Has a mentorwho has hada profoundimpact ontheir lifeHas createdsomething (art,writing, etc.)that holds deeppersonalmeaningHas a scarwith aninterestingstoryHas had anunusual job orrole, like a circusperformer orunderwaterwelder.Can share atime they felttrulyunderstoodby someoneHas gone througha health-relatedexperience thathas changed theway they live theirlifeCan share adream they'vehad recentlyand what theirinterpretation isHasreconnectedwith a long-lostfriend or familymemberHas aspecialnicknameonly closefriends useHas lost afriendshipdue toconflictHas atattoo witha specialmeaningHas a favoritequote thatresonatesdeeply withthem and canexplain whyCan share themostmeaningfulcomplimentthey've everreceivedHas taken abreak fromtechnology andcan share whatthey learnedHas anextremelyarcaneinterestWears apiece withsentimentalvalueHas apersonal ritualor practicethat bringsthem peaceHas a traditionwith friends orfamily thatholds specialmeaningHas a storyabout a timethey stood upfor what theybelieved inStare into eachothers eyes for30 seconds(ok, maybe 15is fine)Sharesabout theirfirstimpressionof youHas achievedsomethingthey oncethought wasimpossibleCan share atime they felttruly proud ofthemselvesHas forgivensomeone forsomethingdifficultHas apersonalmotto orphilosophythey live byCan sharea moviethat madethem cryHas set aboundarythat hasimprovedtheir life.Can share abook thatchanged theirperspectiveon lifeCan sharesomething theyused to believebut have sincechanged theirmind aboutCan share atime they feltdeeply movedby a work of artor performanceCan share asong thatthey listen towhen they'refeeling badCan share amomentwhen theyfelt truly freeHas a mentorwho has hada profoundimpact ontheir lifeHas createdsomething (art,writing, etc.)that holds deeppersonalmeaningHas a scarwith aninterestingstoryHas had anunusual job orrole, like a circusperformer orunderwaterwelder.Can share atime they felttrulyunderstoodby someoneHas gone througha health-relatedexperience thathas changed theway they live theirlifeCan share adream they'vehad recentlyand what theirinterpretation isHasreconnectedwith a long-lostfriend or familymemberHas aspecialnicknameonly closefriends useHas lost afriendshipdue toconflictHas atattoo witha specialmeaningHas a favoritequote thatresonatesdeeply withthem and canexplain whyCan share themostmeaningfulcomplimentthey've everreceivedHas taken abreak fromtechnology andcan share whatthey learnedHas anextremelyarcaneinterestWears apiece withsentimentalvalueHas apersonal ritualor practicethat bringsthem peaceHas a traditionwith friends orfamily thatholds specialmeaningHas a storyabout a timethey stood upfor what theybelieved inStare into eachothers eyes for30 seconds(ok, maybe 15is fine)Sharesabout theirfirstimpressionof youHas achievedsomethingthey oncethought wasimpossibleCan share atime they felttruly proud ofthemselvesHas forgivensomeone forsomethingdifficultHas apersonalmotto orphilosophythey live byCan sharea moviethat madethem cryHas set aboundarythat hasimprovedtheir life.Can share abook thatchanged theirperspectiveon lifeCan sharesomething theyused to believebut have sincechanged theirmind aboutCan share atime they feltdeeply movedby a work of artor performanceCan share asong thatthey listen towhen they'refeeling badCan share amomentwhen theyfelt truly free

Hummingbird Bingo (Winner = most squares) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has a mentor who has had a profound impact on their life
  2. Has created something (art, writing, etc.) that holds deep personal meaning
  3. Has a scar with an interesting story
  4. Has had an unusual job or role, like a circus performer or underwater welder.
  5. Can share a time they felt truly understood by someone
  6. Has gone through a health-related experience that has changed the way they live their life
  7. Can share a dream they've had recently and what their interpretation is
  8. Has reconnected with a long-lost friend or family member
  9. Has a special nickname only close friends use
  10. Has lost a friendship due to conflict
  11. Has a tattoo with a special meaning
  12. Has a favorite quote that resonates deeply with them and can explain why
  13. Can share the most meaningful compliment they've ever received
  14. Has taken a break from technology and can share what they learned
  15. Has an extremely arcane interest
  16. Wears a piece with sentimental value
  17. Has a personal ritual or practice that brings them peace
  18. Has a tradition with friends or family that holds special meaning
  19. Has a story about a time they stood up for what they believed in
  20. Stare into each others eyes for 30 seconds (ok, maybe 15 is fine)
  21. Shares about their first impression of you
  22. Has achieved something they once thought was impossible
  23. Can share a time they felt truly proud of themselves
  24. Has forgiven someone for something difficult
  25. Has a personal motto or philosophy they live by
  26. Can share a movie that made them cry
  27. Has set a boundary that has improved their life.
  28. Can share a book that changed their perspective on life
  29. Can share something they used to believe but have since changed their mind about
  30. Can share a time they felt deeply moved by a work of art or performance
  31. Can share a song that they listen to when they're feeling bad
  32. Can share a moment when they felt truly free