"It's just anxiety."or " Have youconsidered it’spsychosomatic?""You'reparanoid.You don'tneed to weara mask.""You should haverecovered by nowmust besomething else."or "You shouldsee XXX doctor."Personcoughson you"I get tired too."or " I can’trememberanythingeither!"Personspitson youPersonpushes/bumpsyou" I’ve hadit and itwasn’tthat bad.""You look greatthough, god I wantsome Long COVIDif it makes me lookso good!" or "I wantLong COVID if Ididn't have to work!""You stillhave that?!"or "You'restill sick?!""Have you triedXXXdiet/supplement?""Youdon'tlook ill.""You need toexercisemore." or "Youneed to pushthrough it.""LongCOVIDdoesn'texist!"Personpoints andlaughs atyouPersoncrowds youand/orbreaths onyou"You’re not sick,it’s the Holy Spirittrying to talk toyou." or "You haveto pray the LongCOVID away.""Are you sureit isn't age?"or "Isn't it justmenopause?""We’ve all just gotto get on with ourlives" or "You'dget better if onlyyour attitude wasmore positive.""Is itbecauseyou got thevaccine?""I heard that’s notreally a thing." or"There's no suchthing, there'snothing wrongwith you.""Are youcontagious?""You must lovebeing off work."or "You're solucky you don'thave to go intothe office.""COVID isover." or"COVID wasa hoax.""It's just anxiety."or " Have youconsidered it’spsychosomatic?""You'reparanoid.You don'tneed to weara mask.""You should haverecovered by nowmust besomething else."or "You shouldsee XXX doctor."Personcoughson you"I get tired too."or " I can’trememberanythingeither!"Personspitson youPersonpushes/bumpsyou" I’ve hadit and itwasn’tthat bad.""You look greatthough, god I wantsome Long COVIDif it makes me lookso good!" or "I wantLong COVID if Ididn't have to work!""You stillhave that?!"or "You'restill sick?!""Have you triedXXXdiet/supplement?""Youdon'tlook ill.""You need toexercisemore." or "Youneed to pushthrough it.""LongCOVIDdoesn'texist!"Personpoints andlaughs atyouPersoncrowds youand/orbreaths onyou"You’re not sick,it’s the Holy Spirittrying to talk toyou." or "You haveto pray the LongCOVID away.""Are you sureit isn't age?"or "Isn't it justmenopause?""We’ve all just gotto get on with ourlives" or "You'dget better if onlyyour attitude wasmore positive.""Is itbecauseyou got thevaccine?""I heard that’s notreally a thing." or"There's no suchthing, there'snothing wrongwith you.""Are youcontagious?""You must lovebeing off work."or "You're solucky you don'thave to go intothe office.""COVID isover." or"COVID wasa hoax."

Long COVID Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "It's just anxiety." or " Have you considered it’s psychosomatic?"
  2. "You're paranoid. You don't need to wear a mask."
  3. "You should have recovered by now must be something else." or "You should see XXX doctor."
  4. Person coughs on you
  5. "I get tired too." or " I can’t remember anything either!"
  6. Person spits on you
  7. Person pushes/bumps you
  8. " I’ve had it and it wasn’t that bad."
  9. "You look great though, god I want some Long COVID if it makes me look so good!" or "I want Long COVID if I didn't have to work!"
  10. "You still have that?!" or "You're still sick?!"
  11. "Have you tried XXX diet/supplement?"
  12. "You don't look ill."
  13. "You need to exercise more." or "You need to push through it."
  14. "Long COVID doesn't exist!"
  15. Person points and laughs at you
  16. Person crowds you and/or breaths on you
  17. "You’re not sick, it’s the Holy Spirit trying to talk to you." or "You have to pray the Long COVID away."
  18. "Are you sure it isn't age?" or "Isn't it just menopause?"
  19. "We’ve all just got to get on with our lives" or "You'd get better if only your attitude was more positive."
  20. "Is it because you got the vaccine?"
  21. "I heard that’s not really a thing." or "There's no such thing, there's nothing wrong with you."
  22. "Are you contagious?"
  23. "You must love being off work." or "You're so lucky you don't have to go into the office."
  24. "COVID is over." or "COVID was a hoax."