we areresponsibleand use thebathroomsappropriately.DAY 5:ArrivalandDismissalWhen we usethe bathroomsappropriately,the sinks andtoilets workproperlyFollowing thedismissalroutines keepseveryone safe.Day 2:PassingPeriod /Lunch LineDAY 3:BathroomBehaviorFollowingschool ruleskeeps us safeso that no onegets hurtDAY 4:Cafeteria& QuadBehaviorswe take careof ourselves,each other,and thecommunity.Hall pass whenout of class orleaving adesignatedareaWhen we clean upour mess andthrow our trashaway, the nextgroup of studentshas a clean areato eat.we takecare ofour luncharea.Returningquickly toclassDay 1:ClassroomExpectationsWhen studentsuse thebathroomsappropriately,they stay cleanWaiting patientlyin the lunch lineensureseveryone is ableto get their lunchStudentspickingup trashFollowing thedismissal routinesensures only thepeople who aresupposed to pickyou up, do. Walking safelyfrom place toplace keepsstudents fromgetting hurt.Studentstalking ina calmvoiceStudentssitting attableseatingEating ahealthybreakfast helpsyou to feelready to learn.Teachercan seewhole classat all timesWalking quietlyallows otherstudents to stayfocused ontheir classwork.Not bringingcell phonesinto thebathroomwe areresponsible -they knowwhere theyare going.we move fromplace to placeat school safely,respectfully,andresponsibly.Studentsgreeting andthankingnutritionservices staffStudentswalking toauditoriumFollowing rulesensureseveryone canlearn in a calmand peacefulenvironmentUseappropriatelanguageStudents followingdirections ofcafeteria/playgroundassistants and staffWhen we line upsafely and quietly,we go back toclass in the greenzone and areready to learn.Walkingquietly inthe hallswe areresponsibleand use thebathroomsappropriately.DAY 5:ArrivalandDismissalWhen we usethe bathroomsappropriately,the sinks andtoilets workproperlyFollowing thedismissalroutines keepseveryone safe.Day 2:PassingPeriod /Lunch LineDAY 3:BathroomBehaviorFollowingschool ruleskeeps us safeso that no onegets hurtDAY 4:Cafeteria& QuadBehaviorswe take careof ourselves,each other,and thecommunity.Hall pass whenout of class orleaving adesignatedareaWhen we clean upour mess andthrow our trashaway, the nextgroup of studentshas a clean areato eat.we takecare ofour luncharea.Returningquickly toclassDay 1:ClassroomExpectationsWhen studentsuse thebathroomsappropriately,they stay cleanWaiting patientlyin the lunch lineensureseveryone is ableto get their lunchStudentspickingup trashFollowing thedismissal routinesensures only thepeople who aresupposed to pickyou up, do. Walking safelyfrom place toplace keepsstudents fromgetting hurt.Studentstalking ina calmvoiceStudentssitting attableseatingEating ahealthybreakfast helpsyou to feelready to learn.Teachercan seewhole classat all timesWalking quietlyallows otherstudents to stayfocused ontheir classwork.Not bringingcell phonesinto thebathroomwe areresponsible -they knowwhere theyare going.we move fromplace to placeat school safely,respectfully,andresponsibly.Studentsgreeting andthankingnutritionservices staffStudentswalking toauditoriumFollowing rulesensureseveryone canlearn in a calmand peacefulenvironmentUseappropriatelanguageStudents followingdirections ofcafeteria/playgroundassistants and staffWhen we line upsafely and quietly,we go back toclass in the greenzone and areready to learn.Walkingquietly inthe halls

LGAM The First 15 Days of School (Day 5) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. we are responsible and use the bathrooms appropriately.
  2. DAY 5: Arrival and Dismissal
  3. When we use the bathrooms appropriately, the sinks and toilets work properly
  4. Following the dismissal routines keeps everyone safe.
  5. Day 2: Passing Period / Lunch Line
  6. DAY 3: Bathroom Behavior
  7. Following school rules keeps us safe so that no one gets hurt
  8. DAY 4: Cafeteria & Quad Behaviors
  9. we take care of ourselves, each other, and the community.
  10. Hall pass when out of class or leaving a designated area
  11. When we clean up our mess and throw our trash away, the next group of students has a clean area to eat.
  12. we take care of our lunch area.
  13. Returning quickly to class
  14. Day 1: Classroom Expectations
  15. When students use the bathrooms appropriately, they stay clean
  16. Waiting patiently in the lunch line ensures everyone is able to get their lunch
  17. Students picking up trash
  18. Following the dismissal routines ensures only the people who are supposed to pick you up, do.
  19. Walking safely from place to place keeps students from getting hurt.
  20. Students talking in a calm voice
  21. Students sitting at tables eating
  22. Eating a healthy breakfast helps you to feel ready to learn.
  23. Teacher can see whole class at all times
  24. Walking quietly allows other students to stay focused on their classwork.
  25. Not bringing cell phones into the bathroom
  26. we are responsible - they know where they are going.
  27. we move from place to place at school safely, respectfully, and responsibly.
  28. Students greeting and thanking nutrition services staff
  29. Students walking to auditorium
  30. Following rules ensures everyone can learn in a calm and peaceful environment
  31. Use appropriate language
  32. Students following directions of cafeteria/playground assistants and staff
  33. When we line up safely and quietly, we go back to class in the green zone and are ready to learn.
  34. Walking quietly in the halls