"Book Lover":Visit a bookstoreor librarydowntown andfind a new read.(not allare onMainStreet)"WeekendBrunch": Enjoya specialbrunch menu atdowtowneatery."ArtAppreciation":Admire apublic artpiece."Try SomethingNew": Visit abusinessyou’ve neverbeen to before."Meet theOwner": Chatwith a businessowner andlearn abouttheir story."Live Music":Attend or findlive musichappening onMain Street."Holiday Spirit":Find andphotograph aholiday decorationin downtownBrooksville today."PamperYourself": Bookor experience aspa service,like a massageor manicure."Photo with aMural": Take aphoto in front of amural or public artpiece in downtownBrooksville."CoffeeBreak": Graba coffee ortea from alocal café."Pamper Yourself":Book orexperience a quickpampering servicelike a manicure ormassage."Give Back":Donate to a localcharity or supporta cause whilevisiting downtownBrooksville."Pet-FriendlyStop": Visit apet-friendlybusiness."WindowShopping":Take a pictureof your favoritewindow display."VintageFind": Browsethrough alocal antiqueor thrift shop."Live Music":Find live musichappening andenjoy aperformance."SweetTreat": Buy adessert orpastry from alocal bakery."HistoricSelfie": Takea selfie witha historiclandmark."Shop Local":Purchase ahandmade orlocallyproduced item."Fresh Finds":Buy freshproduce, flowers,or a unique itemfrom a localvendor today."LocalSouvenir":Purchase aBrooksville-themed item orsouvenir."Eco-Friendly":Purchase aneco-friendly orsustainableproduct."WindowShopping":Take a pictureof your favoritewindow display."HistoricKnowledge": Learnan interesting factabout Brooksville’shistory from a localbusiness orplaque."Get Active":Participate ina fitnessclass or visita local gym."Collect aBusinessCard": Grab abusiness cardfrom a shopyou visit."Shop Local":Purchase ahandmade orlocallyproduced item."CommunityBoard": Find andtake a picture ofa communityevent board orflyer."Fresh Finds":Buy freshproduce orflowers from alocal market."Boutique Buy":Purchasesomething froma boutique."Book Lover":Visit abookstore orlibrary and finda new read."VintageFind": Browsethrough anantique orthrift shop."CommunityEvent": Find outabout specialevents or marketshosted byBrooksville MainStreet."Civic Pride":Visit CityHall oranother civicorganization."ArtAppreciation":Visit an artgallery or checkout a public artinstallation."DineDowntown":Have a meal ata localrestaurantdowtown today.(not allare onMainStreet)"SweetTreat": Buy adessert orpastry from alocal bakery."Family Fun":Participate ina family-friendlyactivity."HistoricKnowledge": Learnan interesting factabout Brooksville’shistory and shareit."Support LocalArtists":Purchase oradmire a pieceof local art."Meet theOwner": Chatwith a businessowner and learntheir story duringyour visit."LocalSouvenir":Purchase aBrooksville-themed item orsouvenir."CoffeeBreak": Graba coffee ortea from alocal café."Local Flavor":Try a dish ordrink unique to adowntownBrooksvillerestaurant today."Shop and Share":Share a photo ofyour purchase onsocial media andtag the businesstoday."Snap a ScenicSpot": Capturea photo at ascenic spot indowntownBrooksville."Snap a Sunset":Capture a sunsetphoto from ascenic spot onMain Street."Shop andShare": Share aphoto of yourpurchase onsocial media andtag the business."DineDowntown":Have a mealat a localrestaurant."Give Back":Donate to alocal charityor support acause."Try SomethingNew": Visit abusiness oneyou've neverbeen to before."Pet-FriendlyStop": Visit apet-friendlybusiness withyour furryfriend."Support LocalArtists":Purchase oradmire a pieceof local art."DiscoverHistory":Visit ahistoric site."Historic Selfie":Take a selfiewith a historiclandmark onMain Street."Boutique Buy":Purchasesomething froma localboutique."Find a LocalLandmark":Identify andphotograph a well-known landmark indowntownBrooksville."CommunityBoard": Findcommunityevent boardor flyer."Book Lover":Visit a bookstoreor librarydowntown andfind a new read.