Womenearn lessmoney EmotionalExpression: Menare discouragedfrom showingemotions„Emotional ->weak“ Men haveto providefor theirfamilyWomen areexpected totake careof their kids Women who areon a highposition areoften lookeddown upon(Pilot, Ceo, etc.) Societyexpects thatmen arehigh earners Women aretypicallyseen asemotionaland sensitive LeadershipBias: Men aremore likely tobe promoted toleadership roles Sexual DoubleStandards:Women faceharsher judgementfor sexualbehaviour thanmen.Womenearn lessmoneyEmotionalExpression: Menare discouragedfrom showingemotions„Emotional ->weak“Men haveto providefor theirfamilyWomen areexpected totake careof their kidsWomen who areon a highposition areoften lookeddown upon(Pilot, Ceo, etc.)Societyexpects thatmen arehigh earnersWomen aretypicallyseen asemotionaland sensitiveLeadershipBias: Men aremore likely tobe promoted toleadership rolesSexual DoubleStandards:Women faceharsher judgementfor sexualbehaviour thanmen.

Patriarchal structures that are present today - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Women earn less money
  2. Emotional Expression: Men are discouraged from showing emotions „Emotional -> weak“
  3. Men have to provide for their family
  4. Women are expected to take care of their kids
  5. Women who are on a high position are often looked down upon (Pilot, Ceo, etc.)
  6. Society expects that men are high earners
  7. Women are typically seen as emotional and sensitive
  8. Leadership Bias: Men are more likely to be promoted to leadership roles
  9. Sexual Double Standards: Women face harsher judgement for sexual behaviour than men.