What can apsychiatristhelp youwith? Provide anexample ofa stressor What is a funinexpensiveleisureactivity? What is aquality of agood friend?  True or false?Physicalsymptoms canimpact one'smental health What does acasemanager helpyou with? Give anexample of apositiveaffirmation Givesomeone inthe room acompliment True or false? It isimportant to takeyour medicationsat the same timeeveryday List onemental healthcommunityresource What is ahealthy way tocope withsymptoms ofdepression? What number canyou call to getmore informationabout communityresources?What is oneway you cantake care ofyour physicalhealth? What is oneway you cantake care ofyour mentalhealth? Name onething that youlike aboutyourself Name onehealthycoping skill Name onesupportiveperson inyour life What is ahealthy way tocope withsymptoms ofanxiety? What aresymptoms ofdepression? What is anexample of amedicationside effect? What arephysicalsymptoms ofstress? List onepositiveleisureactivity What is a songyou can listento that puts youin a positivemood? List onenutritiouseasy-to-make meal What can apsychiatristhelp youwith? Provide anexample ofa stressor What is a funinexpensiveleisureactivity? What is aquality of agood friend?  True or false?Physicalsymptoms canimpact one'smental health What does acasemanager helpyou with? Give anexample of apositiveaffirmation Givesomeone inthe room acompliment True or false? It isimportant to takeyour medicationsat the same timeeveryday List onemental healthcommunityresource What is ahealthy way tocope withsymptoms ofdepression? What number canyou call to getmore informationabout communityresources?What is oneway you cantake care ofyour physicalhealth? What is oneway you cantake care ofyour mentalhealth? Name onething that youlike aboutyourself Name onehealthycoping skill Name onesupportiveperson inyour life What is ahealthy way tocope withsymptoms ofanxiety? What aresymptoms ofdepression? What is anexample of amedicationside effect? What arephysicalsymptoms ofstress? List onepositiveleisureactivity What is a songyou can listento that puts youin a positivemood? List onenutritiouseasy-to-make meal

Mental Health Recovery Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What can a psychiatrist help you with?
  2. Provide an example of a stressor
  3. What is a fun inexpensive leisure activity?
  4. What is a quality of a good friend?
  5. True or false? Physical symptoms can impact one's mental health
  6. What does a case manager help you with?
  7. Give an example of a positive affirmation
  8. Give someone in the room a compliment
  9. True or false? It is important to take your medications at the same time everyday
  10. List one mental health community resource
  11. What is a healthy way to cope with symptoms of depression?
  12. What number can you call to get more information about community resources?
  13. What is one way you can take care of your physical health?
  14. What is one way you can take care of your mental health?
  15. Name one thing that you like about yourself
  16. Name one healthy coping skill
  17. Name one supportive person in your life
  18. What is a healthy way to cope with symptoms of anxiety?
  19. What are symptoms of depression?
  20. What is an example of a medication side effect?
  21. What are physical symptoms of stress?
  22. List one positive leisure activity
  23. What is a song you can listen to that puts you in a positive mood?
  24. List one nutritious easy-to- make meal