Hasparticipatedin a culturalfestival oreventCelebratesmore thanone culturalor religiousholidayHas auniquecultural itemdisplayed intheir homeHas attendeda wedding orceremony ina differentcultureHas practicedor observed aculturaltradition withtheir familyHasvisitedanothercountryHas an itemof clothing oraccessoryfrom theircultureHas visited aplace ofworshipdifferent fromtheir ownreligionKnows aphrase in alanguage thatis not widelyspokenCan namea traditionaldance fromtheir cultureSpeaksmore thanonelanguageCan sing asong in alanguage otherthan theirprimarylanguageHas participatedin or knowsabout a culturalsport or gamethat is not widelyknownHas a familyrecipepasseddown forgenerationsHas sharedtheir culturewith othersthrough food,stories, ortraditionsHas livedin anothercountryHas workedwith orcollaboratedwith someonefrom a differentcultureHas a namewith culturalor historicalsignificanceHas read abook orwatched amovie inanotherlanguageCan cook adish fromtheir culturalheritageCandescribe aculturalsuperstitionCelebrates aholidayunique totheir heritageHas family orancestorsfrom adifferentcontinentCan sharea sayingfrom theircultureHasparticipatedin a culturalfestival oreventCelebratesmore thanone culturalor religiousholidayHas auniquecultural itemdisplayed intheir homeHas attendeda wedding orceremony ina differentcultureHas practicedor observed aculturaltradition withtheir familyHasvisitedanothercountryHas an itemof clothing oraccessoryfrom theircultureHas visited aplace ofworshipdifferent fromtheir ownreligionKnows aphrase in alanguage thatis not widelyspokenCan namea traditionaldance fromtheir cultureSpeaksmore thanonelanguageCan sing asong in alanguage otherthan theirprimarylanguageHas participatedin or knowsabout a culturalsport or gamethat is not widelyknownHas a familyrecipepasseddown forgenerationsHas sharedtheir culturewith othersthrough food,stories, ortraditionsHas livedin anothercountryHas workedwith orcollaboratedwith someonefrom a differentcultureHas a namewith culturalor historicalsignificanceHas read abook orwatched amovie inanotherlanguageCan cook adish fromtheir culturalheritageCandescribe aculturalsuperstitionCelebrates aholidayunique totheir heritageHas family orancestorsfrom adifferentcontinentCan sharea sayingfrom theirculture

Intercultural Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has participated in a cultural festival or event
  2. Celebrates more than one cultural or religious holiday
  3. Has a unique cultural item displayed in their home
  4. Has attended a wedding or ceremony in a different culture
  5. Has practiced or observed a cultural tradition with their family
  6. Has visited another country
  7. Has an item of clothing or accessory from their culture
  8. Has visited a place of worship different from their own religion
  9. Knows a phrase in a language that is not widely spoken
  10. Can name a traditional dance from their culture
  11. Speaks more than one language
  12. Can sing a song in a language other than their primary language
  13. Has participated in or knows about a cultural sport or game that is not widely known
  14. Has a family recipe passed down for generations
  15. Has shared their culture with others through food, stories, or traditions
  16. Has lived in another country
  17. Has worked with or collaborated with someone from a different culture
  18. Has a name with cultural or historical significance
  19. Has read a book or watched a movie in another language
  20. Can cook a dish from their cultural heritage
  21. Can describe a cultural superstition
  22. Celebrates a holiday unique to their heritage
  23. Has family or ancestors from a different continent
  24. Can share a saying from their culture