I have movedacross thecountry beforeusing only abackpack andcarry-on suitcase.I am lefthanded.I survived thePaqui chipchallenge thatkilled someonein 2023 (beforeit was outlawed).Happyman.I once won amole daycostumecontest byskateboardingon my stomach.Tendernessof mycheeks isunparalleled.I used toIrish dancewhen I wasyounger.I studiedcacaofermentationin college.I have both atiktok and atweet thathas goneviral.I stole theEuropeanParliamentsign.I found out that I wasa child model when Istumbled upon aphoto of myself on amagazine cover whilegoing through mychildhood things.A professor oncebought me anextremelyexpensive apple sothat I could ASMRthe class with itscrunchiness.I fosterdogs.When I was a GirlScout troop leaderin college, the girlsand I planned apancake eatingcontest!I earned HonorableMention in the BettyCrocker Search forthe AmericanHomemaker ofTomorrow.I am atrainedoperasinger.For a class inmy Australianhigh school, Iwas part of ayouth circusgroup.I am atwin.I've lived inall the fourcornerstates!I once worked at abakery and in oneshift burnt close to100 cookies. Thebakery closedshortly after.I onceauditionedfor AmericanIdol.My pet foodbill is morethan mygrocery bill.My elbowshyperextendto like 195degrees.I knit myfirst sockthis year!I am friendswith amember ofthe Royalfamily.I was onTV as akid.I caught20 bass ina coupleof hours.Happywomen.I experiencedhurricaneCharley at age 8and committedto becoming ameteorologist.I lived in anapartmentoverlookingthe BronxZoo.I used to havea trampoline inmy living room!(This was whenAnne was myroommate.)If you leave a familysized bag of Lay'ssour cream andonion chips near me,I will unknowingly eatthe entire bag. Theyare my weakness.I canbreakdance.My name ismade up of firstletters in thenames of myfamilymembers.I am in a lotof pictureshanging inJack'sapartment.Anne and I gotblacklisted atthe bar during aconferencebecause I wasstealing drinks.Two otherliving peopleshare myname.I can iceskate androllerbladebackwards.I took ayacht ridealong Italy'sAmalfiCoast.I'm learningKorean at theKoreanConsulateEducationCenter.My favoritemovie seriesis Mission:Impossible.I am a merethree hoursyounger thanJack, and Jackwill never letme forget it.I took ARtests forother kids inelementaryschool!I read a bookunderwaterwhile in alake inVermont.I tookballetclasses for22 years.I won theCalifornia statefree throwchampionshiplolI'm aDeadhead.I once transported alive freshwater wolffish internationallyand somehow tookit through UScustoms withoutdeclaring it.I writepoetry!My name is socommon that duringmy engineeringentrance exam,everyone in theexam hall had myname.I am achicken whenit comes topublicspeaking.I did not setany jumpingrecords injunior high.I use anotoscopeat workevery day.I have beenJack'sfrenemy forover 15years.I've seenTaylor Swiftperform 3times.I was oncean extra in aChanningTatummovie.I managed anice cream storeas a teenagerand took it waytoo seriously.I am aVikingsfan.I have seenthe northernlights on 2differentcontinents.I havebikedacross thecountry.My family hasbeen collectingcoffee mugsfrom around theworld for 4generations.I was the mostmuggableperson in myundergraduatecohort.I once ranacross the USfrom thesouthern borderand into Canada(and back!).I sank myboat while itwas actuallytied up at thedock.The high schoolI attended is onthe same streetas LambeauField.I was the onlysibling in myfamily to beborn in the U.Sand not SouthKorea.I ran amarathonand qualifiedfor Boston.I alwaysleave myphone half-off the table:PMy mom's nicknamefor me is “my name”-pants, because whenI was a kid I refusedto wear pants andshe got tired ofsaying “Name, go putyour pants on.”The first movieI saw in atheatre (I was ayear old at thetime) wasGodzilla.I am an extremelyfit person, but Ilifted air at the gyminstead of barbellswhile training. 🤐Anyway, it’s not asecret anymore.I workedsecurity atWayneNewton'swedding.I set the recordfor standinglong jump for7th grade atmy junior high.I havebendybodysyndrome!I have a funextra bone inmy left foot! (Itdoesn't doanything, butit's there).I amLatvian.I'vecompletedone Ironmantriathlon.I broke one of mypinky finger when Iwas 14 becausemy friend sat on it.It is shorter thenit’s supposed tobe.I sometimessing "Quesera sera"when I amreally drunk...I've caughta sharkwhilefishing.An animalsrumen once spitup an obsceneamount ofpartially digestedfood on me.I swearthe mostin myfamily.I lovemountains.I'vetouchedthe StanleyCup twice.I once got aworld recordin a videogame whileon the toiletI builtmy ownairplane.I once ate100 chickenmcnuggetsin onesitting.I have movedacross thecountry beforeusing only abackpack andcarry-on suitcase.I