(not allare onMainStreet)"WeekendBrunch": Enjoya specialbrunch menu atdowtowneatery."ArtAppreciation":Admire apublic artpiece."Try SomethingNew": Visit abusinessyou’ve neverbeen to before."Meet theOwner": Chatwith a businessowner andlearn abouttheir story."Live Music":Attend or findlive musichappening onMain Street."Holiday Spirit":Find andphotograph aholiday decorationin downtownBrooksville today."PamperYourself": Bookor experience aspa service,like a massageor manicure."Photo with aMural": Take aphoto in front of amural or public artpiece in downtownBrooksville."CoffeeBreak": Graba coffee ortea from alocal café."Pamper Yourself":Book orexperience a quickpampering servicelike a manicure ormassage."Give Back":Donate to a localcharity or supporta cause whilevisiting downtownBrooksville."Pet-FriendlyStop": Visit apet-friendlybusiness."WindowShopping":Take a pictureof your favoritewindow display."VintageFind": Browsethrough alocal antiqueor thrift shop."Live Music":Find live musichappening andenjoy aperformance."SweetTreat": Buy adessert orpastry from alocal bakery."HistoricSelfie": Takea selfie witha historiclandmark."Shop Local":Purchase ahandmade orlocallyproduced item."Fresh Finds":Buy freshproduce, flowers,or a unique itemfrom a localvendor today."LocalSouvenir":Purchase aBrooksville-themed item orsouvenir."Eco-Friendly":Purchase aneco-friendly orsustainableproduct."WindowShopping":Take a pictureof your favoritewindow display."HistoricKnowledge": Learnan interesting factabout Brooksville’shistory from a localbusiness orplaque."Get Active":Participate ina fitnessclass or visita local gym."Collect aBusinessCard": Grab abusiness cardfrom a shopyou visit."Shop Local":Purchase ahandmade orlocallyproduced item."CommunityBoard": Find andtake a picture ofa communityevent board orflyer."Fresh Finds":Buy freshproduce orflowers from alocal market."Boutique Buy":Purchasesomething froma boutique."Book Lover":Visit abookstore orlibrary and finda new read."VintageFind": Browsethrough anantique orthrift shop."CommunityEvent": Find outabout specialevents or marketshosted byBrooksville MainStreet."Civic Pride":Visit CityHall oranother civicorganization."ArtAppreciation":Visit an artgallery or checkout a public artinstallation."DineDowntown":Have a meal ata localrestaurantdowtown today.(not allare onMainStreet)"SweetTreat": Buy adessert orpastry from alocal bakery."Family Fun":Participate ina family-friendlyactivity."HistoricKnowledge": Learnan interesting factabout Brooksville’shistory and shareit."Support LocalArtists":Purchase oradmire a pieceof local art."Meet theOwner": Chatwith a businessowner and learntheir story duringyour visit."LocalSouvenir":Purchase aBrooksville-themed item orsouvenir."CoffeeBreak": Graba coffee ortea from alocal café."Local Flavor":Try a dish ordrink unique to adowntownBrooksvillerestaurant today."Shop and Share":Share a photo ofyour purchase onsocial media andtag the businesstoday."Snap a ScenicSpot": Capturea photo at ascenic spot indowntownBrooksville."Snap a Sunset":Capture a sunsetphoto from ascenic spot onMain Street."Shop andShare": Share aphoto of yourpurchase onsocial media andtag the business."DineDowntown":Have a mealat a localrestaurant."Give Back":Donate to alocal charityor support acause."Try SomethingNew": Visit abusiness oneyou've neverbeen to before."Pet-FriendlyStop": Visit apet-friendlybusiness withyour furryfriend."Support LocalArtists":Purchase oradmire a pieceof local art."DiscoverHistory":Visit ahistoric site."Historic Selfie":Take a selfiewith a historiclandmark onMain Street."Boutique Buy":Purchasesomething froma localboutique."Find a LocalLandmark":Identify andphotograph a well-known landmark indowntownBrooksville."CommunityBoard": Findcommunityevent boardor flyer.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. (not all are on Main Street)
    "Book Lover": Visit a bookstore or library downtown and find a new read.
  2. "Weekend Brunch": Enjoy a special brunch menu at dowtown eatery.
