Control 3 ormore spellson the stackat one time Take controlof anopponent'sturnAttack 3differentopponents inone combatControl 10 ormore nontoken,nonlandcolorlesspermanentsCast 5 spellsfromanywhereother thanyour handSearch anopponent'slibraryControl 5 ormore creatureswith toughnessgreater thantheir powerControl 5 non-Shapeshiftercreatures thatshare acreature type atthe same timeHave 3 or morepermanentsenter thebattlefield froma graveyard inone turnPay life aspart of a costto cast a spellor activate anabilityDiscard 3cards in oneturn (outsideof cleanupstep)Tap a singlepermanentfor 4 ormore manaCast a spellwith X in itsmana cost, withX being greaterthan 10Play a singlecreature with3 or morecreaturetypesWin agame at100 ormore lifeWin agame at 5or less lifeTell Serena thelore of yourCommanderwith accuracyand convictionEliminate aplayer withnoncombatdamage (notloss of life)Play a deckwith aCompanionCast aspell withmana value8 or greaterTake anextraturnPlay a deckwith 10 orfewercreaturesEnd a gamewithouthavingsearchedyour librarySave anopponentfrom alethal effectControl 3 ormore spellson the stackat one time Take controlof anopponent'sturnAttack 3differentopponents inone combatControl 10 ormore nontoken,nonlandcolorlesspermanentsCast 5 spellsfromanywhereother thanyour handSearch anopponent'slibraryControl 5 ormore creatureswith toughnessgreater thantheir powerControl 5 non-Shapeshiftercreatures thatshare acreature type atthe same timeHave 3 or morepermanentsenter thebattlefield froma graveyard inone turnPay life aspart of a costto cast a spellor activate anabilityDiscard 3cards in oneturn (outsideof cleanupstep)Tap a singlepermanentfor 4 ormore manaCast a spellwith X in itsmana cost, withX being greaterthan 10Play a singlecreature with3 or morecreaturetypesWin agame at100 ormore lifeWin agame at 5or less lifeTell Serena thelore of yourCommanderwith accuracyand convictionEliminate aplayer withnoncombatdamage (notloss of life)Play a deckwith aCompanionCast aspell withmana value8 or greaterTake anextraturnPlay a deckwith 10 orfewercreaturesEnd a gamewithouthavingsearchedyour librarySave anopponentfrom alethal effect

Commander Bingo - Sheet 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Control 3 or more spells on the stack at one time
  2. Take control of an opponent's turn
  3. Attack 3 different opponents in one combat
  4. Control 10 or more nontoken, nonland colorless permanents
  5. Cast 5 spells from anywhere other than your hand
  6. Search an opponent's library
  7. Control 5 or more creatures with toughness greater than their power
  8. Control 5 non-Shapeshifter creatures that share a creature type at the same time
  9. Have 3 or more permanents enter the battlefield from a graveyard in one turn
  10. Pay life as part of a cost to cast a spell or activate an ability
  11. Discard 3 cards in one turn (outside of cleanup step)
  12. Tap a single permanent for 4 or more mana
  13. Cast a spell with X in its mana cost, with X being greater than 10
  14. Play a single creature with 3 or more creature types
  15. Win a game at 100 or more life
  16. Win a game at 5 or less life
  17. Tell Serena the lore of your Commander with accuracy and conviction
  18. Eliminate a player with noncombat damage (not loss of life)
  19. Play a deck with a Companion
  20. Cast a spell with mana value 8 or greater
  21. Take an extra turn
  22. Play a deck with 10 or fewer creatures
  23. End a game without having searched your library
  24. Save an opponent from a lethal effect