Take a selfiewith theEngineeringVillage Director,DeriusGet amentor tosign thisboxTake apicture of a3D Bell towerand show amentorLearn thenames oftwo 3DPrintersNamethreementorsTake apicture withthe Welcometo SullivanTrainMake a chalkdesign in frontof Sullivan,sign it, andtake a picTake apicture withgoggles fromthe DesignStudioFree!Find a frog inthe DesignStudio andtake a selfiewith itTake a selfiewith theEngineeringVillage Director,DeriusGet amentor tosign thisboxTake apicture of a3D Bell towerand show amentorLearn thenames oftwo 3DPrintersNamethreementorsTake apicture withthe Welcometo SullivanTrainMake a chalkdesign in frontof Sullivan,sign it, andtake a picTake apicture withgoggles fromthe DesignStudioFree!Find a frog inthe DesignStudio andtake a selfiewith it

Sullivan - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Take a selfie with the Engineering Village Director, Derius
  2. Get a mentor to sign this box
  3. Take a picture of a 3D Bell tower and show a mentor
  4. Learn the names of two 3D Printers
  5. Name three mentors
  6. Take a picture with the Welcome to Sullivan Train
  7. Make a chalk design in front of Sullivan, sign it, and take a pic
  8. Take a picture with goggles from the Design Studio
  9. Free!
  10. Find a frog in the Design Studio and take a selfie with it