TheinternationalcharityorganisationOxfam replacedfishing boats.The leak fromthe oil barge ledto ten hectaresof mangrovesbeingcontaminated.Infection anddiseases spread,mainly due tocontaminatedsurface andground water4.1 millionpeoplewere madehomelessOver 1,200evacuationcentres wereset up to helpthe homeless.Upgraded damagedbuildings to protectthem from futuredisasters andmangrovesreplanted to absorbfuture storm surges.29,000peoplewereinjuredThirty-three countriesand internationalorganisationspromised help, withrescue operationsand an estimated US$ 88.871 million.Rice priceshad risen bynearly 12%by 2014Over $1.5billion offoreign aidwaspledged.1.1 milliontonnes ofcropsdestroyedA cash for workprogrammepaid people toclear debrisand rebuildTacloban.Powersupplieswere cut offfor months insome areas.The governmentissued atelevised warningto people toprepare andevacuateOne million foodpacks and250,000 litres ofwater weredistributed withintwo weeks.6190peoplediedTheinternationalcharityorganisationOxfam replacedfishing boats.The leak fromthe oil barge ledto ten hectaresof mangrovesbeingcontaminated.Infection anddiseases spread,mainly due tocontaminatedsurface andground water4.1 millionpeoplewere madehomelessOver 1,200evacuationcentres wereset up to helpthe homeless.Upgraded damagedbuildings to protectthem from futuredisasters andmangrovesreplanted to absorbfuture storm surges.29,000peoplewereinjuredThirty-three countriesand internationalorganisationspromised help, withrescue operationsand an estimated US$ 88.871 million.Rice priceshad risen bynearly 12%by 2014Over $1.5billion offoreign aidwaspledged.1.1 milliontonnes ofcropsdestroyedA cash for workprogrammepaid people toclear debrisand rebuildTacloban.Powersupplieswere cut offfor months insome areas.The governmentissued atelevised warningto people toprepare andevacuateOne million foodpacks and250,000 litres ofwater weredistributed withintwo weeks.6190peopledied

Typhoon Haiyan - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The international charity organisation Oxfam replaced fishing boats.
  2. The leak from the oil barge led to ten hectares of mangroves being contaminated.
  3. Infection and diseases spread, mainly due to contaminated surface and ground water
  4. 4.1 million people were made homeless
  5. Over 1,200 evacuation centres were set up to help the homeless.
  6. Upgraded damaged buildings to protect them from future disasters and mangroves replanted to absorb future storm surges.
  7. 29,000 people were injured
  8. Thirty-three countries and international organisations promised help, with rescue operations and an estimated US $ 88.871 million.
  9. Rice prices had risen by nearly 12% by 2014
  10. Over $1.5 billion of foreign aid was pledged.
  11. 1.1 million tonnes of crops destroyed
  12. A cash for work programme paid people to clear debris and rebuild Tacloban.
  13. Power supplies were cut off for months in some areas.
  14. The government issued a televised warning to people to prepare and evacuate
  15. One million food packs and 250,000 litres of water were distributed within two weeks.
  16. 6190 people died