7) I shared mypencils with myclassmates whohad forgotten theirs.___________(I am kind andcaring.)3) I cheered foreveryoneduring a race.___________(I am kind andcaring.)19) Iencouragedfriends or family.___________(I am kind andcaring.)23) I comforted myfriends by offeringthem tissues whenthey were upset.___________(I help others inneed.)9) I volunteeredto help ateacher/trainer.___________(I help others inneed.)5) I volunteered atcommunity places.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​)20) I  listened tomy friends whenthey talked.___________(I am kind andcaring.)16) I donated oldclothes or toys.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​)1) I helped theperson to get upwhen he/she fell.___________(I am kind andcaring.)4) I thanked theperson for helpingme to find my waterbottle.___________(I am thankful tothose who help me.)10) I includedothers in gamesso they wont findleft out.___________(I am kind andcaring.)18) I admired theflowers withoutpicking them.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​) 14) I saidplease andthank you.___________(I am kind andcaring.)11) I recycledpaper or bottles.___________(I care and domy part for mycommunity.​)12) I helpedwith chores athome.___________(I am kind andcaring.)2) I gave up seatto someone inneed.___________(I am kind andcaring.)21) If I spill a drink,I'll clean it up toprevent accidents.___________(I am kind andcaring.)8) I am kindto animals.___________(I am kindand caring.)6) I am gratefulfor my family orfriends.___________(I am grateful forwhat I have.) 22) I helpedprepare thetable for dinner.___________(I am kind andcaring.)24) I helped anelderly person.___________(I help othersin need.)25) I was thankfulfor all the gifts Ireceived.___________(I am grateful forwhat I have.)17) I watched thepigeon from adistance and do notdisturb them.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​) 15) I used kindwords whenspeaking toothers.___________(I am kind andcaring.)7) I shared mypencils with myclassmates whohad forgotten theirs.___________(I am kind andcaring.)3) I cheered foreveryoneduring a race.___________(I am kind andcaring.)19) Iencouragedfriends or family.___________(I am kind andcaring.)23) I comforted myfriends by offeringthem tissues whenthey were upset.___________(I help others inneed.)9) I volunteeredto help ateacher/trainer.___________(I help others inneed.)5) I volunteered atcommunity places.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​)20) I  listened tomy friends whenthey talked.___________(I am kind andcaring.)16) I donated oldclothes or toys.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​)1) I helped theperson to get upwhen he/she fell.___________(I am kind andcaring.)4) I thanked theperson for helpingme to find my waterbottle.___________(I am thankful tothose who help me.)10) I includedothers in gamesso they wont findleft out.___________(I am kind andcaring.)18) I admired theflowers withoutpicking them.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​) 14) I saidplease andthank you.___________(I am kind andcaring.)11) I recycledpaper or bottles.___________(I care and domy part for mycommunity.​)12) I helpedwith chores athome.___________(I am kind andcaring.)2) I gave up seatto someone inneed.___________(I am kind andcaring.)21) If I spill a drink,I'll clean it up toprevent accidents.___________(I am kind andcaring.)8) I am kindto animals.___________(I am kindand caring.)6) I am gratefulfor my family orfriends.___________(I am grateful forwhat I have.) 22) I helpedprepare thetable for dinner.___________(I am kind andcaring.)24) I helped anelderly person.___________(I help othersin need.)25) I was thankfulfor all the gifts Ireceived.___________(I am grateful forwhat I have.)17) I watched thepigeon from adistance and do notdisturb them.___________(I care and do mypart for mycommunity.​) 15) I used kindwords whenspeaking toothers.___________(I am kind andcaring.)

Compassion BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 7) I shared my pencils with my classmates who had forgotten theirs. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  2. 3) I cheered for everyone during a race. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  3. 19) I encouraged friends or family. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  4. 23) I comforted my friends by offering them tissues when they were upset. ___________ (I help others in need.)
  5. 9) I volunteered to help a teacher/trainer. ___________ (I help others in need.)
  6. 5) I volunteered at community places. ___________ (I care and do my part for my community.​)
  7. 20) I  listened to my friends when they talked. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  8. 16) I donated old clothes or toys. ___________ (I care and do my part for my community.​)
  9. 1) I helped the person to get up when he/she fell. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  10. 4) I thanked the person for helping me to find my water bottle. ___________ (I am thankful to those who help me.)
  11. 10) I included others in games so they wont find left out. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  12. 18) I admired the flowers without picking them. ___________ (I care and do my part for my community.​)
  13. 14) I said please and thank you. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  14. 11) I recycled paper or bottles. ___________ (I care and do my part for my community.​)
  15. 12) I helped with chores at home. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  16. 2) I gave up seat to someone in need. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  17. 21) If I spill a drink, I'll clean it up to prevent accidents. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  18. 8) I am kind to animals. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  19. 6) I am grateful for my family or friends. ___________ (I am grateful for what I have.)
  20. 22) I helped prepare the table for dinner. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)
  21. 24) I helped an elderly person. ___________ (I help others in need.)
  22. 25) I was thankful for all the gifts I received. ___________ (I am grateful for what I have.)
  23. 17) I watched the pigeon from a distance and do not disturb them. ___________ (I care and do my part for my community.​)
  24. 15) I used kind words when speaking to others. ___________ (I am kind and caring.)