Where canI find theclassroomsupplies?What do Ido whenthe teacheris talking?Where do Ifindassignmentswhen I'mabsent?How do Iget theteacher’sattention?What do Ido withmytextbook?What is therule aboutthe teacher’sdesk?What doI do atmy seat?What do Ido at thestart ofclass?How can Iget a goodgrade inthis class?What do Ido if I needto use therestroom?Whenshould Isharpenmy pencil?How do I turnin myassignments?What isacademicintegrity?What do Ido at theend ofclass?What do I doif I want toborrow abook fromthe shelf?What is thepurpose ofhomework?What do Ido with myelectronicdevices?How do Ienter theclassroom?What do I doif I finish myassignmentearly?Whatsuppliesdo I needfor class?What do Ido if thefire alarmgoes off?What shouldI do whenpostingcomments inapps?How doesthe teacherget theclass’sattention?Whathappenswhen I don’tturn in myassignments?Where canI find theclassroomsupplies?What do Ido whenthe teacheris talking?Where do Ifindassignmentswhen I'mabsent?How do Iget theteacher’sattention?What do Ido withmytextbook?What is therule aboutthe teacher’sdesk?What doI do atmy seat?What do Ido at thestart ofclass?How can Iget a goodgrade inthis class?What do Ido if I needto use therestroom?Whenshould Isharpenmy pencil?How do I turnin myassignments?What isacademicintegrity?What do Ido at theend ofclass?What do I doif I want toborrow abook fromthe shelf?What is thepurpose ofhomework?What do Ido with myelectronicdevices?How do Ienter theclassroom?What do I doif I finish myassignmentearly?Whatsuppliesdo I needfor class?What do Ido if thefire alarmgoes off?What shouldI do whenpostingcomments inapps?How doesthe teacherget theclass’sattention?Whathappenswhen I don’tturn in myassignments?

Class Procedures BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where can I find the classroom supplies?
  2. What do I do when the teacher is talking?
  3. Where do I find assignments when I'm absent?
  4. How do I get the teacher’s attention?
  5. What do I do with my textbook?
  6. What is the rule about the teacher’s desk?
  7. What do I do at my seat?
  8. What do I do at the start of class?
  9. How can I get a good grade in this class?
  10. What do I do if I need to use the restroom?
  11. When should I sharpen my pencil?
  12. How do I turn in my assignments?
  13. What is academic integrity?
  14. What do I do at the end of class?
  15. What do I do if I want to borrow a book from the shelf?
  16. What is the purpose of homework?
  17. What do I do with my electronic devices?
  18. How do I enter the classroom?
  19. What do I do if I finish my assignment early?
  20. What supplies do I need for class?
  21. What do I do if the fire alarm goes off?
  22. What should I do when posting comments in apps?
  23. How does the teacher get the class’s attention?
  24. What happens when I don’t turn in my assignments?