  3. "Art Appreciation": Admire a public art piece.
  4. "Try Something New": Visit a business you’ve never been to before.
  5. "Meet the Owner": Chat with a business owner and learn about their story.
  6. "Live Music": Attend or find live music happening on Main Street.
  7. "Holiday Spirit": Find and photograph a holiday decoration in downtown Brooksville today.
  8. "Pamper Yourself": Book or experience a spa service, like a massage or manicure.
  9. "Photo with a Mural": Take a photo in front of a mural or public art piece in downtown Brooksville.
  10. "Coffee Break": Grab a coffee or tea from a local café.
  11. "Pamper Yourself": Book or experience a quick pampering service like a manicure or massage.
  12. "Give Back": Donate to a local charity or support a cause while visiting downtown Brooksville.
  13. "Pet-Friendly Stop": Visit a pet-friendly business.
  14. "Window Shopping": Take a picture of your favorite window display.
  15. "Vintage Find": Browse through a local antique or thrift shop.
  16. "Live Music": Find live music happening and enjoy a performance.
  17. "Sweet Treat": Buy a dessert or pastry from a local bakery.
  18. "Historic Selfie": Take a selfie with a historic landmark.
  19. "Shop Local": Purchase a handmade or locally produced item.
  20. "Fresh Finds": Buy fresh produce, flowers, or a unique item from a local vendor today.
  21. "Local Souvenir": Purchase a Brooksville-themed item or souvenir.
  22. "Eco-Friendly": Purchase an eco-friendly or sustainable product.
  23. "Window Shopping": Take a picture of your favorite window display.
  24. "Historic Knowledge": Learn an interesting fact about Brooksville’s history from a local business or plaque.
  25. "Get Active": Participate in a fitness class or visit a local gym.
  26. "Collect a Business Card": Grab a business card from a shop you visit.
  27. "Shop Local": Purchase a handmade or locally produced item.
  28. "Community Board": Find and take a picture of a community event board or flyer.
  29. "Fresh Finds": Buy fresh produce or flowers from a local market.
  30. "Boutique Buy": Purchase something from a boutique.
  31. "Book Lover": Visit a bookstore or library and find a new read.
  32. "Vintage Find": Browse through an antique or thrift shop.
  33. "Community Event": Find out about special events or markets hosted by Brooksville Main Street.
  34. "Civic Pride": Visit City Hall or another civic organization.
  35. "Art Appreciation": Visit an art gallery or check out a public art installation.
  36. (not all are on Main Street)
    "Dine Downtown": Have a meal at a local restaurant dowtown today.
  37. "Sweet Treat": Buy a dessert or pastry from a local bakery.
  38. "Family Fun": Participate in a family-friendly activity.
  39. "Historic Knowledge": Learn an interesting fact about Brooksville’s history and share it.
  40. "Support Local Artists": Purchase or admire a piece of local art.
  41. "Meet the Owner": Chat with a business owner and learn their story during your visit.
  42. "Local Souvenir": Purchase a Brooksville-themed item or souvenir.
  43. "Coffee Break": Grab a coffee or tea from a local café.
  44. "Local Flavor": Try a dish or drink unique to a downtown Brooksville restaurant today.
  45. "Shop and Share": Share a photo of your purchase on social media and tag the business today.
  46. "Snap a Scenic Spot": Capture a photo at a scenic spot in downtown Brooksville.
  47. "Snap a Sunset": Capture a sunset photo from a scenic spot on Main Street.
  48. "Shop and Share": Share a photo of your purchase on social media and tag the business.
  49. "Dine Downtown": Have a meal at a local restaurant.
  50. "Give Back": Donate to a local charity or support a cause.
  51. "Try Something New": Visit a business one you've never been to before.
  52. "Pet-Friendly Stop": Visit a pet-friendly business with your furry friend.
  53. "Support Local Artists": Purchase or admire a piece of local art.
  54. "Discover History": Visit a historic site.
  55. "Historic Selfie": Take a selfie with a historic landmark on Main Street.
  56. "Boutique Buy": Purchase something from a local boutique.
  57. "Find a Local Landmark": Identify and photograph a well-known landmark in downtown Brooksville.
  58. "Community Board": Find community event board or flyer.