Has attendeda midnightmoviepremiere. Has binge-watched amovieseries. Has a moviethey areembarrassed toadmit that theyenjoy. Has afavoritemovie snack. Has dressedup as a filmcharacter. Has aLetterboxd.Has pretendedto like a moviethat theyactually hated. Has watched amovie justbecause of anactor’sappearance. Has been in amovie or on setwhile filmingwas underway. Has judgedsomeone elsefor their moviepreferences. Has wishedthey could livein the world ofa film.Has been to anaudienceparticipation/shadowcast film screening. Has feltinspired by afilm to changesomething intheir life. Habituallysits throughthe credits ofmovies. Has beento a filmpremiere. Has seen asilent filmfrom before1931. Has been to afan conventionfor amovie/moviegenre. Has left a movietheater before thepost-credits scenebecause the filmwas that bad.  Has crushedon a moviecharacter. Has memorizeda significantamount of amovie script. Has criedover a moviecharacter’sdeath. Has watcheda movie morethan once inthe theater. Has writtenfanfictionabout amovie.  Has laughed at amovie scene thatwasn’t intendedto be comedic. Has watched amovie in alanguage theydon’tunderstand. Has missed amoviereference inconversation. Has enjoyed amovieadaptation morethan the bookit's based on. Has read thebook afterwatching themovie.  Has taken afilm classbefore. Has a moviethey hatewith apassion. Has arguedwith someoneover a movie’sending. Has pretendedto have seen amovie theyactually havenever seen. Enjoyswatchingblack andwhite films. Has been afraidto watch amovie becauseof itsreputation. Hasrooted forthe villain.  Has enjoyed amovie sequelmore than thefirst. Has been toa museumdedicated tofilmmaking. Has watcheda movie thatwas so bad,it was good. Has a moviethey "savefor a rainyday." Has snuck intoa second moviewithout payingat the theater. Has beento a filmfestival. Has bingeda director’sentirefilmography. Has criedduring ananimatedfilm. Hasintentionallyvisited a filminglocation.  Enjoyswatchingdocumentaryfilms. Has fallen inlove with amoviesoundtrack. Has attendeda midnightmoviepremiere. Has binge-watched amovieseries. Has a moviethey areembarrassed toadmit that theyenjoy. Has afavoritemovie snack. Has dressedup as a filmcharacter. Has aLetterboxd.Has pretendedto like a moviethat theyactually hated. Has watched amovie justbecause of anactor’sappearance. Has been in amovie or on setwhile filmingwas underway. Has judgedsomeone elsefor their moviepreferences. Has wishedthey could livein the world ofa film.Has been to anaudienceparticipation/shadowcast film screening. Has feltinspired by afilm to changesomething intheir life. Habituallysits throughthe credits ofmovies. Has beento a filmpremiere. Has seen asilent filmfrom before1931. Has been to afan conventionfor amovie/moviegenre. Has left a movietheater before thepost-credits scenebecause the filmwas that bad.  Has crushedon a moviecharacter. Has memorizeda significantamount of amovie script. Has criedover a moviecharacter’sdeath. Has watcheda movie morethan once inthe theater. Has writtenfanfictionabout amovie.  Has laughed at amovie scene thatwasn’t intendedto be comedic. Has watched amovie in alanguage theydon’tunderstand. Has missed amoviereference inconversation. Has enjoyed amovieadaptation morethan the bookit's based on. Has read thebook afterwatching themovie.  Has taken afilm classbefore. Has a moviethey hatewith apassion. Has arguedwith someoneover a movie’sending. Has pretendedto have seen amovie theyactually havenever seen. Enjoyswatchingblack andwhite films. Has been afraidto watch amovie becauseof itsreputation. Hasrooted forthe villain.  Has enjoyed amovie sequelmore than thefirst. Has been toa museumdedicated tofilmmaking. Has watcheda movie thatwas so bad,it was good. Has a moviethey "savefor a rainyday." Has snuck intoa second moviewithout payingat the theater. Has beento a filmfestival. Has bingeda director’sentirefilmography. Has criedduring ananimatedfilm. Hasintentionallyvisited a filminglocation.  Enjoyswatchingdocumentaryfilms. Has fallen inlove with amoviesoundtrack.

Have You Ever... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has attended a midnight movie premiere.
  2. Has binge-watched a movie series.
  3. Has a movie they are embarrassed to admit that they enjoy.
  4. Has a favorite movie snack.
  5. Has dressed up as a film character.
  6. Has a Letterboxd.
  7. Has pretended to like a movie that they actually hated.
  8. Has watched a movie just because of an actor’s appearance.
  9. Has been in a movie or on set while filming was underway.
  10. Has judged someone else for their movie preferences.
  11. Has wished they could live in the world of a film.
  12. Has been to an audience participation/shadow cast film screening.
  13. Has felt inspired by a film to change something in their life.
  14. Habitually sits through the credits of movies.
  15. Has been to a film premiere.
  16. Has seen a silent film from before 1931.
  17. Has been to a fan convention for a movie/movie genre.
  18. Has left a movie theater before the post-credits scene because the film was that bad.
  19. Has crushed on a movie character.
  20. Has memorized a significant amount of a movie script.
  21. Has cried over a movie character’s death.
  22. Has watched a movie more than once in the theater.
  23. Has written fanfiction about a movie.
  24. Has laughed at a movie scene that wasn’t intended to be comedic.
  25. Has watched a movie in a language they don’t understand.
  26. Has missed a movie reference in conversation.
  27. Has enjoyed a movie adaptation more than the book it's based on.
  28. Has read the book after watching the movie.
  29. Has taken a film class before.
  30. Has a movie they hate with a passion.
  31. Has argued with someone over a movie’s ending.
  32. Has pretended to have seen a movie they actually have never seen.
  33. Enjoys watching black and white films.
  34. Has been afraid to watch a movie because of its reputation.
  35. Has rooted for the villain.
  36. Has enjoyed a movie sequel more than the first.
  37. Has been to a museum dedicated to filmmaking.
  38. Has watched a movie that was so bad, it was good.
  39. Has a movie they "save for a rainy day."
  40. Has snuck into a second movie without paying at the theater.
  41. Has been to a film festival.
  42. Has binged a director’s entire filmography.
  43. Has cried during an animated film.
  44. Has intentionally visited a filming location.
  45. Enjoys watching documentary films.
  46. Has fallen in love with a movie soundtrack.