Ask a teacherabout theirfavorite book.Sign here: Ask a teacherhow theydecided tobecome aneducator.Sign here:What is thenumber of yourlocker? Findsomeone whoselocker number isone numbergreater than yours.Find aclassmate wholives closest tothe school.Sign here: Find aclassmate whohas the samefavorite subjectas you.Sign here:Find grade 6leader Ms.Joy to getyour lunchcard.Find a girl whocan answerlunch timewithout checkingthe timetable.Sign here:How manyperiods arethere in aschool day?Answer here: Ask a teacherabout theirfavorite book.Sign here: Ask a teacherhow theydecided tobecome aneducator.Sign here:What is thenumber of yourlocker? Findsomeone whoselocker number isone numbergreater than yours.Find aclassmate wholives closest tothe school.Sign here: Find aclassmate whohas the samefavorite subjectas you.Sign here:Find grade 6leader Ms.Joy to getyour lunchcard.Find a girl whocan answerlunch timewithout checkingthe timetable.Sign here:How manyperiods arethere in aschool day?Answer here: 

First day of school - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Ask a teacher about their favorite book. Sign here:
  2. Ask a teacher how they decided to become an educator. Sign here:
  3. What is the number of your locker? Find someone whose locker number is one number greater than yours.
  4. Find a classmate who lives closest to the school. Sign here:
  5. Find a classmate who has the same favorite subject as you. Sign here:
  6. Find grade 6 leader Ms. Joy to get your lunch card.
  7. Find a girl who can answer lunch time without checking the timetable. Sign here:
  8. How many periods are there in a school day? Answer here: