I understandthat all studentswill be at a 0 forthe last 5minutes oflunch.I understandthat TargetTime is nowcalled WinTime.I saved abox oftissues forMrs. Spinks.I understand whattransitions will looklike betweenteachers/subjects.I understandthe policy forbathroombreaks.I understandthat allwalkers muststay in a linewhile outside.I understandall car riderswill go to Ms.Cruz's room.I put allnotebooksand foldersaway.I understandthat walkerswith siblingswill meet atthe bike rack.I understandtheconsequencesof my phonegoing off duringschool.I understandthat smartwatches mustbe put awayduring school.I understandthe recessexpectations soevery stayssafe whilehaving fun.I understandall bus ridersgo to Ms.Rutledge'sroom.I understand allwalkers haveassigned roomwith Tesar,Nagy, orJarosz.I put allcleaning andhygienesuppliesaway.I understandthat phonesmust be putaway duringschool.I set upmy binderand put itaway.I understandthat all studentsare to be at a 0at thebeginning oflunch.I will have twoblock periodsbetweenspecials andlunch.I understandthat I will wait tothrow all lunchtrash awaywhen a teacherdismisses me.I putEXPOsuppliesaway.I understandI will be in acolor groupfor specials.I understandthe 3 handsignals touse in thecafeteria.I wasintroduced tothe 5th gradeteachersnames.I understandthat all studentswill be at a 0 forthe last 5minutes oflunch.I understandthat TargetTime is nowcalled WinTime.I saved abox oftissues forMrs. Spinks.I understand whattransitions will looklike betweenteachers/subjects.I understandthe policy forbathroombreaks.I understandthat allwalkers muststay in a linewhile outside.I understandall car riderswill go to Ms.Cruz's room.I put allnotebooksand foldersaway.I understandthat walkerswith siblingswill meet atthe bike rack.I understandtheconsequencesof my phonegoing off duringschool.I understandthat smartwatches mustbe put awayduring school.I understandthe recessexpectations soevery stayssafe whilehaving fun.I understandall bus ridersgo to Ms.Rutledge'sroom.I understand allwalkers haveassigned roomwith Tesar,Nagy, orJarosz.I put allcleaning andhygienesuppliesaway.I understandthat phonesmust be putaway duringschool.I set upmy binderand put itaway.I understandthat all studentsare to be at a 0at thebeginning oflunch.I will have twoblock periodsbetweenspecials andlunch.I understandthat I will wait tothrow all lunchtrash awaywhen a teacherdismisses me.I putEXPOsuppliesaway.I understandI will be in acolor groupfor specials.I understandthe 3 handsignals touse in thecafeteria.I wasintroduced tothe 5th gradeteachersnames.

First Day Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I understand that all students will be at a 0 for the last 5 minutes of lunch.
  2. I understand that Target Time is now called Win Time.
  3. I saved a box of tissues for Mrs. Spinks.
  4. I understand what transitions will look like between teachers/subjects.
  5. I understand the policy for bathroom breaks.
  6. I understand that all walkers must stay in a line while outside.
  7. I understand all car riders will go to Ms. Cruz's room.
  8. I put all notebooks and folders away.
  9. I understand that walkers with siblings will meet at the bike rack.
  10. I understand the consequences of my phone going off during school.
  11. I understand that smart watches must be put away during school.
  12. I understand the recess expectations so every stays safe while having fun.
  13. I understand all bus riders go to Ms. Rutledge's room.
  14. I understand all walkers have assigned room with Tesar, Nagy, or Jarosz.
  15. I put all cleaning and hygiene supplies away.
  16. I understand that phones must be put away during school.
  17. I set up my binder and put it away.
  18. I understand that all students are to be at a 0 at the beginning of lunch.
  19. I will have two block periods between specials and lunch.
  20. I understand that I will wait to throw all lunch trash away when a teacher dismisses me.
  21. I put EXPO supplies away.
  22. I understand I will be in a color group for specials.
  23. I understand the 3 hand signals to use in the cafeteria.
  24. I was introduced to the 5th grade teachers names.