Give Rabbittime, andhe’ll alwaysget theanswer.Don’tbustle me.Don’t now-then me.The nicestthing about therain is that italways stops.Eventually.If the personyou are talkingto doesn’tappear to belistening, bepatient.A tail isn’t atail to them;it’s just alittle bit extraat the back.Thanks,But I’drather stayan Eeyore.A triflingmatter, andfussy of me,but we all haveour little ways.W O L.ThatspellsOwl.When your tailis missing,Remember youhave everyright to mope.If it is a goodmorning,which Idoubt.Don’tblame meif it rains.I’d saythistles, butnobodylistens tome, anyway.Not much ofa house, justright for notmuch of adonkey.Could beworse. Notsure how,but it couldbe.After all, whatare birthdays?Here todayand gonetomorrow.They mademe catchthe cold Icaught.No needto botheron myaccount.I never getmy hopesup, so Inever get letdown.Don’t worryabout me. Goand enjoyyourself. I’llstay here andbe miserable.It’s an awfulnice tail,Kanga. Muchnicer than therest of me.The sky hasfinally fallen.Always knewit would.You don’talways want tobe miserableon my birthday,do you?It never hurtsto keeplooking forsunshine.Sure is acheerfulcolor. GuessI’ll have toget used to it.I was soupset, Iforgot tobe happy.Thanksfor noticin’me.Days.Weeks.Months.Who knows?Wish Icould sayyes, but Ican’t.It’s not muchof a tail, butI’m sort ofattached toit.Give Rabbittime, andhe’ll alwaysget theanswer.Don’tbustle me.Don’t now-then me.The nicestthing about therain is that italways stops.Eventually.If the personyou are talkingto doesn’tappear to belistening, bepatient.A tail isn’t atail to them;it’s just alittle bit extraat the back.Thanks,But I’drather stayan Eeyore.A triflingmatter, andfussy of me,but we all haveour little ways.W O L.ThatspellsOwl.When your tailis missing,Remember youhave everyright to mope.If it is a goodmorning,which Idoubt.Don’tblame meif it rains.I’d saythistles, butnobodylistens tome, anyway.Not much ofa house, justright for notmuch of adonkey.Could beworse. Notsure how,but it couldbe.After all, whatare birthdays?Here todayand gonetomorrow.They mademe catchthe cold Icaught.No needto botheron myaccount.I never getmy hopesup, so Inever get letdown.Don’t worryabout me. Goand enjoyyourself. I’llstay here andbe miserable.It’s an awfulnice tail,Kanga. Muchnicer than therest of me.The sky hasfinally fallen.Always knewit would.You don’talways want tobe miserableon my birthday,do you?It never hurtsto keeplooking forsunshine.Sure is acheerfulcolor. GuessI’ll have toget used to it.I was soupset, Iforgot tobe happy.Thanksfor noticin’me.Days.Weeks.Months.Who knows?Wish Icould sayyes, but Ican’t.It’s not muchof a tail, butI’m sort ofattached toit.

Eeyore Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give Rabbit time, and he’ll always get the answer.
  2. Don’t bustle me. Don’t now-then me.
  3. The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.
  4. If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient.
  5. A tail isn’t a tail to them; it’s just a little bit extra at the back.
  6. Thanks, But I’d rather stay an Eeyore.
  7. A trifling matter, and fussy of me, but we all have our little ways.
  8. W O L. That spells Owl.
  9. When your tail is missing, Remember you have every right to mope.
  10. If it is a good morning, which I doubt.
  11. Don’t blame me if it rains.
  12. I’d say thistles, but nobody listens to me, anyway.
  13. Not much of a house, just right for not much of a donkey.
  14. Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.
  15. After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow.
  16. They made me catch the cold I caught.
  17. No need to bother on my account.
  18. I never get my hopes up, so I never get let down.
  19. Don’t worry about me. Go and enjoy yourself. I’ll stay here and be miserable.
  20. It’s an awful nice tail, Kanga. Much nicer than the rest of me.
  21. The sky has finally fallen. Always knew it would.
  22. You don’t always want to be miserable on my birthday, do you?
  23. It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.
  24. Sure is a cheerful color. Guess I’ll have to get used to it.
  25. I was so upset, I forgot to be happy.
  26. Thanks for noticin’ me.
  27. Days. Weeks. Months. Who knows?
  28. Wish I could say yes, but I can’t.
  29. It’s not much of a tail, but I’m sort of attached to it.