am lefthanded.I survived thePaqui chipchallenge thatkilled someonein 2023 (beforeit was outlawed).Happyman.I once won amole daycostumecontest byskateboardingon my stomach.Tendernessof mycheeks isunparalleled.I used toIrish dancewhen I wasyounger.I studiedcacaofermentationin college.I have both atiktok and atweet thathas goneviral.I stole theEuropeanParliamentsign.I found out that I wasa child model when Istumbled upon aphoto of myself on amagazine cover whilegoing through mychildhood things.A professor oncebought me anextremelyexpensive apple sothat I could ASMRthe class with itscrunchiness.I fosterdogs.When I was a GirlScout troop leaderin college, the girlsand I planned apancake eatingcontest!I earned HonorableMention in the BettyCrocker Search forthe AmericanHomemaker ofTomorrow.I am atrainedoperasinger.For a class inmy Australianhigh school, Iwas part of ayouth circusgroup.I am atwin.I've lived inall the fourcornerstates!I once worked at abakery and in oneshift burnt close to100 cookies. Thebakery closedshortly after.I onceauditionedfor AmericanIdol.My pet foodbill is morethan mygrocery bill.My elbowshyperextendto like 195degrees.I knit myfirst sockthis year!I am friendswith amember ofthe Royalfamily.I was onTV as akid.I caught20 bass ina coupleof hours.Happywomen.I experiencedhurricaneCharley at age 8and committedto becoming ameteorologist.I lived in anapartmentoverlookingthe BronxZoo.I used to havea trampoline inmy living room!(This was whenAnne was myroommate.)If you leave a familysized bag of Lay'ssour cream andonion chips near me,I will unknowingly eatthe entire bag. Theyare my weakness.I canbreakdance.My name ismade up of firstletters in thenames of myfamilymembers.I am in a lotof pictureshanging inJack'sapartment.Anne and I gotblacklisted atthe bar during aconferencebecause I wasstealing drinks.Two otherliving peopleshare myname.I can iceskate androllerbladebackwards.I took ayacht ridealong Italy'sAmalfiCoast.I'm learningKorean at theKoreanConsulateEducationCenter.My favoritemovie seriesis Mission:Impossible.I am a merethree hoursyounger thanJack, and Jackwill never letme forget it.I took ARtests forother kids inelementaryschool!I read a bookunderwaterwhile in alake inVermont.I tookballetclasses for22 years.I won theCalifornia statefree throwchampionshiplolI'm aDeadhead.I once transported alive freshwater wolffish internationallyand somehow tookit through UScustoms withoutdeclaring it.I writepoetry!My name is socommon that duringmy engineeringentrance exam,everyone in theexam hall had myname.I am achicken whenit comes topublicspeaking.I did not setany jumpingrecords injunior high.I use anotoscopeat workevery day.I have beenJack'sfrenemy forover 15years.I've seenTaylor Swiftperform 3times.I was oncean extra in aChanningTatummovie.I managed anice cream storeas a teenagerand took it waytoo seriously.I am aVikingsfan.I have seenthe northernlights on 2differentcontinents.I havebikedacross thecountry.My family hasbeen collectingcoffee mugsfrom around theworld for 4generations.I was the mostmuggableperson in myundergraduatecohort.I once ranacross the USfrom thesouthern borderand into Canada(and back!).I sank myboat while itwas actuallytied up at thedock.The high schoolI attended is onthe same streetas LambeauField.I was the onlysibling in myfamily to beborn in the U.Sand not SouthKorea.I ran amarathonand qualifiedfor Boston.I alwaysleave myphone half-off the table:PMy mom's nicknamefor me is “my name”-pants, because whenI was a kid I refusedto wear pants andshe got tired ofsaying “Name, go putyour pants on.”The first movieI saw in atheatre (I was ayear old at thetime) wasGodzilla.I am an extremelyfit person, but Ilifted air at the gyminstead of barbellswhile training. 🤐Anyway, it’s not asecret anymore.I workedsecurity atWayneNewton'swedding.I set the recordfor standinglong jump for7th grade atmy junior high.I havebendybodysyndrome!I have a funextra bone inmy left foot! (Itdoesn't doanything, butit's there).I amLatvian.I'vecompletedone Ironmantriathlon.I broke one of mypinky finger when Iwas 14 becausemy friend sat on it.It is shorter thenit’s supposed tobe.I sometimessing "Quesera sera"when I amreally drunk...I've caughta sharkwhilefishing.An animalsrumen once spitup an obsceneamount ofpartially digestedfood on me.I swearthe mostin myfamily.I lovemountains.I'vetouchedthe StanleyCup twice.I once got aworld recordin a videogame whileon the toiletI builtmy ownairplane.I once ate100 chickenmcnuggetsin onesitting.

Wedding Bingooo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have moved across the country before using only a backpack and carry-on suitcase.
