What kind ofcommitmenthave youmade to yourrecovery?What isyourgreatestfear?Howhappyare you?How wouldyour enemydescribeyou?Whatmotivatesyou?How doyouhandlecriticism?Whatmakesyouunique?Are there thingsthat you thinkyou will have avery hard timemakingrestitution for?T or FSurrenderingis thebeginning ofhumility.What animaldo yourelate mostto and why?Have youaccepted youhave asubstanceuse disorder?Are therecertain thingsthat you haveparticulartroubleaccepting?How is yourparanoiatodaycompared tothen?Who hadthe greatestimpact inyour life?Do youbelieveyou havean ego?Describehumility inyour wordsand why it isimportant.What progresshave youmade in lettinggo of youraddiction?Describeyourpersonality.Name 3values thatare mostimportant toyou.What is aproblem in theworld you hopeto see solvedwithin yourlifetime?T or FRecoveryfrom addictionis a processof letting go.Describe thedifference inyour personality,using substancethen and sobernow.Howwould youdescribefreedom?What makesit difficult tosurrendercontrol?What kind ofcommitmenthave youmade to yourrecovery?What isyourgreatestfear?Howhappyare you?How wouldyour enemydescribeyou?Whatmotivatesyou?How doyouhandlecriticism?Whatmakesyouunique?Are there thingsthat you thinkyou will have avery hard timemakingrestitution for?T or FSurrenderingis thebeginning ofhumility.What animaldo yourelate mostto and why?Have youaccepted youhave asubstanceuse disorder?Are therecertain thingsthat you haveparticulartroubleaccepting?How is yourparanoiatodaycompared tothen?Who hadthe greatestimpact inyour life?Do youbelieveyou havean ego?Describehumility inyour wordsand why it isimportant.What progresshave youmade in lettinggo of youraddiction?Describeyourpersonality.Name 3values thatare mostimportant toyou.What is aproblem in theworld you hopeto see solvedwithin yourlifetime?T or FRecoveryfrom addictionis a processof letting go.Describe thedifference inyour personality,using substancethen and sobernow.Howwould youdescribefreedom?What makesit difficult tosurrendercontrol?

Personality in Recovery Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What kind of commitment have you made to your recovery?
  2. What is your greatest fear?
  3. How happy are you?
  4. How would your enemy describe you?
  5. What motivates you?
  6. How do you handle criticism?
  7. What makes you unique?
  8. Are there things that you think you will have a very hard time making restitution for?
  9. T or F Surrendering is the beginning of humility.
  10. What animal do you relate most to and why?
  11. Have you accepted you have a substance use disorder?
  12. Are there certain things that you have particular trouble accepting?
  13. How is your paranoia today compared to then?
  14. Who had the greatest impact in your life?
  15. Do you believe you have an ego?
  16. Describe humility in your words and why it is important.
  17. What progress have you made in letting go of your addiction?
  18. Describe your personality.
  19. Name 3 values that are most important to you.
  20. What is a problem in the world you hope to see solved within your lifetime?
  21. T or F Recovery from addiction is a process of letting go.
  22. Describe the difference in your personality, using substance then and sober now.
  23. How would you describe freedom?
  24. What makes it difficult to surrender control?