Angy initiatesa conversationbeforesomeoneadresses her.Angy sip herwater fromthe metal canand it makesTHE sound.Nesteamakes a dadjoke and no-one laughsexcept Kerry.Bonnierefuses totalk toNestea outof spite.Kerryforgets tounmutehimself.Angy says:"Lemon,beidz!".Charger knocks2 people fromground (1passerby style+ 1 grab)Netsea hasa probleminstalling thecustom map.Angy defultsto sniperweapons onthe 2nd half ofthe session.Nestea leaveshis PC for 3minutes duringthe wholesession.No-oneuses deaglefor thewhole map.Angycomplainsabout theweapon rng.Nestea doesn'tuse molotovs,explosives,bile jars for 10minutes.Nesteagetsdownedfirst.Bonnie has themost revives(pick-ups) bythe end of thesession.Kerry laughsat bonnie'sspraychoice.Angy gets maddue tot he factshe doesn`tget revived intime.A mapcontains asewers andforestsection.Angygoes tothe wc 4times.Nesteagriefs histeam themost.Bonnie refrainsfrom usingbara sprays atthe start of themap.BonniementionsMegija 3times.Nestea getsbound bysmoker for5 seconds.A mapcontaintsat least 2tanks.Angy initiatesa conversationbeforesomeoneadresses her.Angy sip herwater fromthe metal canand it makesTHE sound.Nesteamakes a dadjoke and no-one laughsexcept Kerry.Bonnierefuses totalk toNestea outof spite.Kerryforgets tounmutehimself.Angy says:"Lemon,beidz!".Charger knocks2 people fromground (1passerby style+ 1 grab)Netsea hasa probleminstalling thecustom map.Angy defultsto sniperweapons onthe 2nd half ofthe session.Nestea leaveshis PC for 3minutes duringthe wholesession.No-oneuses deaglefor thewhole map.Angycomplainsabout theweapon rng.Nestea doesn'tuse molotovs,explosives,bile jars for 10minutes.Nesteagetsdownedfirst.Bonnie has themost revives(pick-ups) bythe end of thesession.Kerry laughsat bonnie'sspraychoice.Angy gets maddue tot he factshe doesn`tget revived intime.A mapcontains asewers andforestsection.Angygoes tothe wc 4times.Nesteagriefs histeam themost.Bonnie refrainsfrom usingbara sprays atthe start of themap.BonniementionsMegija 3times.Nestea getsbound bysmoker for5 seconds.A mapcontaintsat least 2tanks.

Quax's Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Angy initiates a conversation before someone adresses her.
  2. Angy sip her water from the metal can and it makes THE sound.
  3. Nestea makes a dad joke and no-one laughs except Kerry.
  4. Bonnie refuses to talk to Nestea out of spite.
  5. Kerry forgets to unmute himself.
  6. Angy says :"Lemon, beidz!".
  7. Charger knocks 2 people from ground (1 passerby style + 1 grab)
  8. Netsea has a problem installing the custom map.
  9. Angy defults to sniper weapons on the 2nd half of the session.
  10. Nestea leaves his PC for 3 minutes during the whole session.
  11. No-one uses deagle for the whole map.
  12. Angy complains about the weapon rng.
  13. Nestea doesn't use molotovs, explosives, bile jars for 10 minutes.
  14. Nestea gets downed first.
  15. Bonnie has the most revives (pick-ups) by the end of the session.
  16. Kerry laughs at bonnie's spray choice.
  17. Angy gets mad due tot he fact she doesn`t get revived in time.
  18. A map contains a sewers and forest section.
  19. Angy goes to the wc 4 times.
  20. Nestea griefs his team the most.
  21. Bonnie refrains from using bara sprays at the start of the map.
  22. Bonnie mentions Megija 3 times.
  23. Nestea gets bound by smoker for 5 seconds.
  24. A map containts at least 2 tanks.