Toe makes1000 goldin onesessionDoctorsurviveshis trialToe getssick eatingsomethingrottenJayjaygoes intoa rage fornaughtToe andBlightwoodsuccessfullybreak into amuseumSomeonepicks Toeup by thefootBlightwoodevicts Toefor being anuisanceOwaiss dropsa dice and itbounces off tothe other sideof the roomToedesecrates abody atGwendolyn'scommandDoctor andJayjay cookdinner for thegang and Toe isforced to eatrich foodToe findsa wallet inthedumpsterToe andGwendolynhang outfor a bitBlightwoodcastsfireballToe isactuallyhelpful tothe groupBlightwoodkills Doctorafter gettingout of jailToe getsthrown injail(unfairly)The wholegang getsthrown in jail,but Gwendolynis releasedimmediatelyToe figures outwhat it meansto be lawfulgood like agood littlehalflingTrevor sendsa picture ofan enemy inthe chatBlightwoodgoes downbeforecombatBlightwoodtosses Toeout awindowJayjay does notpromote her onlinebrand during aconversationlonger than 5minutesDoctordoesn't pullout a swordwhen heusually wouldToe getskidnappedToe makes1000 goldin onesessionDoctorsurviveshis trialToe getssick eatingsomethingrottenJayjaygoes intoa rage fornaughtToe andBlightwoodsuccessfullybreak into amuseumSomeonepicks Toeup by thefootBlightwoodevicts Toefor being anuisanceOwaiss dropsa dice and itbounces off tothe other sideof the roomToedesecrates abody atGwendolyn'scommandDoctor andJayjay cookdinner for thegang and Toe isforced to eatrich foodToe findsa wallet inthedumpsterToe andGwendolynhang outfor a bitBlightwoodcastsfireballToe isactuallyhelpful tothe groupBlightwoodkills Doctorafter gettingout of jailToe getsthrown injail(unfairly)The wholegang getsthrown in jail,but Gwendolynis releasedimmediatelyToe figures outwhat it meansto be lawfulgood like agood littlehalflingTrevor sendsa picture ofan enemy inthe chatBlightwoodgoes downbeforecombatBlightwoodtosses Toeout awindowJayjay does notpromote her onlinebrand during aconversationlonger than 5minutesDoctordoesn't pullout a swordwhen heusually wouldToe getskidnapped

Trevor's - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Toe makes 1000 gold in one session
  2. Doctor survives his trial
  3. Toe gets sick eating something rotten
  4. Jayjay goes into a rage for naught
  5. Toe and Blightwood successfully break into a museum
  6. Someone picks Toe up by the foot
  7. Blightwood evicts Toe for being a nuisance
  8. Owaiss drops a dice and it bounces off to the other side of the room
  9. Toe desecrates a body at Gwendolyn's command
  10. Doctor and Jayjay cook dinner for the gang and Toe is forced to eat rich food
  11. Toe finds a wallet in the dumpster
  12. Toe and Gwendolyn hang out for a bit
  13. Blightwood casts fireball
  14. Toe is actually helpful to the group
  15. Blightwood kills Doctor after getting out of jail
  16. Toe gets thrown in jail (unfairly)
  17. The whole gang gets thrown in jail, but Gwendolyn is released immediately
  18. Toe figures out what it means to be lawful good like a good little halfling
  19. Trevor sends a picture of an enemy in the chat
  20. Blightwood goes down before combat
  21. Blightwood tosses Toe out a window
  22. Jayjay does not promote her online brand during a conversation longer than 5 minutes
  23. Doctor doesn't pull out a sword when he usually would
  24. Toe gets kidnapped