MandatedReporter(page 30.Notify admin.Celebrated inthe cafeteriaduring lunch(page 36)Requiredwith at least5 days ofemergencyplans. (p.19) Must becompleted andsent with thechild to thenurse.(page 30)The staff atGoodyearElementary Schoolwill dressprofessionally atall times.(pg 17) Must be usedor includeddaily whenteaching.(p.20) The timeschoolbegins.(p. 31) Are expectedeach Tuesdayduringplanning. (p.27)  Issued every 9weeks. 2 percontent givenentered weekly3rd - 5th.(p.25) PE, Art,Music,ComputerLab (p. 24) Clock In/Outin this systemwhen leavingand returning.(page 17) Must sign in thefront office.Studentsshould not letin.(page 36) Notify Mrs.Flowers by6:00am, placeabsence infrontline. (pg18) Must be posted.visual posters thatteachers create tohelp studentsremember importantconcepts and topics([. 24) Can store andadministerprescriptions.(page 30  Must be placedon teacherwebpage by8am onMonday.(p. 20)Must bevisible inevery K-5classroom.(page 24) This data isused forplanninginstruction.(p. 23) 3 daysavailableper schoolyear. (p.19) Each Classmust watcheach morningat 7:55 am.(p.37) The timeStaff mustarrive towork.(page 31) Must becompleted dailyby 8:30 amin IC.(page39)Students whoare havingdifficulty inacademics mayqualify. (p.22) Must becounted andturned into thefront officedaily. (p.35) MandatedReporter(page 30.Notify admin.Celebrated inthe cafeteriaduring lunch(page 36)Requiredwith at least5 days ofemergencyplans. (p.19) Must becompleted andsent with thechild to thenurse.(page 30)The staff atGoodyearElementary Schoolwill dressprofessionally atall times.(pg 17) Must be usedor includeddaily whenteaching.(p.20) The timeschoolbegins.(p. 31) Are expectedeach Tuesdayduringplanning. (p.27)  Issued every 9weeks. 2 percontent givenentered weekly3rd - 5th.(p.25) PE, Art,Music,ComputerLab (p. 24) Clock In/Outin this systemwhen leavingand returning.(page 17) Must sign in thefront office.Studentsshould not letin.(page 36) Notify Mrs.Flowers by6:00am, placeabsence infrontline. (pg18) Must be posted.visual posters thatteachers create tohelp studentsremember importantconcepts and topics([. 24) Can store andadministerprescriptions.(page 30  Must be placedon teacherwebpage by8am onMonday.(p. 20)Must bevisible inevery K-5classroom.(page 24) This data isused forplanninginstruction.(p. 23) 3 daysavailableper schoolyear. (p.19) Each Classmust watcheach morningat 7:55 am.(p.37) The timeStaff mustarrive towork.(page 31) Must becompleted dailyby 8:30 amin IC.(page39)Students whoare havingdifficulty inacademics mayqualify. (p.22) Must becounted andturned into thefront officedaily. (p.35) 

24-25 Goodyear Staff Handbook - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mandated Reporter (page 30.
  2. Notify admin. Celebrated in the cafeteria during lunch (page 36)
  3. Required with at least 5 days of emergency plans. (p.19)
  4. Must be completed and sent with the child to the nurse. (page 30)
  5. The staff at Goodyear Elementary School will dress professionally at all times. (pg 17)
  6. Must be used or included daily when teaching. (p.20)
  7. The time school begins. (p. 31)
  8. Are expected each Tuesday during planning. (p.27)
  9. Issued every 9 weeks. 2 per content given entered weekly 3rd - 5th. (p.25)
  10. PE, Art, Music, Computer Lab (p. 24)
  11. Clock In/Out in this system when leaving and returning. (page 17)
  12. Must sign in the front office. Students should not let in. (page 36)
  13. Notify Mrs. Flowers by 6:00am, place absence in frontline. (pg 18)
  14. Must be posted. visual posters that teachers create to help students remember important concepts and topics ([. 24)
  15. Can store and administer prescriptions. (page 30
  16. Must be placed on teacher webpage by 8am on Monday. (p. 20)
  17. Must be visible in every K-5 classroom. (page 24)
  18. This data is used for planning instruction. (p. 23)
  19. 3 days available per school year. (p.19)
  20. Each Class must watch each morning at 7:55 am. (p.37)
  21. The time Staff must arrive to work. (page 31)
  22. Must be completed daily by 8:30 am in IC. (page39)
  23. Students who are having difficulty in academics may qualify. (p.22)
  24. Must be counted and turned into the front office daily. (p.35)