instead of a word e.g. “lol” is replaced for an Emoji smiley face Dataset: Prediction:
  4. Used a Snapchat filter (what’s your favorite?) Dataset: Prediction:
  5. Seen as suggested on Snapchat (If so, what for? How does this compare to what ads your partner sees?) Dataset: Prediction:
  6. Used “safe search” on Google Dataset: Prediction:
  7. Seen a suggested response on Gmail to an email Dataset: Prediction:
  8. Used a fingerprint to unlock a device or opened a device with your face Dataset: Prediction:
  9. Communicated with a customer Dataset: Prediction:
  10. Had a writing assignment graded by a computer Dataset: Prediction:
  11. Had an email labelled as “important” Dataset: Prediction:
  12. Had a text auto- completed or used autocorrect Dataset: Prediction:
  13. Used an online search engine like Google or Bing Dataset: Prediction:
  14. Used a map app to find a path to a destination Dataset: Prediction:
  15. Seen a sponsored product on Google or Amazon e.g. “since you bought__we thought you might like…” Dataset: Prediction:
  16. Clicked on an Instagram ad (what kinds of ads do you normally see on the app compared to your partner”?) Dataset: Prediction:
  17. Had an email go to your spam folder (was it actually spam?) Dataset: Prediction:
  18. Seen a "nudge" reminder on Gmail to respond to an email Dataset: Prediction:
  19. Seen a recommended product on Facebook (if so, what for?) Dataset: Prediction:
  20. Seen news articles suggested in a news app(what kinds of articles do your partner?) Dataset: Prediction:
  21. Gotten a weather forecast from a website or used a weather app Dataset: Prediction:
  22. Used an app to recognize a song playing Dataset: Prediction:
  23. Played a motion- sensitive video, game e.g. Mario Part, Nintendo, Will U, etc. Dataset: Prediction:
  24. Listened to a recommended song on Spotify (what kind of music do you usually get recommended compared to your partner?) Dataset: Prediction: