I knowsomeonestrugglingwith theirmental healthI currentlylive with oneor more ofmy birthparentsSchool ischallengingfor meI have atrustedadult inmy lifeI speak alanguageother thanEnglish athomeI have familymemberswho havebeen withouthousingI have asecrettalentI have beendiscriminatedagainst for apart of myidentityI knowsomeone witha substanceabusedisorderI havespoken upfor myself orsomeoneelseMy parents orgrandparentswere bornoutside of theUnited StatesI havewitnessedinterpersonalviolenceI have at leastone personthat I can bemy true selfaroundI haveovercomereally hardthingsI currentlylive withpeople otherthan my birthparentsI have familymemberswho havebeenincarceratedI haveplans formy futureI have atleast oneclosefriendsomeone atschool hasmade mefeel badI have had tobe the primarycare taker fora familymemberPeoplemisunderstandimportantthings aboutmeI feelstronger nowthan I havein the pastI have had aclose familymemberpass awayI see positiveimages ofpeople likeme in mediaI havebeensuspendedfrom schoolI havelived inmore thanone stateI amconfidentin who IamI amhopefulfor myfutureI have orhave hadatherapistI knowsomeonestrugglingwith theirmental healthI currentlylive with oneor more ofmy birthparentsSchool ischallengingfor meI have atrustedadult inmy lifeI speak alanguageother thanEnglish athomeI have familymemberswho havebeen withouthousingI have asecrettalentI have beendiscriminatedagainst for apart of myidentityI knowsomeone witha substanceabusedisorderI havespoken upfor myself orsomeoneelseMy parents orgrandparentswere bornoutside of theUnited StatesI havewitnessedinterpersonalviolenceI have at leastone personthat I can bemy true selfaroundI haveovercomereally hardthingsI currentlylive withpeople otherthan my birthparentsI have familymemberswho havebeenincarceratedI haveplans formy futureI have atleast oneclosefriendsomeone atschool hasmade mefeel badI have had tobe the primarycare taker fora familymemberPeoplemisunderstandimportantthings aboutmeI feelstronger nowthan I havein the pastI have had aclose familymemberpass awayI see positiveimages ofpeople likeme in mediaI havebeensuspendedfrom schoolI havelived inmore thanone stateI amconfidentin who IamI amhopefulfor myfutureI have orhave hadatherapist

Getting to Know You Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I know someone struggling with their mental health
  2. I currently live with one or more of my birth parents
  3. School is challenging for me
  4. I have a trusted adult in my life
  5. I speak a language other than English at home
  6. I have family members who have been without housing
  7. I have a secret talent
  8. I have been discriminated against for a part of my identity
  9. I know someone with a substance abuse disorder
  10. I have spoken up for myself or someone else
  11. My parents or grandparents were born outside of the United States
  12. I have witnessed interpersonal violence
  13. I have at least one person that I can be my true self around
  14. I have overcome really hard things
  15. I currently live with people other than my birth parents
  16. I have family members who have been incarcerated
  17. I have plans for my future
  18. I have at least one close friend
  19. someone at school has made me feel bad
  20. I have had to be the primary care taker for a family member
  21. People misunderstand important things about me
  22. I feel stronger now than I have in the past
  23. I have had a close family member pass away
  24. I see positive images of people like me in media
  25. I have been suspended from school
  26. I have lived in more than one state
  27. I am confident in who I am
  28. I am hopeful for my future
  29. I have or have had a therapist