Reflected ona personalstrength orpositive traityou value.Gaveyourselfpermissionto restwithout guilt.Engaged inan activitythat feltmeaningful orpurposeful.Connectedwith a senseof purposeor directionin your life.Recognizedand celebrateda personalachievementor milestone.Noticed andappreciated asimple,beautiful detailin yoursurroundings.Allowedyourself tofully enjoy amoment ofsolitude.Free!Observed yourthoughts andfeelings withoutreactingimpulsively.Witnessed asmall act ofkindness orgenerosity andfelt inspired.Took a mindfulpause tobreathe deeplyand centeryourself.Felt a genuinesense ofconnectionwithsomeone.Felt a sense ofinner peace orcalm despiteexternalcircumstances.Experienced amoment ofclarity orunderstandingabout a lifesituation.Reflect onhow achallenge hascontributed toyour growth.Had aninsightful orenlighteningmoment aboutyourself or life.Had ameaningfulconversationthat left youfeeling uplifted.Expressedgratitude forsomething orsomeone inyour life.Felt a deepsense ofbelonging orcommunity.Noticed howyour body feelsand took careof its needs(e.g., hydration,rest).Connected witha cherishedmemory thatbrought asense ofwarmth.Showedcompassiontowardsyourself orsomeone else.Expressedor sharedyour true selfwithsomeone.Experienceda moment ofdeepcontentmenttoday.Acknowledgedand embracedyour feelingswithoutjudgment.Reflected ona personalstrength orpositive traityou value.Gaveyourselfpermissionto restwithout guilt.Engaged inan activitythat feltmeaningful orpurposeful.Connectedwith a senseof purposeor directionin your life.Recognizedand celebrateda personalachievementor milestone.Noticed andappreciated asimple,beautiful detailin yoursurroundings.Allowedyourself tofully enjoy amoment ofsolitude.Free!Observed yourthoughts andfeelings withoutreactingimpulsively.Witnessed asmall act ofkindness orgenerosity andfelt inspired.Took a mindfulpause tobreathe deeplyand centeryourself.Felt a genuinesense ofconnectionwithsomeone.Felt a sense ofinner peace orcalm despiteexternalcircumstances.Experienced amoment ofclarity orunderstandingabout a lifesituation.Reflect onhow achallenge hascontributed toyour growth.Had aninsightful orenlighteningmoment aboutyourself or life.Had ameaningfulconversationthat left youfeeling uplifted.Expressedgratitude forsomething orsomeone inyour life.Felt a deepsense ofbelonging orcommunity.Noticed howyour body feelsand took careof its needs(e.g., hydration,rest).Connected witha cherishedmemory thatbrought asense ofwarmth.Showedcompassiontowardsyourself orsomeone else.Expressedor sharedyour true selfwithsomeone.Experienceda moment ofdeepcontentmenttoday.Acknowledgedand embracedyour feelingswithoutjudgment.

Mindful Happiness Bingo Card - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Reflected on a personal strength or positive trait you value.
  2. Gave yourself permission to rest without guilt.
  3. Engaged in an activity that felt meaningful or purposeful.
  4. Connected with a sense of purpose or direction in your life.
  5. Recognized and celebrated a personal achievement or milestone.
  6. Noticed and appreciated a simple, beautiful detail in your surroundings.
  7. Allowed yourself to fully enjoy a moment of solitude.
  8. Free!
  9. Observed your thoughts and feelings without reacting impulsively.
  10. Witnessed a small act of kindness or generosity and felt inspired.
  11. Took a mindful pause to breathe deeply and center yourself.
  12. Felt a genuine sense of connection with someone.
  13. Felt a sense of inner peace or calm despite external circumstances.
  14. Experienced a moment of clarity or understanding about a life situation.
  15. Reflect on how a challenge has contributed to your growth.
  16. Had an insightful or enlightening moment about yourself or life.
  17. Had a meaningful conversation that left you feeling uplifted.
  18. Expressed gratitude for something or someone in your life.
  19. Felt a deep sense of belonging or community.
  20. Noticed how your body feels and took care of its needs (e.g., hydration, rest).
  21. Connected with a cherished memory that brought a sense of warmth.
  22. Showed compassion towards yourself or someone else.
  23. Expressed or shared your true self with someone.
  24. Experienced a moment of deep contentment today.
  25. Acknowledged and embraced your feelings without judgment.