  2. I am left handed.
  3. I survived the Paqui chip challenge that killed someone in 2023 (before it was outlawed).
  4. Happy man.
  5. I once won a mole day costume contest by skateboarding on my stomach.
  6. Tenderness of my cheeks is unparalleled.
  7. I used to Irish dance when I was younger.
  8. I studied cacao fermentation in college.
  9. I have both a tiktok and a tweet that has gone viral.
  10. I stole the European Parliament sign.
  11. I found out that I was a child model when I stumbled upon a photo of myself on a magazine cover while going through my childhood things.
  12. A professor once bought me an extremely expensive apple so that I could ASMR the class with its crunchiness.
  13. I foster dogs.
  14. When I was a Girl Scout troop leader in college, the girls and I planned a pancake eating contest!
  15. I earned Honorable Mention in the Betty Crocker Search for the American Homemaker of Tomorrow.
  16. I am a trained opera singer.
  17. For a class in my Australian high school, I was part of a youth circus group.
  18. I am a twin.
  19. I've lived in all the four corner states!
  20. I once worked at a bakery and in one shift burnt close to 100 cookies. The bakery closed shortly after.
  21. I once auditioned for American Idol.
  22. My pet food bill is more than my grocery bill.
  23. My elbows hyperextend to like 195 degrees.
  24. I knit my first sock this year!
  25. I am friends with a member of the Royal family.
  26. I was on TV as a kid.
  27. I caught 20 bass in a couple of hours.
  28. Happy women.
  29. I experienced hurricane Charley at age 8 and committed to becoming a meteorologist.
  30. I lived in an apartment overlooking the Bronx Zoo.
  31. I used to have a trampoline in my living room! (This was when Anne was my roommate.)
  32. If you leave a family sized bag of Lay's sour cream and onion chips near me, I will unknowingly eat the entire bag. They are my weakness.
  33. I can break dance.
  34. My name is made up of first letters in the names of my family members.
  35. I am in a lot of pictures hanging in Jack's apartment.
  36. Anne and I got blacklisted at the bar during a conference because I was stealing drinks.
  37. Two other living people share my name.
  38. I can ice skate and rollerblade backwards.
  39. I took a yacht ride along Italy's Amalfi Coast.
  40. I'm learning Korean at the Korean Consulate Education Center.
  41. My favorite movie series is Mission: Impossible.
  42. I am a mere three hours younger than Jack, and Jack will never let me forget it.
  43. I took AR tests for other kids in elementary school!
  44. I read a book underwater while in a lake in Vermont.
  45. I took ballet classes for 22 years.
  46. I won the California state free throw championship lol
  47. I'm a Deadhead.
  48. I once transported a live freshwater wolf fish internationally and somehow took it through US customs without declaring it.
  49. I write poetry!
  50. My name is so common that during my engineering entrance exam, everyone in the exam hall had my name.
  51. I am a chicken when it comes to public speaking.
  52. I did not set any jumping records in junior high.
  53. I use an otoscope at work every day.
  54. I have been Jack's frenemy for over 15 years.
  55. I've seen Taylor Swift perform 3 times.
  56. I was once an extra in a Channing Tatum movie.
  57. I managed an ice cream store as a teenager and took it way too seriously.
  58. I am a Vikings fan.
  59. I have seen the northern lights on 2 different continents.
  60. I have biked across the country.
  61. My family has been collecting coffee mugs from around the world for 4 generations.
  62. I was the most muggable person in my undergraduate cohort.
  63. I once ran across the US from the southern border and into Canada (and back!).
  64. I sank my boat while it was actually tied up at the dock.
  65. The high school I attended is on the same street as Lambeau Field.
  66. I was the only sibling in my family to be born in the U.S and not South Korea.
  67. I ran a marathon and qualified for Boston.
  68. I always leave my phone half-off the table :P
  69. My mom's nickname for me is “my name”-pants, because when I was a kid I refused to wear pants and she got tired of saying “Name, go put your pants on.”
  70. The first movie I saw in a theatre (I was a year old at the time) was Godzilla.
  71. I am an extremely fit person, but I lifted air at the gym instead of barbells while training. 🤐Anyway, it’s not a secret anymore.
  72. I worked security at Wayne Newton's wedding.
  73. I set the record for standing long jump for 7th grade at my junior high.
  74. I have bendy body syndrome!
  75. I have a fun extra bone in my left foot! (It doesn't do anything, but it's there).
  76. I am Latvian.
  77. I've completed one Ironman triathlon.
  78. I broke one of my pinky finger when I was 14 because my friend sat on it. It is shorter then it’s supposed to be.
  79. I sometimes sing "Que sera sera" when I am really drunk...
  80. I've caught a shark while fishing.
  81. An animals rumen once spit up an obscene amount of partially digested food on me.
  82. I swear the most in my family.
  83. I love mountains.
  84. I've touched the Stanley Cup twice.
  85. I once got a world record in a video game while on the toilet
  86. I built my own airplane.
  87. I once ate 100 chicken mcnuggets in one sitting.