the timeand place inwhich astory occursthe type ofnarrator that theauthor chooses touse in a narrative;(the author'sperspective)a figure of speechthat makes acomparison bydirectly relatingone thing toanotherthereadersof the texta storythat iswritten ortoldthe use ofsymbols tocommunicate apoint ratherthan stating itdirectlyanimportantoccurrencea strugglebetweencharacters or aproblemcharacters aretrying to overcomea personwho tellsa storythe qualitiesthat make up acharacter'spersonality orwhat they arelikethe applicationof humanattributes tosomething thatis not alive orhumanthe part of astory wherethe conflictor problem issolvedan objectthatstands foran ideaconversationsbetween two ormore charactersin a text, usuallyenclosed byquotation marksa personin astorythe main idea orsubject of a piecesof writing; amessage or lessonthat the authorwants to convey tothe readersa literary devicein which awriter gives ahint of what isto come later inthe storylanguage thatgoes beyondthe literalmeaning to geta message orpoint acrosshow acharacter'straits arepresented anddeveloped bythe writera series ofevents andactions thatrelate to astory's conflictthe overall feelingof a text, usuallycreated by theauthor's use offigurativelanguage andimagerya figure ofspeechcomparing twounlike things,using the wordslike or asthe timeand place inwhich astory occursthe type ofnarrator that theauthor chooses touse in a narrative;(the author'sperspective)a figure of speechthat makes acomparison bydirectly relatingone thing toanotherthereadersof the texta storythat iswritten ortoldthe use ofsymbols tocommunicate apoint ratherthan stating itdirectlyanimportantoccurrencea strugglebetweencharacters or aproblemcharacters aretrying to overcomea personwho tellsa storythe qualitiesthat make up acharacter'spersonality orwhat they arelikethe applicationof humanattributes tosomething thatis not alive orhumanthe part of astory wherethe conflictor problem issolvedan objectthatstands foran ideaconversationsbetween two ormore charactersin a text, usuallyenclosed byquotation marksa personin astorythe main idea orsubject of a piecesof writing; amessage or lessonthat the authorwants to convey tothe readersa literary devicein which awriter gives ahint of what isto come later inthe storylanguage thatgoes beyondthe literalmeaning to geta message orpoint acrosshow acharacter'straits arepresented anddeveloped bythe writera series ofevents andactions thatrelate to astory's conflictthe overall feelingof a text, usuallycreated by theauthor's use offigurativelanguage andimagerya figure ofspeechcomparing twounlike things,using the wordslike or as

DJMH Intro - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the time and place in which a story occurs
  2. the type of narrator that the author chooses to use in a narrative; (the author's perspective)
  3. a figure of speech that makes a comparison by directly relating one thing to another
  4. the readers of the text
  5. a story that is written or told
  6. the use of symbols to communicate a point rather than stating it directly
  7. an important occurrence
  8. a struggle between characters or a problem characters are trying to overcome
  9. a person who tells a story
  10. the qualities that make up a character's personality or what they are like
  11. the application of human attributes to something that is not alive or human
  12. the part of a story where the conflict or problem is solved
  13. an object that stands for an idea
  14. conversations between two or more characters in a text, usually enclosed by quotation marks
  15. a person in a story
  16. the main idea or subject of a pieces of writing; a message or lesson that the author wants to convey to the readers
  17. a literary device in which a writer gives a hint of what is to come later in the story
  18. language that goes beyond the literal meaning to get a message or point across
  19. how a character's traits are presented and developed by the writer
  20. a series of events and actions that relate to a story's conflict
  21. the overall feeling of a text, usually created by the author's use of figurative language and imagery
  22. a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, using the words like or as