Men are oftenexpected tobe strong andlessemotional.Womenencounterchallenges inhandling socialexpectations.Theres a lotof pressureon women tobe polite andnice.Women mayface restrictionson political andphysicalfreedom.Womensometimeshave to fightfor equality.Women areoften expectedto look a certainway and careabout kids.Society oftenexpects mento lead orcontrol.Some societiestolerate ordownplayabuse onwomen.Womenhave togetpregnantWomen mightfacediscrimination:Men might facesocial pressureto have acareer andprovide for thefamily.Men areoften receivemore moneyand respect.Womenmight facecriticism fortheir looks.There is a lot ofpressure onhow womenshould behaveand getpregnant.The desicionswomen make,such as careerand kids oftenlead tocriticism.Culturally,women facepressure toconform totraditional roles.Society mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould behave.Men are oftenexpected tobe strong andlessemotional.Womenencounterchallenges inhandling socialexpectations.Theres a lotof pressureon women tobe polite andnice.Women mayface restrictionson political andphysicalfreedom.Womensometimeshave to fightfor equality.Women areoften expectedto look a certainway and careabout kids.Society oftenexpects mento lead orcontrol.Some societiestolerate ordownplayabuse onwomen.Womenhave togetpregnantWomen mightfacediscrimination:Men might facesocial pressureto have acareer andprovide for thefamily.Men areoften receivemore moneyand respect.Womenmight facecriticism fortheir looks.There is a lot ofpressure onhow womenshould behaveand getpregnant.The desicionswomen make,such as careerand kids oftenlead tocriticism.Culturally,women facepressure toconform totraditional roles.Society mighthave specificideas abouthow womenshould behave.

patriarchy Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Men are often expected to be strong and less emotional.
  2. Women encounter challenges in handling social expectations.
  3. Theres a lot of pressure on women to be polite and nice.
  4. Women may face restrictions on political and physical freedom.
  5. Women sometimes have to fight for equality.
  6. Women are often expected to look a certain way and care about kids.
  7. Society often expects men to lead or control.
  8. Some societies tolerate or downplay abuse on women.
  9. Women have to get pregnant
  10. Women might face discrimination:
  11. Men might face social pressure to have a career and provide for the family.
  12. Men are often receive more money and respect.
  13. Women might face criticism for their looks.
  14. There is a lot of pressure on how women should behave and get pregnant.
  15. The desicions women make, such as career and kids often lead to criticism.
  16. Culturally, women face pressure to conform to traditional roles.
  17. Society might have specific ideas about how women should behave.