(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
“All sports car drivers
are so aggressive!”
“Everyone was speeding,
so I shouldn’t have
gotten a ticket.”
“What would you know
about labor laws?
You don’t even have a job.”
“We can’t worry about
the environment because
we are in the middle
of a war.”
“The election was rigged
because a lot of people
have been talking
about it.”
“It must be a good book
because it is on the
best-seller list.”
“Everyone is switching to an
iPhone, so you should too!”
“I felt nauseated both
times I ate pizza from
Georgio’s, so I must be
allergic to something
in pizza.”
Son: “Wow, Dad, it’s
really hard to make a
living on my salary.”
Father: “Consider
yourself lucky, son.
Why, when I was
your age, I only
made $40 a week.”
“The moon is covered
with dust because the
president of our
neighborhood association
said so.”
After trying sushi once
and disliking it, a person
claims that all sushi
is terrible.
Interviewer- “Have you
been overcharging customers
without them knowing?”
Business Owner: “We take
our business seriously, and
we do everything we can
to build a quality product.”
This type of fallacy is also
known as a character
assassination, and includes
personal attacks and
name calling.
“Before you listen to her,
I should remind you that
she has been charged
with embezzlement.”
Someone visits a city on a
rainy day, and concludes
that the weather in that
city is always bad.
A police officer pulls
a car over for speeding.
The driver says that he
shouldn’t have to pay the
fine since there are so
many dangerous criminals
out there, and that the police
officer should be chasing them instead.
Mother to Son: “It is time
to do your homework.”
Son to Mother: “We
had pizza for lunch today.”
“In order to really look at
the problem of global
warming, we must first
consider how the
homeless suffer
when it is cold.”
“Nearly all scientists
believe in evolution;
therefore, it must be true.”
“You have no idea what
you are talking about;
you have only lived
here for 6 months!”
“How could I vote
for a person
looking like this?”
“A commercial claims
that a specific brand of
cereal is the best way to
start the day because
Michael Jordan says that
it is what he eats every
day for breakfast.”
“Half of Americans
believe in ghosts,
so they must be real.”
“Our CEO says that we
don’t need to worry about
climate change, so I no
longer need to find out
ways for our company
to be more sustainable.”
“Peace is the best strategy
because Einstein said so.”