You've liedon your CV,haven'tyou?Asking aboutsomeone'ssalary isimprudent,isn't it?You havea whitecollar job,don't you?You workon site,don't you?Yourcompanyhas a dresscode,doesn't it?Coworkersaren'tfriends,are they?A friendhooked youup to yourcurrent job,didn't they?You've donemischeivesat your job,haven't you?You'vegotten apromotionbefore,haven't you?Universityprepared youfor thecorporateworld, didn't it?You pickedyour major atunirandomly,didn't you?You don'tlike yourboss, doyou?Yourcommute'svery long,isn't it?The job ofyour life isnot working,isn't it?You loveyourprofession,don't you?You don't getalong withyour boss,do you?You've liedon your CV,haven'tyou?Asking aboutsomeone'ssalary isimprudent,isn't it?You havea whitecollar job,don't you?You workon site,don't you?Yourcompanyhas a dresscode,doesn't it?Coworkersaren'tfriends,are they?A friendhooked youup to yourcurrent job,didn't they?You've donemischeivesat your job,haven't you?You'vegotten apromotionbefore,haven't you?Universityprepared youfor thecorporateworld, didn't it?You pickedyour major atunirandomly,didn't you?You don'tlike yourboss, doyou?Yourcommute'svery long,isn't it?The job ofyour life isnot working,isn't it?You loveyourprofession,don't you?You don't getalong withyour boss,do you?

Jobs (ADV 2) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You've lied on your CV, haven't you?
  2. Asking about someone's salary is imprudent, isn't it?
  3. You have a white collar job, don't you?
  4. You work on site, don't you?
  5. Your company has a dress code, doesn't it?
  6. Coworkers aren't friends, are they?
  7. A friend hooked you up to your current job, didn't they?
  8. You've done mischeives at your job, haven't you?
  9. You've gotten a promotion before, haven't you?
  10. University prepared you for the corporate world, didn't it?
  11. You picked your major at uni randomly, didn't you?
  12. You don't like your boss, do you?
  13. Your commute's very long, isn't it?
  14. The job of your life is not working, isn't it?
  15. You love your profession, don't you?
  16. You don't get along with your boss, do you?