as scout,kill aheavytaunt and getsomeoneelse to tauntbackas heavy,heal amedic withsandvichas heavy,kill asniperand spykill agiant inmvmas spy,kill apyroas sniper,melee aspy todeathas engineer,at least 15teleports withyour tele fromteammatessticky jump to theend of a map anddestroy an enemyteleporter, if theydont have one justkill an enemyplayerconvinceyour team togo engineergamingas scout,kill anenemyscoutassoldier,kill a pyro as engie, get3 kills withsentry in anoffensivepositionget someone ina communityserver to saysomethingcringe orunbasedas spy, trickan enemyplayer intothinking you'retheir teamget arevengeon aplayeras sniper, kill3 people withbody shotsand tauntafter each onedominatea playeras medic,ubercharge aplayer, that playerhas to kill 2 peopleminimum (can beyour teammate)getubercharged(cant be yourteammate)as pyro,kill anengineeras pyro,airblast asticky trapawayrocketjumpas medic, killsomeonewith thestock syringeas scout,kill aheavytaunt and getsomeoneelse to tauntbackas heavy,heal amedic withsandvichas heavy,kill asniperand spykill agiant inmvmas spy,kill apyroas sniper,melee aspy todeathas engineer,at least 15teleports withyour tele fromteammatessticky jump to theend of a map anddestroy an enemyteleporter, if theydont have one justkill an enemyplayerconvinceyour team togo engineergamingas scout,kill anenemyscoutassoldier,kill a pyro as engie, get3 kills withsentry in anoffensivepositionget someone ina communityserver to saysomethingcringe orunbasedas spy, trickan enemyplayer intothinking you'retheir teamget arevengeon aplayeras sniper, kill3 people withbody shotsand tauntafter each onedominatea playeras medic,ubercharge aplayer, that playerhas to kill 2 peopleminimum (can beyour teammate)getubercharged(cant be yourteammate)as pyro,kill anengineeras pyro,airblast asticky trapawayrocketjumpas medic, killsomeonewith thestock syringe

tf2 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. as scout, kill a heavy
  2. taunt and get someone else to taunt back
  3. as heavy, heal a medic with sandvich
  4. as heavy, kill a sniper and spy
  5. kill a giant in mvm
  6. as spy, kill a pyro
  7. as sniper, melee a spy to death
  8. as engineer, at least 15 teleports with your tele from teammates
  9. sticky jump to the end of a map and destroy an enemy teleporter, if they dont have one just kill an enemy player
  10. convince your team to go engineer gaming
  11. as scout, kill an enemy scout
  12. as soldier, kill a pyro
  13. as engie, get 3 kills with sentry in an offensive position
  14. get someone in a community server to say something cringe or unbased
  15. as spy, trick an enemy player into thinking you're their team
  16. get a revenge on a player
  17. as sniper, kill 3 people with body shots and taunt after each one
  18. dominate a player
  19. as medic, ubercharge a player, that player has to kill 2 people minimum (can be your teammate)
  20. get ubercharged (cant be your teammate)
  21. as pyro, kill an engineer
  22. as pyro, airblast a sticky trap away
  23. rocket jump
  24. as medic, kill someone with the stock syringe